Savage Divinity - Chapter 538

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:54:03 AM

Chapter 538

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Chapter 538

Sister Yan... I cant.... please... no more...

Though normally a kind and nurturing soul, Yan took an almost sadistic glee in bullying her current sparring partner, but for good reason. Having fallen on stage into a seated kneel, the combination of Luo-Luos teary eyes and heaving chest was almost too much for Yan to bear, so utterly helpless and inadvertently erotic that she wanted to keep pushing the Imperial Servant just to see more of her delicate reactions and hear her desperate, breathless cries. How would she react if the sparring continued? Would she cling to Yans leg and beg for this torment to end? Or would she steel her resolve and push herself back to her feet, trembling in fear and exhaustion all the while? Perhaps she would try to cut a deal and offer to do something in exchange for Yans mercy, a promise she could use to perhaps continue this bullying in a more private session...

Though she most definitely preferred the company of men, Luo-Luos shapely body, porcelain skin, and exquisite features tempted Yan more than a little, if only to satisfy her budding curiosity. Suppressing her fiendish, borderline perverted thoughts, she sighed and put aside her weapons to help the pitiable Luo-Luo back onto her feet. While there, Yan couldnt help but sneak a glance at the womans gorgeous, pale bosom and wondered how it would feel to take those heavy breasts in hand or rest her cheek upon them. No wonder Rain was so entranced by breasts, with their hypnotic, undulating motions and smooth, silken lustre. If all women had breasts like Luo-Luo, Yan would be obsessed with them too.

Dain was to blame for Yans newfangled degeneracy, the devious, fox-eyed vixen polluting her mind with raunchy stories of erotic dalliances between noble ladies and their handmaidens or tantalizing tales of sister-wives consoling one another in their husbands absence. Mila wasnt innocent in all this either, encouraging Dain with all those damnable questions to prepare for marriage and what came after. Rain was also at fault, perhaps most of all, an immoral philanderer with an insatiable appetite and excessive seductive charms. Then there was Yan herself, for being stupid enough to fall so helplessly in love with a man already betrothed to two women that she was unable to set eyes on anyone else, even after he picked up a third, stunning, ravishing woman to join his harem, albeit through no fault of his own.

Cursing herself for a fool, Yan averted her eyes from Luo-Luos heaving bosom before anyone noticed and said, Good work today. Youve progressed by leaps and bounds in technical skill and you have much potential, but as I said before you left for the front lines, your lack of practical experience and inability to think critically while under duress are holding you back. You should take up arms and seek Insight in true battle, for there is little more I can do to help you here on the sparring grounds.

It was a roundabout way to say she no longer had the confidence to continue guiding Luo-Luo along the Martial Path, but oddly enough, the shrewd and diplomatic Imperial Servant didnt seem to understand Yan was trying to save face. Deflating in place, Luo-Luo all but collapsed against Yans shoulder and whimpered in adorable fright as they made their way off the stage. But sister Yan, she pleaded, ever the helpless and vulnerable maiden, The thought of taking up arms on the battlefield terrifies me to the core. She wasnt exaggerating either, trembling from head to toe like a newborn fawn and barely able to stand without Yans support. Ive never taken a life, not even that of a fly, and the mere mention of blood is enough to make my stomach queasy and head light. My time in Sinuji only proved how unsuited I am for the Martial Path, for the din of battle was enough to set me shivering in fright. I am no hero or warrior, but merely a cowardly cur who will turn tail and run at the first opportunity to do so.

Not true. Uncharacteristically interjecting herself into the conversation, Song strode over to help keep Luo-Luo on her feet, a kind and friendly gesture which was entirely at odds with the half-cats stony, callous expression. When the Wraiths and Demons ambushed Rain, you did not hesitate to risk your life to bring me away and keep me safe. You possess a Warriors heart, Luo-Luo, and you only lack the courage to believe in yourself.

Well said. Tamping down a flare of irrational jealousy, Yan covertly studied Song from the corner of her eye and wondered how she might also endear herself to the prickly half-cat. While they were always polite and respectful to one another, it would be a stretch to call their relationship cordial, because Song clearly resented Yans good fortune in being adopted by Grandpa Du. If not for this, they wouldve gotten along like two peas in a pod thanks to their mutual love of animals and shared circle of friends, but after months of patience and perseverance, Song still refused to warm up despite all of Yans best efforts.

What would it take to become friends with the aloof and detached Li Song? Would Yan have to follow in Luo-Luos footsteps and save Songs life on the battlefield? At this point, she was beginning to resent the half-cat for being so stand-offish. It felt like because of this distance between them, Yan was being pushed further and further away from her closest friends and turning into an outsider looking in. As silly as it might sound, while Song resented Yans life with Grandpa Du, Yan resented Song for her place among the People, because the half-cat had been given the family Yan had dreamed of for years. How nice would it have been if Yan had been adopted by the Chief Provost herself? To be sisters with Mila and the blockhead hero Baatar? Instead, Yan had to leave the village she grew up in to find a family to call her own, and as much as she loved Grandpa Du, Eun, and even her surly brother Kyung, she still missed her quiet little life in the mountains.

Try as she might to become Du Min Yan, in her heart of hearts, she would always be Adujan of the People, but no matter how much she wanted to pretend things were still the same, Li Song was the living embodiment of everything that had changed.

Choking on indignation while Luo-Luo and Song gushed about how incredible the other was, Yan waited for a lull in the sickly sweet conversation before jumping back in. Well, since we still have some time before lunch, why dont you and I have a friendly spar, Song? There was always some excuse or another, but Yan still offered to trade blows with the half-cat every chance she got, if only to release some of her unhealthy, pent-up frustrations.

No, Song replied, answering immediately before pausing to think of an excuse, just like always. Glancing at the sun which had yet to reach its peak, she added, It is time to wake Lin-Lin and help her get ready for lunch.

Hmph. How convenient. The darling half-hare had a veritable army of servants waiting on her hand and foot, but Song just had to help Lin get dressed and do her hair right now. Then again, Song often helped Lin while they were in Sinuji and on the journey back, so its possible the offer was sincere, though Yan still suspected it was merely an excuse. Ill come along then, she said, noting what might have been the barest hint of a scowl on Songs otherwise blank expression. Its been forever since I braided Lins hair. Literally forever, as in Yan had never done it before, but how difficult could it be?

Oblivious to the underlying tension, Luo-Luo clapped her hands and bade them both farewell before rushing off to freshen up, even though she looked none the worse for wear after two hours of strenuous exertion. Stiffly standing side by side with a Luo-Luo sized void between them, Yan traded an awkward glance with Song which more than anything proved that the half-cat either didnt like her and didnt want to spend time alone with her. Well too bad. Song was Milas sister, and Yan would soon be Milas sister-wife, so they were stuck with one another whether they liked it or not.

Especially considering that given Rains affable charms and insatiable lust, there was a good chance Song and Yan would become more than just mere in-laws...New novel chapters are published on

With a forced smile, Yan gestured towards Lins manor and said, Shall we?

Uhn. Marching away as quickly as she could without breaking into a run, Song moved with purpose while Yan settled in beside her, not so much walking together as they were going in the same direction with an invisible, impenetrable barrier hung between them.

In hindsight, maybe it was a good thing Yan didnt press Mila to consummate their marriage as a trio, though there was something to be said about the fiery girls shapely, milky-white thighs...

So captivated by their discussion, neither one noticed Rain until he stood to open the window and greeted Ping Ping lingering outside. Hiya big girl, he crooned, holding out a ladle of bathwater while Yan and Mila fanned their faces to cool their combined ardour. You want a drink? Squeaking happily at the sight of her favourite person, the Guardian Turtle left the water untouched and pressed her beak closer for a pat, a request Rain granted with a conflicted smile etched across his face. Guess not. Sorry big girl. Ill figure it out soon enough.

After a thorough scritching, Rain bid the squeaking turtle farewell and sank back down into the water to ward away winters chill. Oh hey, he said, finally noticing Yans presence. How was morning training?

Same as always, Yan answered, sensing he didnt want to talk about his failure to make Chi Tea or whatever it was he called it these days. I could use a bath myself though, got all worked up and sweaty. More from Milas story than sparring with Luo-Luo, but put both together with the sight of water dripping down Rains pale, adorable behind and Yan was ready to push him down and risk breaking something of his herself.

Without missing a beat, Rain grinned and replied, Waters still hot and theres plenty of room. Enough to comfortably fit three.

Unable to resist playing along, Yan weathered Milas glare and put on an expression of wide-eyed innocence. Well, sister? What say we join him? You can finish telling me your story and maybe we can come up with a working solution together. Leaning in to give Milas cheek a chaste, but lingering kiss, Yan whispered, Or at least have fun trying.

Debauched perverts the both of you. Drain the tub when youre done. Stomping out with her cheeks aflame, Mila barked, And if the two of you arent out by the time lunch is ready, were starting without you.

The door slammed shut behind her and Yan burst into laughter. It wasnt kind to make light of Milas difficulties, but she couldnt resist. Wiping away a tear with a sigh, she turned to Rain and cupped his cheeks with a sigh. Oh Mother in Heaven, I needed that. I think that might be the first time Ive seen her scurry away with her tail between her legs.



Why did you need to be cheered up? he clarified, kissing her palm while gazing up into her eyes. Whats the matter?

Its nothing. He didnt need to hear about her jealousy and insecurities, or about her fears and doubts. Right now, he needed her trust and support, and that was what he would get.

Its not nothing. With a bright but conflicted smile, Rain leaned in close and rested his head in her arms, not quite hugging her for fear of getting her clothes wet, but it was close enough. Ive got a lot on my plate, but that doesnt mean your problems dont matter or I dont have time to hear about your troubles. If you dont want to talk about it, thats fine, but Im always here to lend an ear, shoulder, or whatever else you might need. Gratified by the offer, she simply smiled back and shook her head, so he dropped the matter. Well, the offer stands from now till eternity. Either way, its good to see your beautiful smile again, beloved, he said, gesturing at his towel laying out of reach in silent request. Now, lets not keep

Batting his hand aside, she instead pulled her tunic over her head and tossed it to the side, smirking as Rains jaw dropped and eyes went wide with lust and appreciation. Turning her back to him, she slowly slipped out of her trousers with a generous wiggle of her hips before sending them to join her tunic, giving Rain a moment to drink in the sight. Ladle please, she said over her shoulder, smiling as he came to his senses just long enough to understand human speech. I wasnt joking about needing a bath, but I need to rinse off before getting in.

Which she did, though she took longer than necessary just so she could tease him a little more. While Mila might be satisfied with games of touch and kisses before marriage, Yan needed far more to slake her thirst, and temporary though his recovery might be, Rain was more than up to the task.

They were late for lunch, but it was well worth the wait.

Chapter Meme

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