Savage Divinity - Chapter 839

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:46:15 AM

Chapter 839

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Chapter 839

Victory is mine, but celebrations will have to wait as I watch a man mourn the loss of his brother.New novel chapters are published on

Gently cradling the crumbling soul of the man who conquered the Warring States, the portly scholar Di Zi sheds no tears and emanates no grief or heartache, because his control over his emotions is so ingrained that hes all but forgotten how to feel. By necessity, if I were to guess, since an errant soul like Di Zi cannot afford to indulge his emotions lest he expend what little remains of his finite and depleted Life Force, but Im now a firm believer in accepting emotion as it comes, rather than shunting it aside to deal with later. Especially since I doubt he has much of a later, so I offer a modicum of Life Force to help sustain his existence so he can properly mourn. The transformation is staggering to behold as Di Zi staggers beneath the weight of his emotions and utters a keening wail that brings tears to my eyes, his anguish so palpable even my chest aches.

The Eternal Emperor was a monster to be sure, but one born of Ying Zheng who was merely a man, one with hopes, dreams, and people who loved him. I cannot forgive him for what he has done, but at the same time, I am glad I was able to bring him peace in this life and a second chance in the next.

Bowing my head and looking away, I offer Di Zi as much privacy as I can, which isnt much given how the denizens of the Eternal Emperors court of souls are still standing around, dazed and aimless as ever without any indication of awareness at having been freed by their captors death, or that they are about to pass through the cycle of reincarnation to be reborn anew. Their forms fade away en masse with the only outlier being the host Emperors soul, who shows no sign of crumbling away but is also still bound in chains and kneeling by the feet of the Natal Throne. Not sure if thats a bad thing considering I have no idea what to do with him, because what happens next is a complete clusterfuck in which anything can happen. Liang Wu Di is supposed to be the Emperor in all but name now, so how will he react to the current Emperor coming back? What if this guys even worse than Ying Zheng, hellbent on getting revenge or worse, just a terrible ruler through and through? Theres no doubt the Supreme Families are scheming with regards to how to claim the throne for themselves, a conflict which I wouldnt touch with a ten-foot pole but will inevitably be drawn into because politics. Knowing all this, it might be a good idea to have the current Emperor on my side, seeing how he pretty much owes me his life, but on the other hand, hes seen some real shit these last few minutes, secrets of mine which I would much rather keep under wraps. Theres an argument to be made to go full scorched earth and claim no survivors made it out in order to protect myself and my secrets, but Im not sure thats the best move, or one in accordance with my Dao.

Yes, Ive killed before, and killing the Emperor while hes bound and helpless is a total dick move, but there are some secrets worth killing for. The question is, are mine?

Nature is cruel and merciless, where only the strong survive. So long as we burden ourselves with false ideals, then we will never know true peace.

A familiar phrase Ive heard more than once, albeit with a little twist at the end, but I sense that this is not an attempt to open a dialogue, only Di Zis eulogy for the Eternal Emperor. No, for Ying Zheng, the man he was before taking up the mantle of the Eternal Emperor, the man Di Zi knew, as made clear by his next statement. Those were your words, your final appeal to us five brothers just moments before we had our falling out. That the noble principles we all stood for, fought for, killed for, principles which you yourself once embodied, were merely false ideals holding us back. You were the best of us all, which is why we followed you without question, and why those words broke my heart. Broke all of our hearts, we brothers who looked up to you so, because we knew who you truly were and how lost youd become. Youd forgotten why you worked so hard to unite the Empire in the first place. Not for a throne or a seal, but for a cause, a dream of a world in which peace was no longer a faint memory and children could grow up happy and free. You shared that dream with us and made us believe, gave us purpose and hope for the future, but alas, those dreams have gone and died, ground to dust beneath the heel of the man who dared to dream them up in the first place. Heaving a heavy sigh as the Eternal Emperors soul returns to the cycle of reincarnation, Di Zi continues, May you find yourself in the next life, big brother, and the strength to remain true to it. I hope the Heavens will arrange it so that we can all be brothers again, and this time, we will not let you falter.

The Energy of the Heavens surge to fill in an absence and I glance up to see the vast majority of the Eternal Emperors court of souls finish crumbling away into nothingness. Di Zi continues to watch what little remains of his four brothers with a mournful expression, and the Emperors soul who watches this all with a carefully neutral expression, while I do my best not to get involved. A single soul steps forward from the crowd to catch my attention however, and I recognize him as Liang Wu Dis Seneschal, the Solitary Sword, Zhang Jun Bao. Cupping his hands in a Martial salute, he falls to his knees and bows at the waist until his forehead is even lower than his ankles. The floor to this court of souls is similarly crumbling away, and I hasten to help the man to his feet, but my fingers slip through the Seneschals arm as he is fast fading into nothingness. A thousand thanks for this servants freedom, the Seneschal intones, before straightening up to look me in the eyes with a sad smile. Please convey my regrets to my patron, and tell him that the blame lies not with him. This old servant had long since dedicated his life to his highness, Liang Wu Di, and to die in his service an honour, one second only to having played a part in helping him become the dragon he is today.

I will pass along your words and sentiments, I reply, struggling not to cry out of sheer empathy as I commit the Seneschals emotions to memory in hopes of passing them along later. Not just the sorrow and anguish, but also the overwhelming pride and love he shares for the man he serves. To the world, they were master and servant, but they were as close as any father and son, and I suspect Zhang Jun Baos death was done as a warning to Liang Wu Di, or perhaps as punishment for overstepping his bounds. Having received my promise, Zhang Jun Bao no longer has anything left to hold him here, and quickly disappears before my eyes, a passing which is as peaceful as any.

That was the Intent after all, when I cut down the Emperors court of souls with a single swing of Peace. An action taken on a whim, because it just felt right, to bring peace to the dead and send them on their way with the sword of the same name. Eradicating the Eternal Emperors soul and denying him a chance of reincarnation wouldve sat heavily on my conscience, because it would be against my Dao, my principles, my beliefs, which is why I was hoping the brilliant scholar Di Zi would have a solution to all my woes. If that didnt work out, I still couldve obliterated the Eternal Emperor from existence, it just wouldve left me conflicted, a crack in my heart which would need time and introspection to mend, assuming it ever did. Thats the secret to controlling power beyond what mere mortals can wield, to act in accordance with ones heart, a Dao Heart which is formed not by Visualization or Intent, but by the motives behind the actions youve taken in life thus far and the perspective youve built around it. Foundation Establishment, Chi Purification, and Core Formation, I dont think the order matters as much so long as you can put it all together in a way that works, but to move forward from there, your Dao Heart must first be tested to prove that the foundations youve built thus far are strong enough to progress onwards along your chosen Path.

Something Ive known for awhile now, subconsciously at least, else I wouldve never passed up the chance to kill an army of Defiled with the tidal wave which brought me to Shi Bei. The Rain who fought in Sinuji the first time wouldve cackled with glee at the prospect of slaughtering so many hated foes all at once, but I found new perspective while recovering from my Shattered Core and seeing the war from a new perspective. Not only was I able to step away from all the death and bloodshed and get my head back on straight, it also showed me that the War against the Enemy was not as black and white as I once believed. Were it not for this period of respite in which I married three beloved wives, reunited with Buddy, helped the Abbot, and spent an inordinate amount of time discussing the Dao with anyone who would listen, among many other things, then I might well have continued down the wrong Path to become a Martial Warrior in truth, a bloodthirsty Warrior who sought to destroy the Enemy out of misplaced anger and hatred. Instead, I was able to widen my perspective and find a new Path, one more suited to me which brought me to the heights Ive reached today.

Fortune found in disaster, I suppose, which probably means I owe Gen a thanks for crippling me. Good thing hes dead and reincarnated then, because Ill write my name backwards before I ever thank that asshole, may he rest in peace.

What? I dont hate the Defiled anymore, but that doesnt mean I have to love and forgive them.

Alas, now that Ive worked out how I must act in accordance with my Dao, I can no longer justify letting the current Emperor go the way of the dodo, no matter how convenient it might be. Having morals is the worst, because theyre like self-imposed handicaps your enemy wont be affected by, but I cant go against my Dao and my conscience. If I did, it probably wouldnt affect me much today, but ten, twenty, a hundred, or a thousand years down the line, I might well look back on the moment I murdered the current Emperor as the first stray step which brought me away from my Dao, the same way the Eternal Emperor strayed from his Path to go from celebrated war hero to megalomaniacal butcher looking forward to carving up innocent civilians in search of the Dao.

That is what it means to cultivate after all, to pursue the truth. Not of the Dao, but of the self, because to act against the self is to act against your Dao, and only someone who knows themself can ever reach the pinnacle of their Dao.

So simple, yet also infinitely complex, and staggeringly difficult because humans are notoriously good at lying to themselves. Even when you know the truth, you might not really know it know it, you know? Or you might even reject the truth outright, because life is hard enough as it is without having to deal with all the harsh truths, like maybe its time you stopped lying to your loved ones and hoarding so many floofs.

No. Fuck that noise. Im gonna keep hoarding floofs, because Im probably gonna need them once the truth gets out.

As I emerge from my spiral of dread and apprehension regarding discussions to come, I find myself standing alone in the Void, save for Buddy beside me, Di Zi across from me, and the current Emperor chained up beside us. I should probably free him, but I have no idea how, so I turn to Di Zi while pointing at the Emperor and ask, You uh wouldnt happen to know how to free him, would you? Because that would be great.

Giving the Emperor a pointed look, Di Zi ask, I do, but are you certain this is what you desire? Your future would be smooth sailing with the Emperor under your thumb, even one besieged on all sides by political enemies and allies alike.

Yea, but thats not my style. Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I add, Nor will I stand idly by and allow you to become a second Eternal Emperor, so if you dont intend to help, then I kindly invite you to move on.

In response, the portly scholar flashes a reassuring smile paired with a sad shake of his head. Rest assured. Ive no desire to continue enduring this wretched existence, and intend to pass on in hopes of reincarnating alongside my sworn brothers. I only wanted to know the measure of the man who defeated my brother and my hero, and now I can rest assured knowing I leave his legacy is in good hands. Waving his hand towards the Emperor, he does something which I can just barely sense, but cant exactly make out the details. What I can tell is that Di Zi is greatly lessened by it, having expended all but a scrap of the Life Force remaining to him. It will take some time for him to fully free himself, Di Zi explains, offering a shrug as he slowly fades away just like the rest. A necessity, Im afraid, for to tear those bonds myself would leave him so weak he might not even have strength enough to reclaim his throne.

Even though I have no idea as to the specifics, it makes sense to me too, much like how a butterfly needs to break free of its cocoon on its own to help it build up enough strength to live. That being said, I intend to stay and watch until Di Zi fully fades away, which he accepts with a small nod of approval. A small part of me wants to stay and watch you progress along your Path, to see what new heights you will achieve, Di Zi begins, only to shake his head in regret. Alas, curiosity alone is not enough to live for, and I yearn for the comfort of their company once more. Casting one final glance at the current Emperor, Di Zi adds, Ying Zheng was a good man once, but a conflicted one. Thats why I pled for mercy on the outlands behalf. Not because I thought he would make for a poor Emperor of the mortal world, but because I knew that without an enemy to fight, he would lose all purpose in life. Turning his gaze towards me, he offers me a sad smile and says, Never forget to hold fast to yours.

And with those parting words, Di Zi passes on into the next life and closes the book on a dark chapter in history, one I doubt will ever come to light. Mostly because of face, since no one in the Supreme Families will want anyone to know that theyve been dancing to the Eternal Emperors tune since the founding of the Empire. Seeing the current Emperor fixated on breaking out of his chains and in no mood for small talk, I leave a Natal Soul behind to keep an eye on him just in case anything goes wrong before stepping out of the Void and back into the physical world. The harsh glare of the Western Sun is exactly where I last left it, and the stench of blood and offal as unsettling as I remember. Though I was fortunate enough to emerge victorious from my clash against the Eternal Emperor, the battle for Shi Bei is still going strong as Half-Demons surge onto the walls and continue to press the beleaguered defenders. The impulsive part of me wants to utilize the Energy of the Heavens to rain death down upon the Defiled, no pun intended, but thats a terrible idea. Not just because I would feel bad about slaughtering tens of thousands of people, which I most definitely would, but also because the Treaty still stands by the barest of technicalities, namely that no one has launched a successful nuclear strike just yet, nor has any Enemy Divinity taken overt, direct action against any Imperial mortals.

Granted, this is only the case because theyve tried and failed, but its still bad for optics if I were to shatter the Treaty wholesale, especially when theres still the ghost of a chance of keeping it intact. Politics. This means Im bound by the Treaty and my own sense of honour from acting overtly against the army of Defiled Half-Demons, but luckily, my new perspective has given me a more comprehensive awareness of the Dao and Heavenly Energy. With this and a little creative thinking, it shouldnt be all to difficult to lend my allies a hand without anyone raising a complaint, because theres nothing in my Dao which says I gotta fight fair.


The heady rush of battle and bloodshed had once been an endless font of joy and elation, but Vithar found it rather lacking of late.

With the element of surprise on my side, Mataram YuKon is a sitting duck, or at least he shouldve been. Instead, he whips his spear around at the last moment to parry my thrust, my Ground Shrinking Strike still falling short of Akanais. Even then, I hold the advantage of momentum, yet again, my foe turns things around, picking apart my second attack and countering with a deadly thrust of his own that just barely misses my throat. In a fair fight, its obvious Im wholly outmatched, because even though Im slightly faster and stronger than he is, plus infinitely more handsome and dashing, Mataram YuKon has a wealth of experience accrued over who knows how many centuries, since I have no idea how old he really is.

Unfortunately for him, Im not fighting alone, as my distraction has bought enough time for my Grand Mentor to show me how its really done once again. Her ax-lance pierces clean through Mataram Yukons stomach and bursts out of the small of his back, gutting him and shattering his spine so thoroughly that muscle and skin are all that holds his upper and lower half together.

A formidable woman, my Grand Mentor, and if not for my Sending, Akanai would have killed him outright, but with Zhen Shi dead and gone, the Empire needs a scapegoat to take the blame for this war, and Mataram YuKon fits the bill nicely. Borrowing a skill I learned from Lawgiver Won Gwangs Natal Soul, I lock down the traitors Spiritual System to prevent him from using his skills too easily, a constricting force that stifles the flow of Chi to keep it stagnant and listless. This plus the gaping wound in his stomach and my Grand-Mentors supervision should be enough to keep Mataram YuKon in check, leaving me free to move onto my second and final target of today, someone Ive been wanting to fight for a real, long time.

Here piggy, pig, pig! I bellow, unable to contain myself in all this excitement. Come out, come out, wherever you are!

The spike of alarm and adrenaline emanating from Zhu Chanzui is everything Id hoped it would be and more, his beady eyes widening in fear as he struggles to escape from Machali and Da Huis pincer. Even though they arent able to kill him, keeping him in place is simple enough, and I show no mercy as I bring Unity down atop his shoulder in a killing blow. To my surprise and relief, Big Poppa Piggy doesnt die in a single hit, as his defenses are almost as sturdy as Zhen Shis, though derived in a different manner. This is a Manifestation of his thick, durable hide, an innate belief that carried over from his past life as a wild-bristleboar, and something he more or less takes for granted. Its the same as Pong Pongs defense in that he just believes it will protect him because that is its purpose, a simple belief made true through the power of pure, unmitigated faith.

But I bet my faith in gunpowder is stronger.

Though unharmed by my attack, it was still enough to drive Zhu Chanzui to his knees, which is why I didnt spot his vicious counter-attack in time. A powerful left hook comes out of nowhere, one that could render me and several buildings behind me into a pulp, but the deadly counter glances off the invisible currents of Heavenly Energy still flowing around me. Its the same Chi working that kept me Concealed, only now with a different Intent, one meant to envelope and protect like a solid barrier of flowing water. The shift between stealth and defense is so seamless because I dont even have to think about it, for the Energy of the Heavens themselves know whether it is better to hide or protect me. A flick of my wrist sees Unity go from glaive to rifle, and I draw upon the power inherent in my memories of superior weaponry and the Intent contained within. Thats what Ive been doing all along with my memes, but while reposts are reviled, everyone knows the Main Character never has to reload until the plotline demands it, enabling me to draw upon this image in question repeatedly without fail.

One with the Weapon and One with the Self, I point the barrel at big poppa piggys face with a smile before pulling the trigger. The shot echoes out across the battlefield and sends my foes body shooting back into the sand, but there is no spray of blood to accompany it. Even a point-blank shot with Bullet Intent failed to pierce through his Manifested Hide, but I am far from disappointed, for his mouth is bleeding and his mind is concussed by the jolt of this first shot. Here, in a moment of clarity, a revelation comes to me, one which sees my smile grow even wider. Even though I love memes and quips almost more than life itself, I would be the first to admit that theyre kinda sad and cringy. As time went on, I eventually came to the conclusion that the humour was detracting from the effectiveness of my attacks, but there was no proof that this was happening at all. The truth is, after memeing so much on Zhen Shi and failing to kill him, I was starting to get embarrassed by my stupid weeb antics, and so I came up with an excuse to stop, which became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I claimed my memes were less effective because of humour, and so they became less effective, not because of the humour, but because of my wavering Will.

But no more. Memes are every bit a part of me as my love of floof. An awkward, perplexing, and downright shameful part of me, but a part I now accept and embrace wholeheartedly. Because lets be honest. Who cares if no one gets my jokes? Im fucking hilarious, and thats good enough for me.

Planting both boots on top of poppa piggys chest while stuffing the barrel of my rifle into his face, I mime myself chambering a round and make the click sound with my mouth. Okay, I yell, with as much old school swagger as I can muster. Im reloaded. Thunder claps and sand billows up in clouds around Zhu Chanzuis head, but the Ancestral Bristleboar still draws breath. I can do this all day, I continue, before unleashing a third shot, memeing to my hearts content and drawing strength and elation from it as I cackle to the high heavens.


Though the mumbled half-grunt is all but indecipherable to the ears, Zhu Chanzuis actions make his meaning clear as he holds up a copper vessel to hold me off like a Catholic wields a crucifix against vampires. Grateful for the interruption, I take a moment to calm my nerves and find Balance once more, for though there is power within Imbalance, there is danger too, and I need to toe the line even more closely than most. As my temper cools, Im overcome by a sense of nostalgia standing over the Ancestral Bristleboar as I am, and I lean over to look him dead in his beady little eyes with my rifle still pointed at his head. You know, I begin, ignoring his upraised hand the object held within while making no effort to hide the fact that Im charging up the next Chi bullet for my rifle, This reminds of the time I killed your son. I was twelve at the time, coming off six months of slavery, so not in the best health. Didnt have this rifle back then either, so I stood over his helpless, battered body and clubbed him to death. Took a lot of swinging, but I got it done in the end, and some payback for all the suffering he put me through. Pressing the barrel of my rifle hard against his cheek and thoroughly enjoying the sight of him squirming beneath it, I add, His name was Gortan, but you probably didnt know him. He was the overseer in one of your slave mines, and he made my life a living hell until I got so sick he thought I was dead and tossed me into a pit of corpses.

Only now do I realize that the battlefield has fallen silent, and every eye is upon us. With the Defiled Half-Demons running for the hills, the Divinities were quick to follow suit, aside from the Demonic Divinities who are lost in the sauce and running around in circles like headless chickens. Aside from them, the only other living Enemy combatants left in Shi Bei are Mataram YuKon and Big Poppa Piggy here, and my words have been imbued with Chi without me even knowing it. I want everyone to hear this, so I continue as is, speaking in a calm and almost soothing tone as I use my chin to gesture at the copper vessel. Thats how you make it, isnt it? Ive been calling it Anathema, but thats not what it is. Its Death Energy, the raw, distilled essence of whats left behind when a living creature breathes its last, but death alone is not enough. No, only those whose lives are filled with suffering and hearts overflowing with hatred or misery can conjure up this Death Energy in reality, Death Energy the Uniter demanded. So, being the enterprising little piggy you are, you bought slaves in droves and subjected them to all manner of torment and suffering, all so you could mass produce this Death Energy for the Enemy to use against us. You thought you were making a weapon, even unleashed it in Shen Mu for a demonstration and used it to kill two good men, Mahakala and Guan Suo, but in the end, all your hard work benefitted the Uniter as he took that Death Energy to fuel the process of his Ascension.

Scoffing at his sheer stupidity, I shake my head in contempt. And now you hope your last little vial will save you from death? How pitiful. Break it. Zhu Chanzui lays transfixed in shock, unable to believe his ears or follow through with my demand. I said break it, I repeat, spurring him to action, but my patience is already at its end. Never mind, Ill do it myself. The copper vessel comes apart before reaching my hands, leaving only a floating mass of darkness behind, one which comes alive in the sunlight for death will always seek life, just as life will always end in death. You think this morsel of Death Energy enough to stop me? Its barely enough to fill the gaps between my teeth. To prove it, I Devour in a single breath, and neutralize it before it even reaches my Core, yielding less Heavenly Energy than even the piddliest of Demons and just barely enough to fuel a single shot.

But combined with the efforts Ive already put together, its more than enough to kill the piggy, as I discover first-hand after firing my shot, one which explodes his head into a spray of bone and blood while shaking the very sand beneath my feet. The crack of the shot echoes across the city and the dunes surrounding it, and as it fades away, I put all my remaining hatred and enmity of Bristleboars into a single, utterance of, Pathetic.

The rush of catharsis is almost too much to bear as I revel in this single moment of triumph, one I value even more than the defeat of the Eternal Emperor. That was a group effort whereas this is all me, one which brings me great personal joy as I unburden myself of a whole slew of stifling regrets. Unable to contain myself, I let loose with a whoop of pure joy and am joined by Buddys exuberant howl, one urging me to bring him out for walkies and maybe snatch up some treats along the way. Going with the flow, I lead my sweet doggo out on the hunt, striking down Demonic Divinity after Demonic Divinity as easily as turning a hand, for the emotions I feel now cannot be contained and must be expressed in a healthy way. The first Demon falls to Unity, and the second and third to Peace and Tranquility, but then I am overcome with an urge to style on my foes. A coursing torrent of water Manifests around me, sweeping up a Demon and rendering it into goop, goop which Buddy Devours with glee alongside the other victims of my spirited rampage.

A Manifested Palm imbued with the Mountain Collapsing Strike shatters a bear Demon into pieces. A droplet of water condensed straight out of the air expands and engulfs a four-armed taloned freak. A deafening Sending ruptures a bloated Demons innards from within, leaving its outer shell untouched in death, which Buddy chomps through with great relish. One by one, I test out the things I learned from my Natal Souls and the Natal Souls of the Warriors who answered my prayers on the Demonic Divinities caught in Buddys trap. Collecting their heads is as easy as collecting cabbages growing on the side the street, ones which I then feed to my gluttonous dog because hes adorable when he eats. All too soon however, the battle comes to an end, for there are no more Demonic Divinities to be Devoured. Standing on the sands with my dog beside me, I huff and pant with exertion yet have never felt more alive than I do now.

This is the sheer, unadulterated joy of pure Balance, not restriction emotion but taking them as they come, of following my heart and doing as I please. A Path which does not come naturally to me, but one I will strive for all the same, so that no matter if success or failure awaits me at the end, at least I will know I will have` gone living the best life that I can.

Pleased as punch and feeling much relieved, I turn back towards Shi Bei and find the surviving soldiers all watching me with mixed expressions after bearing witness to my deeds these last few minutes. The awe and admiration is thick in the air as my audience exchanges glances in disbelief, but there is also an underlying ambiance of dread and dismay to accompany my actions here today. I, a young talent who is not even twenty-five, just helped take down two powerful Divinity leaders before embarking on a wholesale slaughter of Demonic Divinities. More than that, I made it look easy, meaning the true depths of my strength have yet to be revealed, and I can feel their reverence and obeisance mounting as the masses rally to my banner and submit to my strength without even needing to be asked.

It's happening isnt? Im gonna get a title drop, with everyone chanting my name. Oh my god, this is so exciting. I can almost hear it now, everyone chanting my title and calling me the Undying Div

Three cheers for Legate Falling Rain, the Savage Divinity!

God fucking damnit BoShui! What the hell did I ever do to you?

Chapter Meme 1

Chapter Meme 2

Chapter Meme 3

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