Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 10777

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:46:54 AM

Chapter 10777: Chapter 10777: Chapter 10766: The Great Battle!

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Chapter 10777: Chapter 10766: The Great Battle!

Translator: 549690339

However, the weird thing was that Kong Shenglins face was serious, and he still didnt have any intention of suppressing Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stood up and smiled at the two representatives. Thank you for reminding me today. I wouldnt have thought of this if it werent for you. Good job.


The two representatives immediately turned pale, as if they were sitting on pins and needles. They even had the heart to cry to death on the spot.

What was a heart attack? This was the bloody heart of execution!

It was obvious from the expressions of the other giants. Now, when they looked at the two of them, they all looked like they wanted to eat them up.

No one would take the initiative to find the reason for this. In the hearts of the giants, if it werent for the two of them being stupid, Lin Yi wouldnt have used this as an excuse to make a fuss. He wouldnt have directly burned their heads.

After all, even though they wanted to eat Lin Yis body, they were just following the trend. Even if Lin Yi was really calculative, he wouldnt target them for the time being.

All in all, these two idiots deserved to die!

If there was anyone else to blame, it could only be Xi Rulai.

It was fine if he provoked Lin Yi, but why did he have to implicate others?

Not only did he cause trouble, but he also caused us to be in trouble. If Lin Yi really went crazy, who would pay for the losses?

Xi Rulai could naturally sense the resentment of the other giants, but since things had already come to this, he could only bite the bullet and pretend that he didnt see anything.

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At the very least, it was better for everyone to suffer together than for him to suffer alone.

The men looked at each other as Lin Yi walked out.

It was their turn to ask Lin Yi to stay. If they let Lin Yi walk out of the door, no one knew what would happen next.


Just as Lin Yi was one step away from the door, someone finally spoke. It was Kong Shenglin.

Lin Yi stopped and turned around,What can I do for you, Big Guy Kong?

Although rules are important, Kong Shenglin said calmly, they are only meant to solve problems better. It would be unwise to give up eating because of choking.

Everyone present was the smartest of the smartest, so they naturally instantly heard the hidden meaning behind his words.

Everyones expression changed.

Was the worlds number one really going to bow down to Lin Yi?

What do you mean by giving up eating because of choking? Im sorry, I dont quite understand.

Black lines appeared on the faces of the giants.

Are you pretending to be confused? This was a little too much!

With Kong Shenglins usual overbearing style, it was already a rare scene to see him admit defeat in this way. If it were any of them, they would definitely stop while they were ahead. Otherwise, when Kong Shenglin really fell out with them, it would be too late to cry.

However, the expected fallout didnt happen. Kong Shenglins expression was still calm when Lin Yi didnt give him face.

The greatest value of the Supreme Board of Directors is to provide a place for all parties to sit down and talk. All the other rules are for this service.

Since youve already proven your strength, theres no need to continue neglecting the essentials and go through the process of the giant qualification examination, Kong Shenglin said calmly. Other than you, no one else can sit on the tenth seat.

As he spoke, he waved at the two representatives of the Qualification Review Committee who were sitting on pins and needles.

The two of them immediately stood up and left as if they had been pardoned.

But Lin Yi didnt plan on letting them go.

Did I say that I would let you go?

Everyones eyelids twitched as they looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

The development of the situation today was getting more and more bizarre.

Anyone with discerning eyes could tell that the two representatives were Kong Shenglins men. As the saying went, one had to look at the master before beating a dog. To deal with them here was tantamount to directly slapping Kong Shenglins face. No matter how good Kong Shenglins self-control skills were, he would definitely not continue to tolerate it.

Everyone unanimously judged that Kong Shenglin couldnt take it anymore.

The result was once again beyond everyones expectations.

Faced with the panicked gazes of the two representatives asking for help, Kong Shenglin actually chose to remain silent again.

Lin Yi smiled. Ive always admired the big shots of the Giant Qualification Committee. Your criticism of me has hurt my heart. With your generosity, Im sure you wont be stingy with paying me for my mental damage, right?


Everyone was stunned.

The two representatives looked at each other in disbelief. They were prepared to be killed by Lin Yi as a warning to the others, but they didnt expect the situation to change again.

This was Money?

Of course, Lin Yi added,Its too vulgar to withdraw money at your level. I have a list here, you can pay as you see fit.

As he spoke, he handed over a list of materials.

However, this was not the list that Jiang Xiaoshang had given him. There were many things added or deleted in the middle. Even if it was revealed, no one would be able to see through the clues of the Great Integration Technique.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaoshang was the only one who knew the Great Synthesis Technique. Even his original body did not know it. Normally, even if he revealed the list of materials, the possibility of others finding out was very small.

However, he still had to be on the safe side.

The two representatives looked coldly at the list of materials. The various natural treasures recorded on it were shocking even to them. Any one of them was enough to make them bleed.

As long as there was even the slightest possibility, they would definitely not want to bleed.

However, he had no choice. This was money to buy his life.

Lin Yi might look like he was here to raise money, but if they didnt pay up today, it would be impossible for them to escape unscathed.

After a long time, the two carefully picked out an item each and looked at Lin Yi.

Both of you are important figures. You should be more generous.

Lin Yi smiled at the two.

Yes, yes.

The two of them smiled apologetically on the surface, but they were already crying on the inside. This f * eking extortion in broad daylight, was no one going to do anything?

He turned around and looked at Kong Shenglin and the group of giants. They all looked down and ignored him.

Alright, then its fine.

In the end, under Lin Yis eager gaze, the two representatives each picked two more items, their hearts bleeding.

Seeing that Lin Yi wasnt satisfied, the two of them cried, We really dont have any more. This is all we have. The treasures on your list are too rare. We can only get three..

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