Rosie's Games - Chapter 490

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:23:11 AM

Chapter 490: Exact Opposite

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490 Exact Opposite

"Your grace," Princess Isadora's eyes sparkled with joy upon spotting Duke Lucas. She offered a smile as she approached the couple. "It's a pleasure to see you once more."

To her surprise, however, the Duke acted as if he hadn't noticed her as he continued walking with Rosalind by his side. Isadora's smile faded, replaced by confusion. She wondered if the Duke had failed to hear her words. Could it be that the music had been too loud, drowning her greeting?


Turning her attention to the couple as they moved toward the Lord of the Etonde Family, Isadora's servant offered her support. "Would you like some fresh air, Your Royal Highness?" the servant suggested. "This servant believes that—"

"Keep your mouth closed," Isadora hissed, giving the servant a stern look. Why did this servant insist on being so talkative?

Meanwhile, Rosalind had noticed the Princess earlier. She anticipated that Lucas would extend some acknowledgment to the Princess, perhaps even engage in a brief exchange.

But to her astonishment, Lucas exhibited no interest in interacting with Isadora. He continued on without a second glance, heading toward the host of the banquet as though the Princess didn't exist.

A smirk formed within Rosalind. She hadn't expected Lucas to be so straightforward in his approach. Then again, this was not Rakha. This was Wugari, and the Royal Family of Rakha held no sway over Wugari's affairs.

"Your Grace, it seems that you've become even more beautiful since our last meeting," Patriarch Etonde complimented Rosalind.

"Sir Etonde jests," Rosalind responded, her smile warm. Her interactions with the members of the Four Great Pillars had increased recently due to their ongoing projects. Their support during her healing of the soldiers fostered a strong connection. Her rapport with the northern families had significantly improved.

"Patriarch Etonde speaks the truth, Your Grace. You have grown even more beautiful since our previous encounter," another member of the Four Great Pillars chimed in—Madame Arriane Madilu. With a smile, she introduced Rosalind to other notable northern noble families.

Wugari, in fact, was not an expansive kingdom. It boasted only one Duke, two Marquises, two Barons, and one Earl. The remainder were knights. Notably, the Patriarchs of the Great Pillars had declined the King's titles, viewing themselves as aligned with the Duke's estate.

What she hadn't expected was this.

After what felt like an eternity, Rosalind decided to excuse herself for some fresh air. In the past, she had always maintained vigilance while conversing with other women—whether servants or relatives. After all, women could be as dangerous as men. However, she hadn't anticipated the directness and enthusiasm displayed by the women of the north.

They didn't communicate through flowery words. In fact, they were quite the opposite—straightforward and blunt. And undeniably passionate.

Ultimately, Rosalind found herself seeking an excuse to withdraw. This level of enthusiasm was entirely new to her, and she wasn't quite sure how to navigate it.

"You seem somewhat unsettled."

Rosalind turned toward the voice and saw that it belonged to Dame Fraunces.

"Not at all," Rosalind responded, her gaze fixed on the garden just a few steps away from the patio where she and Magda were seated. She just realized that the women in Wugari were much like Fraunces—blunt and, at times, excessively zealous.

"I presume this isn't typical in the South?" Fraunces ventured. "After all, this is your first Wugarian banquet."

"It was a surprise," Rosalind smiled. "A pleasant one,"

Fraunces stood beside her, both of them gazing at the garden. "Women in the north are distinct from those in the south," Fraunces remarked. "Here, it's common practice to express your thoughts directly. Life in this place is fleeting, and no one can predict when their time will come. Why squander energy on sweet words when one's true feelings are the exact opposite? Isn't that a waste of time?"


A/N: Apologies for the delay. I have been trying to recuperate lately. I am doing a lot of blood test and hospital visits and I believe we finally found something. Anyways, I hope all is well. Happy reading everyone. I will strive to write more in the next few days. No promises though. Thank you for your understanding.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!