Rosie's Games - Chapter 504

Published at 15th of April 2024 05:08:34 AM

Chapter 504: Assault

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504 Assault

Elias and Valentin had been trapped in a snowy wilderness for weeks, battling monsters tirelessly.

"Do you see anything?" Elias asked from a dead tree branch. He looked around the area and sighed inwardly. He could not see any of those devious monsters.

Valentin who was standing below the tree scowled. "How could I see anything from down here?" he countered. "What do you see?"

Elias scanned the surroundings and sighed, "It is just snow." Nothing but snow.

Valentin rolled his eyes, growing frustrated. It had been weeks, and they had not uncovered the source of these elusive monsters. They not only had no leads but had also been busy rescuing people while fighting almost every day. He sighed in exasperation.

Closing his eyes, Valentin extended his senses again. Despite his efforts, he could still not feel a thing.

Elias broke the silence, "No progress?"

"None," Valentin sighed. As he was about to join Elias on the branch, an unexpected icy breeze brushed against his skin. He shivered, feeling like someone was watching him.

"What happened?" Elias frowned.

"Did not you feel that?" Valentin joined Elias on the branch. "Someone is watching us." Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Elias, seemingly unaware, surveyed their surroundings. "I do not feel a thing. Do not tell me..." he frowned, suspecting another monster.

Valentin could only frown. Relying on his instincts, he declared, "We should leave."

Reacting swiftly, Elias and Valentin sprang into action. Elias conjured a blazing inferno to intercept the incoming orbs, attempting to incinerate them before they could reach their intended targets. At the same time, Valentin encased himself and Elias in a protective shield of ice, creating a barrier against the dark projectiles.

The orbs collided with Elias' flames, creating a violent clash of fire and shadow. Some were obliterated, but others managed to slip through, threatening to breach their icy defense.

Valentin gritted his teeth, pouring more energy into reinforcing their shield. "We cannot let these things touch us," he warned Elias. While they did not know the exact consequences of contact with the orbs, Valentin had a gut feeling that something ominous was contained within them.

"What the heck is that thing?" Elias exclaimed, his disbelief evident. Until now, he had been reluctant to accept that these monsters could actually speak.

Valentin shook his head, equally perplexed. With grim resolve, the two of them redirected their focus toward the hooded man, ready to confront this enigmatic adversary head-on.

Their combined powers, honed through weeks of fighting together, surged forth as they engaged in a fierce battle against the hooded figure. Elias unleashed torrents of fire, his flames dancing with unrestrained fury, while Valentin unleashed icy projectiles, each one carrying the chill of anger.

The hooded man, not bothered by their attacks, persisted in launching his dark orbs and utilizing perplexing abilities. He displayed an eerie knack for disappearing and reappearing around them, as though he were playing with them, challenging their every move.

This realization sent a shiver down Valentin's back. It felt like this guy was having fun with the whole situation, enjoying how they were struggling. Things had gotten even scarier, and Elias and Valentin needed to stay on their toes, facing an opponent who seemed to take pleasure in their fight.

"He is messing with us!" Valentin exclaimed. "This is not like those monsters! How can a creature be so crafty?" In Valentin's mind, it seemed this adversary was aiming to undermine their powers or, perhaps, was curious about their capabilities.

Elias's face darkened. They could not allow this hooded adversary to continue toying with them. They needed to take control of the situation and turn the tide in their favor.

Elias met Valentin's eyes before he nodded.

Valentin nodded back, his expression solemn. With a shared understanding, they synchronized their abilities, fire and ice intertwining like never before.

Their combined assault intensified, creating a whirlwind of scorching heat and icy blasts that engulfed their hooded foe.

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