Rosie's Games - Chapter 70

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:10:42 AM

Chapter 70: Start of a Tragedy 2

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Chapter 70: Start of a Tragedy 2

Federico Lux always cared about his reputation.

He would rather kill someone to hide a terrible secret than let people think badly about the Lux Family. Once he discovers that his light wouldn't be able to heal the curse, he would do his best to hide it from the eyes of the public. Once the public was aware, it would already be too late.

This would change the history of the empire.

Rosalind looked at the people who were inside the prison cells.

"I suggest that you start wearing a mask from now on Mr. Pratt," she said calmly. "It will be chaotic from now on."

Mr. Pratt did not waste any time and took her back to his office.

"What are you saying?" Mr. Pratt said once everyone else already left his office.

"That curse I recognize it."


"It was from the ancient texts that my Master used to keep," she lied without batting an eyelid. "The book states that even the Blessing of the light would not be able to heal it."

"Are you saying that it will soon spread to everyone?" nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Oh everyone who went into that room already has it, Mr. Pratt. It's just a matter of time before it will start wrecking your body from the inside as well."


Rosalind then waved her hand and a black mist suddenly came out of Mr. Pratt's chest. It floated towards Rosalind.


"This curse is something that even the light cannot heal," Rosalind stated. "As you know, my methods are a bit different because I absorb the curses. It has some effect on my body, but it will not kill me. The curse will not affect me as much as an average person because my body has become immune from the years of handling curses."

"But I must warn you. It is not someone that other people might know."

"So it is an important person?" A noble? Was it the future crown prince? Or Princess Isabel?

Should she double the rate? A million gold did not really sound too extravagant, right? Surely, it is worth their lives!

"Mr. Pratt, I swore on my Master's name that I was not going to do anything that was going to damage our partnership. I am a professional healer who just wants to save people and earn gold. I would never compromise this just for mere gossip."

Silence took over the room.

Did Did she just utter those words out loud? It seems that the thought of getting all those gold from the Princess and future crown prince made her heart skip a beat!

"Ehem" The thought of extorting gold made her lose her composure. Why did it seem like she was looking forward to doing something against the law?

'How silly,' she thought inwardly as she forced herself to stop the smile from forming on her face.

"Forgive me," she uttered. "This was the first time that I"

"Oh. It's not a problem Miss Lin, but if you really want money then you could have just told us. We will pay you a hefty"

"No, Sir. Please. There is no need to talk about gold between us," Rosalind reassured him. "I would never ruin our harmonious relationship just for a few thousand gold coins."

"No. I mean that if you need help, we will give you the money that you want. I understand that not many people are as fortunate as us and I"

Rosalind held her hand towards him. The man must be thinking that she was desperate for money. "This is a misunderstanding." She was not that desperate for money.

Not really.


Wow it's already the 31st! How fast! It's already 2023! What are your new years resolution?

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