Rosie's Games - Chapter 67

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:10:49 AM

Chapter 67: Formal Proposal 1

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Chapter 67: Formal Proposal 1

A formal proposal.

A formal proposal is something very common in most noble families. It was a festive event where the groom would take his parents to the house of the potential bride to formally propose marriage in front of their peers. Before this, the groom would send a bride price to the bride's family.

The bride's family could accept the gift but still refuse the proposal. If this happened, the groom would have no choice but to go home with his family.

To avoid this, it was advised that the groom and potential bride should spend time together and establish a relationship before they decide to have a formal proposal. However, since the nobles like to follow rules and enjoyed shaming someone for being promiscuous if they somehow break these rules, the couple can only see each other in front of many people.

They can still do many things together, but they were not allowed to be left alone with each other in a remote place. Once this rule was broken, the female was already considered married to the male, with no need for a formal proposal or marriage ceremony. The two were asked to sign the marriage documents and were given a house. Then society would mock them for their embarrassingactions.

Dorothy's circumstances were somewhat different and this was because Dorothy was considered a higher noble. She was the daughter of the Blessed One and the Blessed ones and their families were always the exception to the rules that society had set.

While Dorothy would not have a formal proposal, she was still going to have a small marriage ceremony in front of Martin and Federico. After that, she would be spending a month living in the groom's household before moving to their new house together.

There were other, more complicated, norms that the nobles followed but Rosalind was not aware of most of them simply because, in her past life, she did not have a wedding. To make Jeames marry her, she intentionally asked him to be with her alone.

They were caught holding each other's hands and the rest was history.

She did not have any formal proposals and was just thrust into marriage within a few days.

Of course, the circumstances were much better now.


"My mother specially prepared this dress because she was very familiar with the customs of the North. She let herself get immersed in the books about the local customs when she heard the Emperor's order. She did it just for me," Rosalind gushed, still smiling at Victoria.

"Wife?" Martin Lux immediately asked.

"Yes, she is right," Victoria said after her initial surprise. "I specifically pick the dress because of the customs of the North."

"Please, mother there is no need to be shy. I know that you have been preparing gifts for my marriage," Rosalind said as she continued smiling. It was entertaining how Victoria was so sure that she could get away with what she did.

It seemed that she needed to teach the woman a lesson.

"Mother, what is she saying?"

"It is right," Victoria said as she forced a smile out of her face. "The lady is right. Indeed, I prepared gifts for the Duke and Rosalind."

Rosalind gave Victoria a tightlipped smile. Perhaps her changes had been very noticeable as her father was just staring at her saying nothing, but Rosalind did not care. After what Dorothy did, she knew that she could no longer hide in this place full of people that would devour her at any given time.

She could not just sit still while they planned to harm her.

She was going to do as much damage as possible before leaving this place! And she was going to walk out of here with a huge smile on her face.

"Very well shall we start the banquet?" Federico Lux asked, his voice stern as his eyes met Rosalind's.

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