Savage Divinity - Chapter 177

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:07:03 AM

Chapter 177

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Chapter 177


Throwing aside her spear and pack, Alsantset dropped to her knees and smothered her babies with kisses. Hello my precious babies, oh how I missed you. Picking them up, she carried them into Charoks open arms, the four of sharing a loving family embrace. I missed you as well, beloved Husband of mine. Papa wont be back until late, he's dealing with work and then taking Mama out for a lover's stroll.

Its good to have you back. Reluctantly letting go, Charok covertly motioned at Tanaraq standing nearby, still uncomfortable with displays of affection in front of others. It was all Gerels fault, the aftermath of his conniption over ten years past still weighing heavily on her husbands mind. Hmph, that puffed-up, arrogant swine left a blemish on the memories of her wedding day, an insult she would never forgive. Mama may have taught him a lesson but Alsantset was training hard so she might teach the bastard one herself.

Rolling her eyes, she put her babies down to hug her friend. Thank you so much for helping here while I was on patrol Tanna. I cant stand the thought of strangers looking after my babies.

Anything for you Set, or should I call you Tigress Alsantset, Flower of the North? Tanaraq teased while waving goodbye. Im off now, this is time meant for family.

Grabbing her arm, Alsantset tugged to keep her from leaving. And you think family doesnt include you? Weve been friends since childhood yet we havent had a good chat in months.

Well, youve been so busy with your heroics. The daughter of the Bloody Fang, a newly minted Major making a name for herself with her daring deeds and valiant efforts, a family of heroes. An epic for the operas, I say.

Rolling her eyes, Alsantset retorted, Your deeds would shine as bright if you fought alongside. Please, stay for dinner at least, its been so long.

Thank you for the offer, but perhaps another time.

Then let me see you out. Linking arms, she brought her friend away, out of earshot of her family. So how have things been, she asked, feigning innocence. Anything interesting happen while I was gone?

Mother above, even Rain is more subtle when he gawks in the baths. Tanaraq chortled as they stopped between the concealing partition and the front doors. Set, I love you like a sister and I love the twins, but Ill not marry your husband, not now, not ever.

Pouting like a child, Alsantset asked, Why not Tanna? Youd be hard pressed to find a more caring husband or devoted father.

True enough, but your eyes are clouded in this. Charok is a fine man who loves you dearly, with no room in his heart for another. Smiling sadly as she teared up, Tanaraq shrugged. Nayantai was the same.

Unable to retort, Alsantset opened her arms and embraced her friend. Though only a year had passed, Tanaraq always seemed so cheerful and at peace, the only reason Alsantset had tried this so soon. Im sorry Tanna, I moved too quickly.

Its fine Set. Tanaraqs voice cracked. You have a beautiful family and I love being a part of it. I know youre looking out for me, but Ill not settle for anything less than a husband who loves me.

Guilt welling up, Alsantsets face turning red with shame. Truth be told, it wasnt only for Tanaraqs happiness but Charoks as well. Over the years, shed seen the lengths Mama went through to hide her wrinkles and grey hairs, and the strain it put on her parent's relationship. Alsantset wanted to spare Charok the anguish and find someone for him to share those moments with, to love and grow old with. Consumed by her own agenda, shed failed to notice Tanaraqs grief, a terrible friend.

Breaking their hug, Tanaraq wiped her eyes and smiled as Alsantset hung her head. Relax Set, I told you its fine, all is forgiven. You mean well but youre whimsical as always, latching on to the oddest notions which float through your otherwise empty mind. Im used to it.

Sheepishly smiling, Alsantset asked, So what will you do now? Will you return to the Sentinels? The world will instantly forget about this tigress once the peerless beauty Tanaraq takes the stage.

Pinching her on the cheek, Tanaraq grimaced. What peerless beauty? The title suits you better, fool. Enough, how goes the war effort?

It goes well. The Enemy are holding their positions for now, though theres plenty scurrying about in the mountains. We received word the Chief Provosts position came under attack this morning, but she weathered the storm well. She sent a scathing missive condemning Jia Yang, and when it was read aloud at the meeting, his face turned purple with rage. Hesitating, Alsantsant pursed her lips before asking again. Will you rejoin the Sentinels? Colonel General Nian Zu wants to have a relief force readied, just in case. I intend to join it and could use your expertise.

A pause lingered between them before Tanaraq shook her head. I wont be returning to the Sentinels. Ever. Im not suited to battle, not like you.

Now whos being foolish? You win half the time we spar.

Oh Mother in Heaven...


His blood singing in his veins, Chu Tongzu smashed Stoneshaper into the heavy steel door for the fifth time. Finally the last barrier gave way with a dull thump, tipping backwards before crashing to the ground in an unimpressive display, unlike the first two doors. It couldnt be helped, his thirty years of indolence taking its toll, his chest burning and shirt soaked in sweat as his head spun.

How unseemly, exhausted to the point of nausea after a mere kilometre of jogging.

Swearing to return to training once this was over, he strode through the open doorway as his soldiers streamed passed him, taking down the traitors with little resistance. Using the lull to catch his breath, he planted Stoneshaper in the dirt and plucked the arrows from his flesh, studying the next obstruction. One gatehouse was all he needed, allowing him to lower the innermost gate and give his people peace of mind. Then, and only then, could he afford to step back and take his time conquering the others, lowering ropes and ladders into the plaza to bring reinforcements in safely.

No sense counting the chickens before theyd hatched, the inner gatehouse still stood before them, this interlude costing him dearly. The arrows and stones flew uninterrupted towards them, so many shields broken and bodies battered, not a single warrior unmarked by their efforts. Exhaustion and desperation in their eyes, he could feel his soldier's spirits flagging from the efforts itd taken to reach here, along with the pressure which came with knowing there was no retreat. It was either victory or death in the strictest sense, suicide to run the gauntlet again or leap off the precipice and fall almost thirty meters into the plaza. Comrades, it has cost us much to come this far, a debt I intend to settle with the traitor Mao Jianghong. Weak cheers followed his declaration, too few for his liking but better than none. Follow me once more and let us show these cowards how true heroes fight.

Gathering what little reserves he had left, he lifted Stoneshaper with a grimace, his arm sore and aching from overuse. Leading the charge, he took three more arrows before reaching the enemy, lined up neatly with their spears and shields, and then he was among them. Killing two or three with every swing, he cleared the outer area of enemies with ease, crashing into the door with all his might. It shuddered and creaked, but held firm, his soldiers blocking the arrow slits with their bodies to give him time to work.

Again and again he struck, the door caving in slowly as a mass of bodies held it in place, one Magistrate straining against a dozen traitors, his arm screaming in pain as he gave it his all. The door still standing, his arm dropped to his side as he gathered his breath and focused. Lifting Stoneshaper onto his shoulder, he stepped back and lowered his stance, leaning back for a full swing containing everything he had.

The door gave way before him with a tumultuous crash, crushing the bodies caught beneath it. A cheer went up among his men as they swarmed in, exultant in his accomplishment, chanting his name as they fought. Unstoppable Vanguard Chu Tongzu, the golden part of his moniker left out. This would not do, hed have to shed all this excess weight and display his brilliance for all to see. Shouldnt take long, a year, maybe two.

A baleful aura pressed against his own and the fervour cooled inside the gatehouse, a distinct hush enveloping the battlefield. His soldiers spread out along the first floor as the traitors lined up along the second, their bows and crossbows pointed down. Holding his massive great-sword, Jianghongs laughter boomed from above. It seems I underestimated the fat slob of a magistrate. I wasnt sure youd be able to make it up all those stairs.

Tongzu ignored the traitorous wretch, focusing on the familiar scarred face beside him. Yo Ling, he spat. So youre why the spineless dog surnamed Mao turned traitor.

With a stately bow, Yo Ling chuckled. Its true, mine is the hand responsible for all your recent woes.

Trying to buy time, Tongzu narrowed his eyes, remaining silent as long as possible. So, he drawled, elongating the simple syllable, A traitorous dog meets with a cowardly deserter, working together to take my gatehouses. What purpose could this possibly serve?

Id love to wax poetic and tell you all my plans, but even a child can see youre stalling. Yo Lings one eye seemed to glow in the shadows. The city will learn soon enough, though sadly you must die in ignorance. Count it a favour, for all our years as neighbours. Kill them.

The counter attack was fierce and unstoppable, hidden warriors bursting from the walls and taking his soldiers by surprise. Jianghong dropped to the first floor and charged at Tongzu. The traitors sword cleaved through his shield and carved through flesh and bone, his left hand attached by a flap of skin as he shouted in shock. Clutching the wounded limb to his chest, Tongzu furiously defended and retreated, barely keeping hold of Stoneshaper.

Too strong, too fast, Jianghong had been skilled but never to this extent. Helpless before the traitors aggression, Tongzu blocked and parried, giving way and stumbling back, taking a thrust to the shoulder, a slice to the chest, a gash across his thigh, wound after wound without answer. Retreat, he bellowed, knowing it was futile. Retreat and regroup, live to defend Sanshu another day!

Jianghongs sword feinted a thrust and sliced low, the strength quickly fading from Tongzus body. Glancing down, he watched his guts spill out like rope uncoiling. A disembowelling cut, neat and tidy, Tongzu was done for. Lifting his sword for the killing blow, the traitor sneered and said, A dog am I? Well I always hated working for a fat toad-

A massive boulder struck him square on, lifting him off his feet before Tongzus eyes. Turning towards the source, he saw the wall catapults reloading for another shot, their deadly load killing ally and enemy alike. Guard Captain Sovannas Sending sounded in his ears. Sorry Magistrate, seen ye in a spot of trouble and couldnt stand by. Like I said, wouldnt know what to do without ye. Make yer way back to the plaza, a short drop, no need to fear, were ready for ye.

Tossing Stoneshaper off the edge, he gathered his innards in his arms to keep from tripping and staggered to the precipice. Without stopping to look, he tumbled over the side and counted the seconds. He didnt even get to three before someone caught him, a massive feat of strength and coordination. Could Sovanna be another hidden expert just like Jianghong?

Blinking owlishly at his saviour, he stared at an unfamiliar bald warrior with eyes of amber.

Ah good, a stranger. For a moment, Tongzu worried his judgment had been sorely compromised.

Chapter Meme

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