Rosie's Games - Chapter 62

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:10:53 AM

Chapter 62: The Primal Fangs 4

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Chapter 62: The Primal Fangs 4

"Yes!" Mathies said. "I am certain of it. I have studied dark curses in the past and this is one of the reasons why Sire Joren brought me here. I lost my sister to the same curse and I have been looking for ways to relieve others' pain." He got up and bowed at Joren Montgomery.

"When I was in the south, I thought about the possibility that we could suck the curse out of the body by switching the blood. You see the curse runs in the blood. If we changed the blood inside a person's body, there might be a possibility that the curse would vanish." Mathies gave a wry smile.

"However, I cannot perform any experiments and I was not even sure if it would be effective. I cannot risk the lives of young children. So, I tried to read more books and conduct more research. Until now, I could not find a way to suck out the curse, but this" Mathies suddenly said excitedly. "I would love to meet the one who made a such miracle happen."


"Me too! Me would like to meet this person!" Joren exclaimed. "Me would like to personally thank this person!"

"Father I"

"What? Did that person leave?"

"No, Sir, I am still here" Rosalind removed the robe that covered her face and took a step toward Joren and Mathies. Rosalind realized that she looked too short next to the giant! Her head just reached his stomach! She looked like a little child!

"You Why does your face look strange?" Joren frowned as he lowered his gaze. "Eh"


"My apologies. Ehem" Joren awkwardly laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "I I just expected someone older." Joren suddenly got down on his knee. "Everyone calls me Joren of the Primal Fangs. May me know this Lady's name?"

"Please call me Lin," Rosalind couldn't help but smile at the way the man spoke. Some people living in the southern islands spoke like this. When she heard it, she thought it was endearing.

"Ah Miss Lin, I would like to personally thank you for making my granddaughter feel better. Tell me, Young Miss Lin, what do you want as compensation for what you did for my granddaughter?"

"Compensation?" she frowned and looked at both Lucilla and Mr. Pratt. The two nodded at her.

"Ye, nothing in this world comes for free. My granddaughter's life is something that I value the most. I understand that my daughter already supports you, but I cannot leave this place without knowing that I have given you your due. Tell me what you want and I I will give you everything that I can."

Rosalind couldn't help but turn serious. First, the daughter and now the leader of the Primal Fangs wanted to give a reward.

"I understand," Mr. Pratt said and just as he finished speaking, Joren Montgomery started laughing.

"Ah the thoughts of the younger folks," Joren chuckled. He found a large chair and made himself comfortable. "Me understand your words, Miss Lin, but me is confused. You are given a chance to have authority over a mercenary guild and a merchant guild, and yet, you still demanded money. May me know why?"

For a moment Rosalind stared at him.

"Because money is the only thing that will not betray me, Mr. Montgomery."

The man gave another loud laughter that echoed inside the room.

"Ah me understand, me understand. Me have not met someone like you before. Would you like to work with me? Me could give you money."

"Thank you, Mr. Montgomery. I am taking the money but I do not have the intention to work for you. I have some personal matters to attend to."

"Oh, that is unfortunate, but knowing you itself is a good thing. A good thing! Pratt, aren't you going to prepare a feast to celebrate this?"

"Father, we already"

"A feast for me then! Me do not visit a lot because of some business and you did not even offer wine! How shameless, ah!"

"Father" Pratt looked helpless as he soon left the room to prepare a feast for his father-in-law. Seeing the man flustered, Rosalind couldn't hide the smile on her face.

The giant, or Mr. Montgomery, soon ushered her to sit next to him and even offered her a drink, something that she had to refuse.

"So Miss Lin I still have three younger sons around the age of twenty. If you are interested"


The door of the hall was burst open and a man wearing black clothes walked in. The noticeable glint of mischief in his eyes immediately attracted Rosalind's attention.


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