Savage Divinity - Chapter 475

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:56:36 AM

Chapter 475

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Chapter 475

Happy new year!

Wishing you good health and good fortune.

May you be blessed with happiness and prosperity.

While Lord Husband shouted couplets and handed out red envelopes from the back of a wagon, Luo-Luos smile grew strained and her heart heavy as she tallied the total costs in the secluded safety of her rickshaw. For months, she toiled from dawn till dusk keeping his business ventures solvent and profitable, but it was like he felt compelled to spend faster than she earned, handing out red envelopes with ten coppers a piece instead of the customary five. The envelopes themselves also cost a small fortune to manufacture thanks to the scarcity of red dye, and Lord Husband had several wagons of these red pockets to hand out. He also had a stash of similar red envelopes in his jacket pockets containing one silver each, which he handed out far too liberally to anyone he thought might need more. They mostly went to undernourished children or the frail elderly, but as word of his generosity spread, the crowd only grew larger and larger.

While Luo-Luo didnt understand why he insisted on red envelopes when red string was cheap, traditional and in abundance, at least hed taken her advice to do this away from the packed citadel streets. Here on the open fields by the pond and cattle ranch, even his Death Corps Honour Guard were having issues keeping the agitated crowd in line, but there was plenty of room so people wouldnt trample over one another. Clever of him to stamp every recipients hands with indelible ink (yet another added expense to this costly charity), but even then, there were far more people in the citadel then Lord Husband had red pockets to give, and she worried things would turn violent once he ran out. Not that she thought the commoners had a chance of injuring him, for even as frail as he was, the Death Corps were more than capable of keeping him safe, but it would be a poor start to the new year if they were forced to slaughter their way out of an unruly mob. Thus, while Lord Husband played the part of generous philanthropist and exchanged hard earned coin for fleeting goodwill, Luo-Luo made her own arrangements in case things took a turn for the worse.

How could she allow Imperial soldiers and Death Corps to spill blood on this most auspicious of days?

The first day of the new year was supposed to be a day of goodwill and renewal, but Lord Husband and his people had strange ideas regarding how to celebrate. Instead of hanging paper lanterns and playing upbeat music, yesterday, everyone returned home to clean and prepare for the coming new year, after which each household held their own personal family banquet. It was Luo-Luos first time dining with Lord Husband and his parents alone, and to call it stifling would be a grand understatement. Oh how she yearned to have sweet Lin-Lin, Tali, or Tate to keep her company, but they were all off having meals with their own parents, though where Sister Alsantset and Brother Charok brought the twins, Luo-Luo couldnt say. She only learned this after the fact, but technically, Lord Husband should have also hosted his own meal since he was already married and had his own household by Bekhai standards, but as much as she would have loved to share a private meal with just the two of them, his parents were not quite ready to let go of their talented but crippled son.

After four hours of blunt remarks and cutting questions, Luo-Luo was determined to help Lord Husband recover and gain his independence if only so she would never have to sit through such a shameful ordeal ever again.

Putting the tense and stressful meal out of memory, she stroked Jimjams cheeks and calmed the jittery wildcat while watching Lord Husband give away a veritable fortune with a smile. Though still gaunt and frail, hed improved over this last month since he started exercising again, taking short strolls around the park each and every day. Rosy red cheeks and bright eyes made a world of difference, as did the tailored jacket she had specially made for his new year gift, a red and gold silken affair embroidered with all his animals and stuffed with soft yak wool to ward off the cold. Though not as thick as his old jacket, his new one was just as warm and didnt make him look like a child wearing clothes he was meant to grow into, so he struck a striking figure atop his wagon with Lin-Lin to support him. Li-Li and Mila were also there handing out red pockets with considerably less enthusiasm, though the latter had beamed prettily enough earlier this morning when handing out those same red pockets to her Bekhai tribesmen.

Thankfully, Father-in-Law had his own soldiers and gifts to hand out, and Mother-in-law was there with him, but Sister Alsantset sat next to Luo-Luo and much like her mother, the fierce tigress was none too fond of her. While the warrior woman had no qualms about bringing the twins to sit in the rickshaw with her little brothers consort, she sent her husband away to stand with Lord Husband as if worried Luo-Luo would seduce the man in broad daylight. While shed been prepared for jealousy and resentment from Lord Husbands other wives, she never expected to have to contend with his older sister as well, a fearsome woman who even Lord Husband tiptoed carefully around. It was amazing how quickly Sister Alsantset could go from smiling beautifully whilst in the arms of her husband or holding her children to scowling darkly whenever Luo-Luo came into view. Worst of all, the tigresss apparent disdain didnt keep her from sticking close to Lord Husband as often as possible, as if shed appointed herself as his guardian, caretaker, and overseer while leaving little work for anyone else.

Luo-Luo found herself neglected in these last few days, ever since Lord Husband missed their last business appointment. Seeing how it was the same day his retinue returned from the front lines with Mila, Luo-Luo attributed his absence to their joyous reunion, but the next day, he missed their rescheduled meeting as well for reasons unknown. He claimed hed been busy speaking with his Grand-Mentor Akanai, yet another fearsome woman who disapproved of Luo-Luo. The gorgeous blonde had a frigid intensity about her, and her blue, wintry eyes struck fear into Luo-Luos heart, for she had no idea what to call this woman who was Lord Husbands Grand-Mentor, Grandmother, and future Mother-in-law. Regardless, she assumed Lord Husband had snuck off with Mila to get his hand broken, whatever that meant, and that was that.

It was tiresome dealing with all the ever-present, disapproving stares, but Luo-Luo did her best to power through. Even though Sister Alsantset hadnt spoken a single unkind word, her disapproving stares were judging Luo-Luo for not standing at Lord Husbands side while he squandered his wealth, but she didnt approve of his wasteful spending and used her absence to convey disapproval without outright entering into conflict. Besides, if she stood beside him, she worried their staggering height difference would lessen him in the eyes of these strangers, so she took it upon herself to step away from the public eye. If it was about having a beauty at his side, Lin-Lin fit the bill nicely, a petite enchantress who charmed everyone with her winning smile, and the daughter of the beloved Medical Saint Taduk to boot. Mila and Li-Li were also stunning women in their own right, each one a unique and exotic city destroying beauty and utterly devoted to their charming and lovable Lord Husband.

Yan too, but the horned hussy was spending the new year with her adoptive Grandfather Du Min Gyu in the Central Citadel, almost two-hundred and fifty kilometres away and still too close for Luo-Luos liking.

Time dragged on and eventually Lord Husbands supply of red pockets dwindled to almost nothing, so Luo-Luo prepared to act. Stepping down from the rickshaw, she strode over to a nearby stone bench where Lord Husband often sat, equidistant from both pond and cattle ranch. There, Mafu and the other quins laid stretched out to bask in the sun, and she laughed as the wildcats and bears bounded over to be received with warm hugs and welcoming squeaks. All of Lord Husbands darling animals were so sweet and obedient, following along at her heels simply because he commanded them to stay close, and she wondered how she could have ever been afraid of the gentle fur-babies. Even as fragile as he was, Lord Husband had nothing to fear from them even if he were to lay in the grass while they romped around, for they always tread carefully around him and never laid tooth or claw upon him or anyone else.

Well, not after a few minor accidents in those first weeks...

Taking a seat on the bench, Luo-Luo shooed Sarankho aside before setting up her zither upon its stand, and she finished just as the crowd realized Lord Husband had handed out his last red pocket and was stepping down from his wagon. Disappointment and displeasure soon gave way to angry grumbles and entitled demands, a turn of events which caught Lord Husband off-guard, but one Luo-Luo had long since expected, so she eschewed warming up and set to strumming the strings on her zither. Slowly and quietly at first, but with each pass of her hands, she went faster and louder until the discordant scales matched the intensity of the rowdy mob of citizens raging around Lord Husband. Foolish and naive, he stayed put and tried to reason with them instead of retreating to safety, but this too was a part of his charm, the willingness to believe in the best of people, rather than seeing the worst for what it was.New novel chapters are published on

Putting errant thoughts out of mind, she focused on her playing and increased the tempo of her dissonant tune. Losing themselves over to the jarring melody, the mob followed her lead and worked themselves into a near frenzy as her hands blurred over the strings at ever increasing speeds. Even the animals joined their voices to her symphony, groaning, mewling, grunting and chittering in protest of the unsettling sounds of her zithers resonating tones, but she continued without slowing. Once the crowd was wholly connected to her music and at the height of emotion, she slammed both hands down onto the zither and stilled the strings as her thunderous strike echoed into the abrupt silence while citizen, guard, and animal alike froze in place. The strings quivered beneath her palms as the crowd turned to see why she had stopped playing, and she greeted everyone with her most fetching smile. This one is Imperial Servant Zheng Luo, Consort to Honoured Husband Falling Rain, she said, her soft voice carrying far over the hushed crowd. Although there are no more red pockets to hand out, this one offers her meagre musical skills as recompense. Please, gather round and listen to this ones original arrangement titled Rise to Glory.

Without any further ado, she plucked out the opening notes to her composition and submersed herself wholly in the music and the bittersweet memories which came with it. Twelve years shed given over to this piece, but after performing it during her graduation competition, she never played it again. How could she? Though she received a standing ovation from the Emperor Himself, her Rise to Glory was also the source of all her subsequent misery, for by shining too brightly, she had attracted the attentions of two powerful men she could not afford to offend, the Grand Marshal and the Prime Minister, respectively. Because of this, she languished in the dormitories for six long years, the forgotten servant too talented to serve, before Shen ZhenWu brought her out of the Academy and the Eastern province to betroth her to a foreign savage. Though it took time to get used to her new circumstances and there was still a long way to go, she had long since accepted her new lot in life and would wholeheartedly stand by her Lord Husband and support him until he saw fit to truly accept her.

Which would hopefully be soon; so long as Lord Husband approved, then it didnt matter how Akanai, Sarnai, Alsantset, or any other woman in his life felt about Luo-Luo...

Seething with rage, the Imperial Scions hand strayed to his sword, but Lord Husband merely smirked in response. His cavalier attitude gave their host pause, as did the Guardian Turtle looming overhead, so with a well-practised sneer, the young Imperial placed his hands behind his back and said, Your ignorance is expected, savage. Clean your ears and listen properly. This Noble is Yiii?

Retreating several steps as Lord Husband picked his ears and flicked his finger clean, the Imperial Scion looked positively horrified. Sorry, Lord Husband said, wiping his hands on his jacket. Ears cleaned. You were saying?

...This Noble, the Scion said, his face twisted in fury, Is Yang Jixing.

Uh huh, and the purpose of this meeting? Though Lord Husband was unimpressed, Luo-Luo inwardly gasped at the youths name. The surname Yang meant this young noble was related to the Prime Minister, perhaps even directly related considering he had the gall to offend the favoured Heir to the throne like so.

Annoyed by Lord Husbands lack of reaction and dismissive tone, Yang Jixings neck pulsed as he visibly swallowed his indignation. Speaking through clenched teeth, he uttered each word with great effort and lacking restraint. Your Imperial Servant, Zheng Luo. This Noble wishes to purchase her. Her talents are wasted on a savage like you. I will gift you with another Imperial Servant who will also bestow the title of Imperial Consort upon you, so you need not worry about the loss of your title.

Not for sale. Lord Husbands refusal was direct and without hesitation, a response which warmed Luo-Luos heart. If thats all...? Though his words implied asking for leave, Lord Husband was already turning for the door.

You... Do you know who I am? Who my father is?

Barely containing a snort of laughter, Lord Husband coughed and said, No, but I suppose youll tell me.

My father is the Prime Minister of the Empire. Pausing as if he expected Lord Husband to recoil in fear or grovel for mercy, Yang Jixing frowned as Lord Husband continued hobbling away, though the Guardian Turtle didnt seem willing to move just yet. Do you not understand what this means? My fathers word is the Emperors justice. You have many cases awaiting adjudication, and I only need crook my finger to have them all ruled in favour of your opponents.

Really? Thats a shame. Frowning in consternation, Lord Husband sighed and looked up at the nights sky. Or not. Ping Ping, Im tired and dont want to walk around you, so could you please move?

The Guardian Turtle didnt respond, but Yang Jixing exploded with anger, screaming, You worthless fucking savage! You should be grateful this Noble is even interested in your woman! You will hand her over or

Or what? Youll kill me here and now? No? Then Im leaving. Unconcerned by Jixings tantrum, Lord Husband gave a bored look over his shoulder and said, The Imperial Missive demanded our presence here, but it said nothing about staying or listening to anyone. I doubt the Emperor would let an idiot like you speak with his voice, so whoever sent the summons isnt willing to directly intervene. You can threaten all you want, but Luo-Luo is not for sale. She is my Consort, not a commodity to be traded. Glancing at her in apparent apprehension, he added, That is... unless you want to go with him. Do you?

Warmed by his declaration and genuine concern, Luo-Luo moved close and took his arm once more. No Lord Husband, she said, her eyes wide and glowing. This one will not leave you unless ordered by the Emperor himself.

Cool. Lets roll. Unromantic as always, Lord Husband nodded and bumped the Guardian Turtle with his walker. Excuse me Ping Ping. Beep Beep. Back up.

With an adorable squeak of challenge, the Guardian Turtle backed away slowly with mouth open and eyes wide, glaring not at the young Scion but at his protector or backer hidden in the shadows. Youll regret this, Jixing yelled, but Lord Husband paid him no heed. She will be mine, but now I will destroy you and everyone you hold dear to take her. You hear me?

Apparently, he did, as Lord Husband made a sharp turn away from the gates and directed the Guardian Turtle back through the manors bedrooms where her rear destroyed everything in her path. Oops, he said, glancing around as if lost. Hard to see with Ping Ping blocking my sight. Which way are the gates? This way? They destroyed two more buildings before Jixing finally wised up and stopped screaming obscenities, but by then Luo-Luo could barely restrain her laughter. Outside, Lord Husband even had the gall to commandeer the carriage for the journey back home, urging the Death Corps to be quick about sending him home and muttering about filling the carriage with cattle dung for the journey back.

While crippled and nothing like the dashing Lord Husband shed envisioned as a younger woman, Luo-Luo was thankful shed been gifted to such a wonderful man. Even though he didnt love her, he didnt hesitate to offend a powerful Scion and son of the Prime Minister just to keep her at his side, not out of love, affection, or even power, but because he treated her with the same dignity and civility he gave anyone else.

In his eyes, she wasnt an Imperial Servant, but merely a woman, one free to do as she pleased, and this more than anything, made her truly fall in love.

Chapter Meme

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