Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 10677

Published at 11th of April 2023 03:28:38 PM

Chapter 10677

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10677 Chapter 10666-

Madam Qing looked at the humans who were wailing in the oil. These people were not weak. They would not die immediately after being in the oil, but they would not be able to last long.

“You promised me that you wouldn’t hold any more live sacrifices. Why did you go back on your word?”

Madam Qing looked coldly at the high and mighty spiritual Emperor. At the same time, she herself had become the focus of the audience.

The spirit Emperor looked at her with a faint smile. lady Qing, I did promise you. But there are some things that even I can’t decide on. We still have to see what everyone thinks.

The spirit Emperor pointed at the high-level and core representatives of the spirit race and said, “”Why don’t you ask them yourself and let them answer you, should these humans be sacrificed?”

as soon as he finished speaking, a highly-respected spiritual race elder walked out.

“Miss Qing, do you know where these humans came from?”

Madam Qing shook her head. She had just returned last night, so she didn’t know much about the spirit race.

However, she could vaguely guess the answer.

they’re poachers! the spiritual race elder suddenly shouted. they’re poachers! Their biggest goal in infiltrating the island was to poach our young and beautiful female clansmen. There is sufficient information that shows that an extremely dirty sin is currently circulating among the higher-ups of their human race!”

every young and beautiful female Clansman is a toy in their eyes. They play with our clansmen for fun!

because of this, our female clansmen can be sold at an extremely high price in the human black market.

that’s why there are so many human poachers who keep sneaking into our polar Island and killing our people!

lady Qing, are you sure you want to stand against the entire clan and stand up for these evil and dirty human poachers? ”

All the Ling clan people present were filled with righteous indignation at these words.

There were a total of 4000 human poachers, and this was only the ones they had caught. If those who had escaped were counted, there were probably more than 10000!

With so many poachers, it was easy to imagine how many spiritual race women would be harmed.

All of the spirit race people present had either their family or friends killed. There were no exceptions.

Therefore, they absolutely agreed with the unprecedented live sacrifice organized by the spirit Emperor. They even felt that it was too easy for them to get away with it even if the poachers were sacrificed together!

Madam Qing was speechless.

Of course, she would not stand on the side of the human poachers. In fact, at this moment, even she wanted to cut these 4000 people into a thousand pieces.

However, Madam Qing still suppressed her killing intent. “Elder, I can understand your feelings. These human poachers should be killed, but they can’t be used as living sacrifices!”

all this time, the biggest crime that humans have pinned on our spirit race’s head is live sacrifice!

they also rely on constant propaganda to strengthen this concept to brainwash their people and make everyone think that we, the eldars, are unpardonable demons.

if we use these 4000 people as living sacrifices today, regardless of whether they are despicable poachers or not, there will only be one result in the end. They will completely confirm the evil reputation of our spirit race as living sacrifices!

by that time, they can easily reach a consensus internally. Once the humans invade on a large scale, it will be a disaster for our spirit race.

“Everyone, do you really want to see that kind of result?”

the higher-ups of the spiritual race fell silent.

They weren’t fools. Even if Madam Qing didn’t remind them, they would have thought of this possibility.

however, the current internal environment of the spirit race did not permit the existence of a second voice.

Especially in this kind of matter that was directly related to the position of the clan, as long as they said a little no, they would immediately be labeled as traitors by the angry families of the victims, and would never be able to rise again.

“The Qing clan!”

The elder of the spirit race heavily knocked The Walking stick in his hand and said with a bitter heart, “”It’s a great achievement that you brought Lin Yi back, but you’ve been in the human world for so many years, and your thinking has been corrupted. You can’t even tell friend from foe now, it’s very dangerous!”

“You want to stand up for these evil human poachers? fine, tell them in front of the families of the victims!”

their sisters, wives, and daughters who were taken away all deserved to be defiled by those human beasts!

tell them that the human poachers who have committed such heinous crimes should not be sacrificed alive. They should be spared!

“Can you even say these words?”

Madam Qing shook her head speechlessly as she looked at the agitated clansmen with red eyes. She turned to look at the spiritual Emperor, who was sitting high on the throne.”Is this the result you want?”

The spirit Emperor chuckled and spread his hands. I didn’t do anything. I just want to let miss Qing see clearly what the public’s will is.

The current situation was indeed the result of his deliberate guidance.

If it were any other matter, once he and Madam Qing openly had a Rift, those people who could not forget the Qing family would definitely stand on Madam Qing’s side. Even he, as the spirit Emperor, could not easily suppress them.

But this was the only matter that made them remain silent, no matter how loyal they were to the Qing family.

This was because many of them were also victims who had felt the pain on their skin. The sacrifice of 4000 human poachers was their greatest consolation!

Whether it was humans or spirits, there had never been a lack of rational individuals.

However, when placed in a group, especially a group of angry people whose emotions had been stirred up, even the slightest bit of rationality would be drowned in an instant.

At this time, whatever Madam Qing said would be a sin.

The spirit Emperor looked at Madam Qing with a faint smile. He couldn’t wait for Madam Qing to have a good fight with the crowd again. The fiercer the fight, the better!

The fiercer Madam Qing’s fight was, the faster the shadows left behind by the Qing family behind her would scatter. When the last bit of her people’s hearts had almost dispersed, he, as a spiritual Emperor, would no longer have any scruples if he wanted to do anything.

It was a pity that Madam Qing had already seen through his intentions, so she would not waste her breath on him.

“This woman isn’t that stupid,”

The spirit Emperor couldn’t help but feel that it was a pity.

In the next second, Madam Qing’s figure flashed to the side of a big pot without any warning. Without a word, she raised her hand and overturned the big pot.

Instantly, there was an uproar!

All the eldars ‘leaders were dumbfounded as they watched the human poachers roll out of the boiling oil, wailing in pain.

In the long history of the spirit race, the Qing family had always been a symbol of loyalty. Today, it had even become a special symbol of loyalty.

It was also because of this that even though the Qing family had declined to the point where only Madam Qing was left, there were still many Ling clan people who were loyal to the Qing family.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!