Rosie's Games - Chapter 59

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:10:58 AM

Chapter 59: [Bonus Chapter]The Primal Fangs 1

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Chapter 59: [Bonus Chapter]The Primal Fangs 1

"Take care of her? Young Miss, I don't "

"I know you like my sister," Rosalind gave a gentle smile.

"Did she"

Rosalind shook her head, the same smile plastered on her face. "She has not mentioned anything but I can see it in her eyes, Sir Jeames. I know my sister likes you too."


"So, please take care of her," Rosalind said. "And I really would appreciate it if you did not tell anyone about this conversation. I do not want to explain how you got inside my house," Rosalind added.

"I I apologize for what happened. I just"

"It's alright, Sir Jeames. I understand your worries."

With that, Jeames left her house. While Rosalind could not read minds, she knew that the man had become more optimistic. She had already given him the knife, was it going to be her fault if he used the blade to stab someone? Clearly, not.

Some might argue that it was Rosalind who pushed Jeames to pursue her sister but she did not influence her sister to accept Jeames.

Even if the latter pursued Dorothy, he could not do anything about it if she did not accept his emotions.

She smiled as she stared at the untouched tea cup that she had given to Jeames. As much as she wanted to see what is going to happen after Dorothy married another man, it seemed that time would not allow her so.

"She has been sleeping really well. She feels better too! Miss Lin, this is the first time in years that the merchant building has this kind of atmosphere," Pratt said. "For that, I want to thank you."

"Mr. Pratt" she wanted to remind him that this is a transactional deal. She was getting something out of it, they didn't need to treat her like this. However, her words were interrupted when Pratt shook his head.

"Please, Miss Lin, we know that this might sound exaggerated but we have tried our very best to find someone that could at least cure the pain. We know that the curse was not going to leave her body. What we wanted was for her to not to feel the pain anymore. How could a parent watch his or her child suffer such pain?" Lucilla said, tears pooling in her eyes as she held both of Rosalind's hands.

"For years, my family had been trying to send people to the other continent to try and find something that would cure her. Seeing Alma like this is just"


Lucilla chuckled at her husband's remark. She immediately used her hands to wipe the tears away. Then she laughed. "I apologize Miss Lin. My emotions have been different to say the least. I promised not to cry when I see you, but I guess"

Rosalind speechlessly stared at the couple. She She did not know how to react!

In her past life, she stood behind Dorothy as she pretended to heal people, but none of them reacted like this. Perhaps it was because Dorothy was the Queen and there were knights and guards all around them as they saved people, or maybe it was because she was already exhausted from all the healing that she did not feel anything like this from the people that wanted to thank her for her life-saving grace.

Nonetheless, Rosalind did not know how to react or what words to say. Should she say they were welcome when they were paying her to do so?

The two dragged her to the upper floors of the building where a feast had been prepared. Alma was also there waiting for her. The feast was not that elaborate as there were only a few people who joined them, most of them held an important position in the Merchant company. After the feast, Lucilla brought her to Alma's room so she could start the third round of treatment.

This time, Rosalind immediately noticed that the darkness inside Alma wasn't as dense as it was the previous two sessions. The child was getting better!

"Miss Lucilla, the next treatment will be in a month," Rosalind said, "However"

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