Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 10943

Published at 3rd of July 2024 06:36:27 AM

Chapter 10943: Chapter 10943: Chapter 10942: The Great Battle!

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Chapter 10943: Chapter 10942: The Great Battle!

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M

Translator: 549690339

However, if that happened, the overall power would definitely soar, but because of the huge power vacuum left behind by the Eight Elders Association, the Divine Kingdom on land would definitely fall into chaos.

This was definitely not good news for the newly established artificial rules of

the Snake God Secret Realm.

Therefore, replacing the Lin Family as one of the members, and then using subtle methods to slowly open up the Eight Elders Association was the most beneficial decision for Lin Yi.

However, this group of old foxes were not easy to deal with. They had obviously sensed the danger, so they did not care about their reputation and rushed to send their daughters to save themselves.

They might look obedient and humble, but it wouldnt be easy for Lin Yi to eat them in the future.

There was going to be some scheming and infighting.

At the edge of the Divine Kingdom on land, Tiger Might City.

Xia Qiyuan slowly walked down the street. His appearance and temperament as a noble young master attracted a crowd of onlookers without any suspense.

However, what he saw was a scene of devastation.

Just two days ago, the open space in front of them was still bustling with people. Nearly 100,000 people had gathered from all directions to hold the regional finals of the Snake God Secret Realm.

However, just a day later, this place was already in a mess. The passers-by were in a hurry and did not dare to stay on the street for long.

There was no other reason. There had just been a riot here yesterday, and many people had died or been injured.

An old man was begging everywhere, asking everyone he met, causing passers-by to avoid him.

Young Master! The old man came before Xia Qiyuan and took out a portrait of a human head. Young Master, have you seen this person before? he asked


Xia Qiyuan took a look and shook his head slightly.

The old man left in disappointment.

Uncle, whats your relationship with this person youre looking for? Xia

Qiyuan could not help but ask.

The old man stopped staggering and turned around. His face revealed a trace of viciousness. He killed my grandson in the qualifiers. I want to kill him and avenge my grandson!

What? Xia Qiyuan frowned. Is there a rule in the qualifiers that we can kill people?

The old man sneered. Whats the use of their rule not to kill? They killed my grandson. They cant even hand over the murderer! That Lin Yi, hes acting all high and mighty, and hes the one who killed my grandson!

Lin Yi

Xia Qiyuans eyes flashed as he recalled his master Xia Chaos evaluation of Lin


Speaking of which, it was all thanks to Lin Yi that he came out to train.

This wasnt Lin Yis original intention. Xia Qiyuan shook his head.

The old mans expression changed, and he was instantly enraged. If he didnt organize this bullshit audition, would something have happened to my grandson?

Xia Qiyuan was speechless.

After a moment of silence, Xia Qiyuan said, Although it wasnt his original intention, he did have a cause and effect for the recent murders.

Only then did the old mans anger ease.

Its not just his karma, its all part of Lin Yis plan. A passerby stopped and sneered.

Why do you think so? Xia Qiyuan was stunned.

Do you think its a good thing or a bad thing for Lin Yi to open the Snake God


Xia Qiyuan thought about it and said, From the current information, the Snake

God Secret Realm can help people break through and advance steadily. It should be a good thing.

Is it really a good thing?

The passerby scoffed. Most of the spots have been absorbed by the major forces. They only threw out a small portion of the spots and let us, the grassroots, fight for them. To put it bluntly, they threw out a few bones and let us fight among ourselves!

Once we start fighting, we can only be at the mercy of those big shots.

This is only on the surface. Do you know what kind of dirty deals they have in private?

Xia Qiyuan shook his head.

Hmph! The passerby snorted. Obviously, the appearance of the Snake God Secret Realm will only lead to one result. The strong will become stronger, and the weak will become weaker. We, the grassroots, will completely lose the opportunity to turn things around!

Xia Qiyuan could not help but be greatly shocked by these words.

Before this, he had felt that something was wrong. Now, he finally found the crux of the matter.

After pondering for a moment, Xia Qiyuans gaze became extremely determined.

This isnt right, Lin Yi has broken the balance!

Immediately, Xia Qiyuan made a decision. He wanted to register for the audition!

The main culprits of the bloodshed were publicly executed, especially after Lin Yi Group officially replaced Lin Family as a member of the Eight Elders Association. The Snake Gods Secret Realm Selection Conference was reactivated.

Although there were still all kinds of rumors circulating on the Internet, they were no longer on a large scale and were irrelevant.

After all, this group of Internet trolls was very realistic. Without the support of the behind-the-scenes financial backer, they really wouldnt work.

Ten days later, the auditions ended successfully.

The winners of the auditions from all over the world gathered at the boneyard, fighting for the final thirty spots under Lin Yis witness.

Lin Yi paused when he saw Xia Qiyuan.

Even though his relationship with Xia Chao was not that close, based on their friendship from the last time they met, if Xia Qiyuan really needed anything, he could just say hello. There was no need for him to participate in the auditions.

After all, to him, there was almost no cost to enter the Snake Gods Secret Realm. It made no difference if he had one more or one less.

Xia Qiyuans sudden appearance in such a manner was truly meaningful.

The two of them looked at each other.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, but Xia Qiyuan turned his head away, unwilling to make eye contact with him.

This isDid they come with ill intentions?

Lin Yi was surprised.

judging from Xia Chaos previous attitude, even if they couldnt become fellow disciples, they were far from being enemies. As Xia Qiyuan was the last disciple of Xia Chao, his every action should represent the will of Xia Chao.

However, Lin Yi didnt want to probe further in this situation.

The finals began.

Those who were able to fight their way out of the various qualifiers were all elites in their respective realms.

In terms of the spectacle alone, the excitement and intensity were not inferior to the internal competition of the Alliance of Divine Academies. It could be considered the highest standard public competition in the Divine Kingdom on land.

Putting everything else aside, at least the audience who came to watch the battle was definitely worth the ticket price.

As expected, Xia Qiyuan easily broke out of the encirclement and entered the final thirty people list.

He was now a late phase peak Mystic, the highest tier among all the contestants, but he had fought all the way to the end without shedding a single drop of blood. It was obvious that he had the absolute advantage..

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