Savage Divinity - Chapter 158

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:07:41 AM

Chapter 158

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Chapter 158

No, no, no. Open your eyes Qing-Qing, please...

Carefully clasping her hand, Baledagh tried to deny the truth as tears streamed down his cheeks. The colour drained from the world as she closed her eyes for the last time, the air rushing from her lungs and never to return, his chest collapsing in on itself and leaving him hollow but for heartache and nausea, both threatening to overcome him. A soft keening cry escaped his lips as he laid listlessly beside her, stroking her face and hoping against all hope for her to open her eyes once more.

Knowing she was gone and nothing could bring her back.

She looked so peaceful lying next to him, smiling softly as if dreaming of better things. She wasn't supposed to die like this, they were supposed to fall in love and be together forever, but he'd scared her away somehow, something he said or did. He should have saved her, should have kept her close, he shouldn't have delayed their journey, shouldn't have been so weak.

'It's all your fault.'

'You didn't keep her safe.'

'You're a failure, a disgrace.'

'You let the woman you love die.'The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))


A flood of accusations echoed in his mind, his rage surging to bury his regrets. A wordless scream ripped from his throat as he gave in to his anger, pushing himself up to face the Demon. Its lithe, feminine form was a mockery of beauty, filling him with disgust, enraged that it still lived while Qing-Qing had died. With a derisive smile pasted on its horrific face, it gazed upon him through empty sockets, hungering to feed on Qing-Qing's remains. Its oppressive aura was nothing compared to the pain in his heart, and though he wished to tear it limb from limb, he knew it was too formidable for him to defeat.

Too weak, he was far too weak.

'Do you desire strength, Warrior? Surrender yourself to me and I shall grant it.'

His bleak surroundings dimmed as the spectres floated into sight, swirling around him and the Demon in a greyish mist, their wizened, inhuman visages twisted in agony and anticipation. Ignoring the voices, his arm lanced out to pierce the closest spectre, consuming it without thought as the warm energy rushed into his body and his stomach wound knit itself shut.

There would be no miracles bestowed by the Mother, no power granted by the ancestors. If he wanted strength, then he had to seize it for himself. Those spectres were power, so he would take them. Acting on rage and instinct, he drew in the surrounding spectres, ripping away the ones in orbit around the Demon. Funnelling into his body, they filled him with energy as he roared in challenge.

This bitch killed Qing-Qing, and either it dies or I die.

Launching himself forwards, he swung Tranquility in a wide arc, the blade rebounding off the resilient flesh of the Demon. Bestial fury overwhelmed his mind as he struck again and again at the Demon, its head tilted in question as it studied him without resistance. Allowing his futile efforts to continue unchecked, it had the interest of a house cat watching a fly buzz about, but with less than a dozen strikes, Baledagh panted with exertion, his energy spent. Its curiosity sated, the Demon backhanded him across the face, sending him across the clearing to crash into a tree, ears ringing from the impact.

This isn't enough, I need more power, more strength.

I need more spectres.

Brother has spectres trapped with him.

'Take them from him, devour them and make them yours.'

In his mind's eye, he saw the elegant courtyard manor, modelled after their home in the village, peaceful and untouched. It seemed so small from where he stood, too massive to fit inside, unable to see the amenities and comforts provided by brother, a safe place for Baledagh where he would want for nothing, spending his waking moments in relaxed luxury.

'It is a prison, built to make you soft and weak.'

So much time spent lounging about, playing stupid children's games and petting imagined animals. Relying on brother's ingenuity and hard work, Baledagh frittered away his days when he could have instead been training himself, becoming strong enough to protect Qing-Qing. While his corporeal body laid helpless before the Demon, his astral body destroyed his home, tearing through the walls and uprooting trees with nothing more than a thought, leaving nothing but the void in his wake as the manor crumbled to nothingness around him. Soon, all that was left was the bedroom, the walls protected from his destruction by brother's presence, hiding a raging horde of spectres within.

'See how he takes your power, leaving you with nothing but scraps?'

Unlike before, Baledagh felt the gentle unseen power circling within, surrounding brother inside the void, trapping the spectres in constant motion. Baledagh needed them, craved them, for with their power, he would lay waste to all who stood before him.

'He holds you back, takes what is rightfully yours.'

Backing away, Gen's nerve broke and he fled into the forest. An arm encircled his waist to lift him up, carried away in Bei's arms and watching as Baledagh faded into the distance. Turning to his wife, he held back his rebuke after seeing her fractured and shattered skin, flawless beauty marred by injury. That damned grandfather, how dare he break your skin? Not to worry my love, you did well. A temporary retreat while we acclimate to our powers. Shifting in her arms, Gen rested in her bosom, tired from the days events. The people around here are too weak to join us, we'll go north to find others who know the truth, join with our comrades from beyond the wall. It'll be fine Bei, we'll balance the scales upon our return.

Drifting off to sleep, Gen smiled as he dreamt of a world consumed by blood and fire.



Everything hurts.


Between the recent battles against Defiled and Demons, and the still unhealed injuries from my time in the water, my body is a mass of bruises and breaks, not to mention the gaping hole in my stomach. With every movement, I discover a new pain, those fucking spectres not bothering to heal my body, not entirely. They fixed it just enough so Baledagh could move, masking the pain so he didn't notice, hoping to force him into dire straits and take over.

I'll fix the injuries later and figure out what to do with Baledagh. There's only so much I can handle after spending weeks caught in a torrent of screaming spirits without a moment's rest, each one ready to devour me whole and take my place.

Not exactly what I'd call a fun vacation.

Ye injured? Cautiously approaching with weapon lowered, the old beggar pats his charred, smoking clothes, his wild hair smouldering. This old warrior's name is Lei Gong.

... Azure Ascendant, Lord of Thunder Lei Gong? Well fuck.

That'd be me. Swelling with pride, he runs his fingers through his scraggly beard, sending a cloud of ashes into the air. A young man with amber eyes and a bladed shield, seems I found the missing Warrant Officer eh? For once, the rumours weren't overstated. Impressive.

... Yea, nice to meet you. Please don't be hostile, I'm too tired for this shit.

Care to explain why yer out here fighting Defiled and Demons alone?

Wish I could, you wouldn't believe me. Not really. I don't mean to be rude but I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna go lie down. I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill me in my sleep. Oh, if you find a horse with two bears in the saddlebags, they're mine, so... yea. Ignoring his incredulous stare, I stumble away, prop myself against a tree, and close my eyes to rest for the first time in weeks. If the old bandit kills me, well then at least I won't be tired anymore.

It was one hell of an experience and I hope to never go through anything like it again.

Time passes and I find myself in the void, standing at Baledagh's side as I study my alter-ego. No, that's not exactly true anymore, is it? I'd always thought he was my split personality, my darker side, the 'warrior' persona within me. It made sense in a weird way, my mind adapting to this crazy, chaotic world by birthing a persona better suited for it. Happens all the time in stories, and he even chose the name 'Warrior'.

Listening to him talk while I was trapped and hearing how he sees the world, I realized how wrong I really was. He doesn't have my experience or fragmented memories, and he's so naive and impulsive, acting without even considering the consequences, it's maddening. He's like a child seeing the world through new eyes, thinking everything will work out as he expects. We're so different, I don't know why I never saw it before. We're not brothers, or split personalities. We're different people, brought together by a bizarre twist of fate.

He's Baledagh, the original owner of this body, and I'm Rayne, a parasite taking over his life.

My hand twitches as the thought of killing him flashes through my mind. Why not? It'd be easy, and I deserve a life of my own. I worked hard for it, suffered for it, so why should I lie down and give everything up? Shaking my head, I let go of the thought, kneeling to stare at Baledagh's sleeping face and contemplate my future.

I can't kill him, this is his life. I'm in the wrong here. I don't want to die or give up everything I worked for, nor do I want to be a spectator in his life, but there are other questions to consider. Most prominent among them being: If he's the original soul, then what am I?

Well the simple answer is: a spiritual entity who entered his mind and took over his body.

So how am I any different from a Demon?


Fuck my life.

Chapter Meme

- End of Volume 8 -

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