Published at 20th of January 2022 10:14:25 AM

Chapter 34.1

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34.1. Centinels

The Centinels came at me fast.

I immediately spun around and used [Double Step] to put as much distance between myself and the high leveled monsters as possible. Perhaps if it were only a single one, I would have tried to fight him. However, there were too many for me to handle.

Over a dozen Level 50 to 60 monsters pursued me down the stone hallway. These creatures moved at incredibly fast speeds, nearly catching up to me more than once. Some of them had some kind of speed Skill— their mandibles nicking the back of my cloak as it lit up in flames.

I turned a corner and saw the opening up ahead. Daniel, Edithe, Mistshard, and Druma were lying in wait there, but even with their help it wouldn’t have been enough to win. I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted as loud as I could.

“Run! Get out of the Dungeon! There’s too many of them!”

A head peeked around the corner; Daniel blinked as he took in the elongated monsters with dozens of dark segmented parts of their body, and a hundred horn-like crimson legs. These Centinels almost reminded me of the horned Demon— only they had a far longer and larger body, with terrifying mandibles the size of my forearm that threatened to shear me in two with each snap.

The Human man paled. He whirled around and yelled at the rest of our party to flee.

“Centinels! [Junior Centinels]— we can’t take them! Shit—”

He made a break for the rope still dangling down the crevice from above. But it was a long way up. And these monsters could climb up walls.

I burst into the room just in time to see Mistshard grabbing Edithe and flying up and away, while Druma waited for me by the rope. My mind raced with my body as I formed the only plan I could at the moment.

“Druma, carry me and climb as fast as you can!”

The [Yaksha] paused, looking at me for a moment. He might have been conflicted, because he wasn’t ordered to listen to me by his master. And yet, his life probably took precedence over all else.

So the tree-like creature grabbed hold of the rope and stayed just a moment longer as Daniel climbed further up, casting a quick, hesitant glance at the two of us. But he continued the moment he saw the Centinels come scuttling out of the tunnel.

I leapt onto Druma’s back and he immediately began climbing as fast as he could. The first of the Centinels reached us a moment later, jumping up after us as we ascended. My [Fire Blast] knocked them back onto the ground.

The others skittered out of the way as they landed, wriggling on their backs for a moment before righting themselves. The monsters glanced up at us, seeing our party make our escape. Then they charged up the walls.

I looked around me; Daniel was pulling himself up the ropes as fast as he could. He could not help— he had no ranged attacks. Mistshard on the other hand, had magic. But she was distracted.

“Just fly! I’ll keep them off you!”

Edithe yelled as the [Elemental] carried her by her shoulders, slowly flying upwards. Mistshard was capable of flight, but it was more of a hover— she could not speed up and out of the Dungeon.

The Human woman aimed her staff at the closest Centinel scurrying up the rock wall and unleashed a streak of electricity. The monster stopped, falling down as his entire body writhed and wriggled, the discharge running through his body. Then he picked himself up and continued his pursuit.

It was up to Edithe and I to hold these Centinels off. No one else could do anything.

I clung onto Druma’s back, blasting flames at the closest ones leaping off the walls for us. The [Fire Blast] barely singed the shell of the Centinels, but it was enough to keep them back.

I watched as a cluster of them gathered together and ran up the wall parallel to us. They were trying to attack us as a group, so my magic wouldn’t be able to knock them all back. I created a ball of fire and flung it at the Centinels before they had the chance to even jump in our direction.

The Centinels fell. Some of them broke their shells. Blood leaked out and oozed onto the floor below. But they picked themselves up and ran back up after us.

“They won’t stop coming! What do we do?!”

Daniel shouted down at us right as we saw light leaking down from above. We were close to the top of the pit. The Dungeon was behind us entirely.


Now Leaving [Dungeon: Silkfall’s Crevice].


Yet, the Centinels came; they charged mindlessly at us, never giving up no matter what we did.

“If these monsters attack a nearby town— hundreds of people are going to be killed!”

Edithe launched a volley of ice arrows at a weakened Centinel. I saw his shell crack— I watched him bleed as he ran through the hail without a care in the world but to kill us. He threw himself at the Human woman—

And my fire arrow struck him middair. The bolt was weak, but it hit the exposed part of his body. Then the Centinel fell.


Defeated [Junior Centinel – Lvl. 56]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!


He splattered onto the ground, no shell left to protect him from the fall. I grinned, looking around at skittering Centinels.

“We don’t have to run. We can fight!”

Daniel pulled himself up to the top of the crevice. He looked down at me dubiously for a moment, then his eyes widened as he realized my plan. Edithe saw it too. She had Mistshard set her down across the hole in the ground from Daniel. The [Elemental] simply hovered above.

“Knock them down! Every time they reach the surface, send them tumbling back down to their Dungeon! They will fall and die, or they will give up! Either way, we will win!”

The Humans nodded as I hopped off Druma, landing on solid ground with a momentary stumble. I righted myself and glanced down the crevice— into the Dungeon— as the monsters came skittering up the walls after us.

I grinned and sent a [Fire Blast] down at the closest one. He fell, but no notification came. The next came quickly after, and again I did the same thing.

More Centinels came— too much for me to handle— but Daniel stepped up next to me, carrying a large rock on his hands. He hurled it at a Centinels face, knocking it loose off the walls and down back into the Dungeon.


Defeated [Junior Centinel – Lvl. 54]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!


I exchanged a glance with Daniel. He gave me a reassuring smile and ran for more rocks to throw. I sent blasts of flame down the hole— occasional fireballs needed to knock down a group of them— while Daniel supported me with his rocks. Edithe, Mistshard, and Druma stood on their edge of the crevice doing the same thing. Although it seemed like the two Spirits were doing most of the work. Edithe seemed exhausted, having to boost her two summons as well as directly participating in the combat.

A few times, a Centinel would scurry past the [Fire Blasts] and the rocks we threw on them, blurring at high speeds upwards. They would breach out of the Dungeon, pulling themselves up onto the surface. But we were prepared for that. A [Fire Strike] kick or a [Quick Strike] from Daniel would knock them off balance enough for us to throw them back into the crevice.

The Centinels continued their mindless endeavour as time passed, before eventually, they stopped. Whether they all perished or they gave up didn’t matter. We won.


Defeated [Junior Centinel – Lvl. 61]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!



Defeated [Junior Centinel – Lvl. 55]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 20 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!


Subspecies [Zelus Imp] Level Up!

[Zelus Imp – Lvl. 34] -> [Zelus Imp – Lvl. 35]

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!



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