Savage Divinity - Chapter 431

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:58:02 AM

Chapter 431

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Chapter 431

Amidst the pandemonium of battle, Zian stood a man alone, his curved sabres flashing in a ring of rotating death beneath the starry night sky. His soldiers fought around him, but they knew enough to keep back and give him ample space, for fighting shoulder to shoulder was not his way. His whirling blades guarded him better than two allies ever could, and he showed his soldiers what a true warrior could accomplish, offering a goal to be matched and an example to be followed. Parry and riposte with the right, Deflect and thrust with the left, these were his primary killing tools as he strode through the horde of featureless Defiled, their howls of fury and screams of challenge cut short by his arrival. The exhilarating rush of triumph threatened to overcome his cool composure, but he swallowed the urge to give in to celebration and clung to calm tranquility instead, a task growing more difficult with each passing day.

Poise and self-control were his guideposts to the State of Enlightenment, but with having experienced so much bloodshed and mayhem in the past three months, Zian found his Path grown twisted and treacherous. Other warriors such as Rain or Fung could let their emotions rule whilst retaining Balance, but Zian found it would slip away if he gave in to wrath or jubilation, an irrefutable death sentence should it happen to a man in his current predicament. Though he yearned to give in to outrage or submit to euphoria and slaughter the Defiled to his hearts content, to do so would mean to go against his Dao and seek a new Path to the peak of strength. No, better to stay the course, for his Martial Path lay in detached serenity, a tranquil mind and impassive heart in the heat of battle, his passions and emotions fed to the void within. Mentor Jukai had guided him well in this endeavour, teaching him that anger and happiness were not the Enemy nor a human failing, but merely a distraction of the mind. Zian learned not to suppress or eliminate his emotions, but to instead remain unaffected by them, a willow-tree swaying in the wind or a lotus blossom skimming over water.

At least until battle was won. Then he could celebrate his victory or criticize his errors all he wanted, for such was life. Love and hate, joy and anger, experiencing these emotions were all a part of the human condition, and repressing them wholly would unbalance him as surely as overindulging. Balance in all things, not only when required, such was his Dao of not just Martial might, but of life itself. A hard learned lesson, and one he had Rain to thank for, because if not for his defeat at the runts hands, Zian would never have fallen from grace and Mother would have never have allowed Jukai to meet him.

Mother in Heaven, it still soured his appetite to admit as much...

Sidestepping a clumsy attack, Zian dispatched the offending Defiled without breaking the rhythm of his whirling blades. The constant motion of his twin sabres provided both defensive and offensive options, but the key to utilizing them properly was economy of motion. Another lesson learned from his Mentor, for while Zian studied the reports of his fathers fighting style, Jukai had helped Lu An Jing perfect his skills through countless hours of sparring and deliberation. Two stalwart friends of humble origins, working together to puzzle out the Martial Path, and without Zians father to guide him, Jukai had stepped in to take his Martial Brothers place.

Sometimes, Zian wished he too had a close Martial Brother to rely on. The closest he had were Fung, BoShui, and... Rain.


A jarring impact shook Zian from his thoughts as a Defiled Weapon broke his momentum, the triple-bladed bone katar catching his right sabre and holding it fast. A second, similar katar lanced towards his throat and Zian loosened his grip and Lightened his body, cartwheeling through the air to avoid the killing blow and free his sabre. Back on his feet and no longer caught, Zian slowed his tempo to avoid getting caught by his opponent again. Though his face was wrapped much like any other Defiled, his piercings denoted him as a higher ranking member of his feral tribe, though the two Defiled Weapons already said as much. Finally, a challenge worthy of Lu Jia Zian, though still not notable enough to warrant casting aside his current name, Clan, and Society to stand on his own.

Then again, considering the celebrated accomplishments of his peers, Zian would have to slaughter a thousand Defiled or kill a Demon unaided before the world at large would take note...

One step at a time. Giving his foe the respect he deserved, Zian fired off a barrage of rapid, twisting thrusts, daring his opponent to catch them so he could Deflect the attempt and leave the Champion open and vulnerable to a killing strike. Not rising to the bait, the Defiled Champion writhed and contorted to avoid the blows, his head bobbing wildly as his feet moved in a series of meandering and illogical steps which left Zian flustered and bewildered. When his opponent shouldve stepped right, the Defiled Champion leaped back, when he shouldve held ground, he instead gave way, his movements never ascribing to common sense or rational theory. Rather than a battle, it seemed almost as if the Defiled Champion were dancing instead, moving to an unheard rhythm which had Zian tripping over his own feet.

Unable to adjust to the cadenced movements, Zian opted for the next best thing: breaking it apart. Rather than aiming for chest, neck, or head, he set his sights on his opponents limbs. His blades flashed and simultaneously scored a gash on one arm and a gouge on opposite thigh, never slowing as he brought them around for a final, double thrust. Stumbling back beneath the onslaught, the Defiled Champion gazed upon Zians form and saw death approach, his eyes wild with madness and disbelief. Howling in wordless rejection, he charged forward and impaled himself upon Zians sabres, avoiding instant death and trapping them fast with flesh and katars. Legs kicking and teeth snapping, the Champion raised his head to the Heavens and...


There was no other way to describe it. As if a thousand bugs crawled beneath his skin, the Champions muscles quivered and pulsated while suspended on Zians sabres, and try as he might, he could not free them. Comprehension gave way to abject horror as he realized what was happening, his efforts redoubling beneath the assailing Aura before it was too late. A Demon birth, taking place in front of his very eyes, with both his weapons entombed within the emerging disaster. Tugging, kicking, Honing, and Deflecting, nothing he tried would free his sabres and Zian panicked at the thought of losing them both. Few things could destroy a Spiritual Weapon, but getting caught in the transforming flesh of an unborn Demon was one. The Living Legend Broken Blade Pichai lost his scimitar in this manner, and though he survived the ordeal to eventually reach the pinnacle of Martial Strength, he took the better part of three decades to accomplish such a feat, lauded as an exception to the rule, rather than the norm.

Was this the end of Lu Jia Zians rise to fame and glory, ruined before he could even announced his new name?

Release your weapons and step away, Young Master. Jukais voice jolted Zian from his panic and he did as his Mentor instructed. Continue Honing your weapons and Mentor will handle the rest.

Taking action for the first time, Jukai stalked into battle with the grace and poise of a tiger on the prowl, his sabres flashing in the moonlight faster than Zians eyes could follow. One pass severed the developing Demons hands from its body and a second ripped Zians Honed sabres from its flesh, their hilts hooked on the curved tips of Jukais matching blades. A flick of his wrists sent the recovered weapons hurtling back through the air, arcing high before plummeting down to drive deep into the dirt on either side of Zian, a display of control, precision, and skill which few could ever hope to match.

And all done in less than the time it took to blink.

Pulling his sabres out of the dirt, Zian scraped the Ichor off on a nearby corpse, flooded with relief to find his weapons were unharmed. Fully formed, a Demons yellow-white bodily fluids would not damage a Spiritual Weapon, but if caught in the transformation process, the transforming Ichor would render the nigh-indestructible material brittle and weak. No one knew exactly why, but most theorized it was the Fathers malicious purposes at work, a protection offered to His children as they took physical form.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Mouth dry and heart pounding, Zian stood back and watched the Demon emerge from Defiled flesh, a humanoid nightmare given form. Grey flesh gave way to ebony carapace and the human-leather headwrap fell off to reveal features just human enough to unsettle and unnerve all who gazed upon its grotesque face. Blood-red furrows encircled its glowing green eyes and its flat, powder-white face almost seemed in mockery of the makeup so favoured by Centrals elites. Another bloody furrow divided its face lengthwise, running through the gaping wound which sat in place of its nose and its bloodless, black lips, pressed so thin they seemed stretched in a taunting grin. Shorn off by Jukais lightning quick actions, the triple-bladed Defiled katars rose from the ground and merged with the stumps of the Demons wrists, the blades elongating into sinuous fingers as its back erupted into a cape of billowing, dagger-like appendages. Each seemed capable of independent movement as they wriggled and writhed about, rearing up like dagger-headed snakes to snap at the patiently waiting Jukai.

Grotesque and disconcerting to the extreme, the Demons birth had put an end to the chaos on the fields of Sinuji as Imperial and Defiled alike stepped back to watch a duel for the ages, and neither man nor Demon intended to disappoint. One moment, both stood across from one another, and the next they were locked in bloody combat, though still several meters apart. In utter defiance of logic and reasoning, Jukais two sabres fended off dozens of the dagger-like appendages in a cacophony of ringing steel, his feet rooted in place and body untouched beneath the Demons onslaught. Some of the attacks were seen off by the sabres themselves, while others were drawn aside by an invisible force, the pinnacle of Deflection on full display as one man and two sabres stood unscathed beneath a flurry of attacks. So flawless a defence, a full arms-length of impenetrable air sat between Jukai and the Demon, a demonstration which made Zians attempts seem slow and unpractised in comparison.

Then perhaps dear husband would like to go bat his eyes and rescue her from Gulongs insidious clutches.

Though teasing, there was a hidden edge to Jing Feis tone, one which aroused Zian so much he almost missed the implication. Shes still alive?

Indeed. Rescued by Falling Rain, no less. At this point, her massage turned into plain abuse as her powerful grip threatened to tear flesh from bone. Luck or design, its difficult to say. The little runt is the most perplexing foe I have ever faced.

Tapping her hand gently to beg for mercy, Zian Sent, Luck, without a doubt. Hes not one to scheme or plot, following whatever fool notion slips into his head. Did you hear about his cattle-mounted cavalry? Ridiculous.

Loosening her grip, Jing Fei switched to massaging his scalp instead, as she still needed physical contact to Send. You underestimate your friend too much if you believe his facade. On the surface, he appears to be a foolish oaf who cares nothing for politics, yet he has repeatedly outmanoeuvred all his opponents. He was sixteen years old when I watched him goad a forty-year-old veteran warrior into losing Balance, and only a year older when he humiliated Gulong and defeated you in single combat. Lets not forget how he noticed my nails and identified the likely poison, or his book and the wonders contained within. Falling Rain is nothing short of brilliant, and to believe otherwise is folly.

Resisting the urge to scoff, Zian Sent, Youre reading too much into his actions. So Rain stumbled upon Ji Yeons forces and rescued them. Hers is not the first force hes rescued nor will it be the last. His Bekhai scouts range farther than any others, which is how he finds so many Defiled to kill. Its sheer coincidence he foiled Gulong and Ji Jings plot.

Is it also sheer coincidence the escorts Rain provided to see Ji Yeon back safely carried a report of the battle, a report which contradicted the one given by Ji Jing? Zian could imagine her smirk as he shifted in the water, no longer as certain as he was before. I believe Rain knew of Ji Yeons troubles and understood she could not afford to contend with her brother and betrothed, not while here in Sinuji. If she did anything besides nod her head and follow whatever story they presented, she wouldve tripped and fallen on her sword in the dark of night, but now, thanks to Rains report, she can seek refuge with Colonel Hongji and theres nothing anyone can do to stop her. Im told the Colonel even let Ji Jing dig his own grave and lie about the Enemy numbers before reading Rains report aloud, which I doubt he would have done unless Rain requested it. The Colonel has no reason to antagonize the Society, nor does he have the backing to do so, which means your friend is pulling strings and means to make you Situ Clan Patriarch.

Ha. As if. Rains never written a report in his life, he leaves that to his Second. There is no conspiracy and he is not pushing me to become Patriarch. Enough, we will not speak of this again. This was the one point of contention between them, for she refused to let things lie. I want nothing to do with Clan or Society. I intend to renounce my place as young patriarch and take up my fathers name, and nothing you say can convince me otherwise.

Oh idiot husband of mine. Her condemnation almost sounded fond until she drove her knuckles into his temples. Youre like a child who refuses to play the game because he doesnt understand the rules. No matter, for your darling Fei-Fei is here to explain things in simple terms so youll know what to do.

I said enough! I will not be manipulated into doing your bidding. The pressure on his temples had yet to abate, but Lu Jia Zian was not a bull to be led around by the nose.

What you call manipulation, I say is merely speaking sense. Changing her tack, Jing Fei eased up on his temples and pulled his head back into her bosom. Fine. You want to become an independent Martial Warrior. How will you manage? Your uncle has recused himself from command and now serves under Nian Zu. Will his support be enough to keep you safe from the Society? Hardly, even if you add in your Mothers influence as Magistrate. So who will you rely on? Falling Rain? Will you go crawling to your friend and ask him to shelter you? Will you also ask him to pay your soldiers and purchase your weapons? Is that the sort of man Lu Jia Zian is?

Of course not, but

Yes, yes, she Sent, speaking right over him. You will accomplish a great feat and make a name for yourself. Lu Jia Zian, not Situ Jia Zian, and people all across the Empire will be dazzled and flock to your side. Is that what you think will happen?

Well... yes, but it sounds ridiculous when you

Your name will be on everyones lips, but not in the way you think. Worse than unknown, Lu Jia Zian will be infamous, known solely as the fool who threw away riches to become a short-lived pauper. You want vengeance and recognition for your father? Then become Patriarch and take it! One word from you and Gulong dies tonight, with nothing to connect his passing to either of us. So long as he lives, your position as young patriarch is tenuous at best, so act now and seize victory!

I will not have Gulong poisoned. Dismissing the serving girls with a wave of his hand, he waited for them to leave before opening eyes and turning his glare to Jing Fei. Rival or not, he is still my cousin. If he is to die, then it will be by my hand, not yours. Understood?

As you command, husband mine. Smirking as if shed won a great victory, she slapped him across the face hard enough to darken his vision and Sent, Now, rough me up in case someone is still Scrying so we can go about our marital duties. Mother-in-law is understandably upset I am still without child, so I will work you hard for the next few days.

Heavens above, Zian loved this woman more than words could ever describe.

Chapter Meme

Chapter Meme 2

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