Published at 24th of July 2016 02:34:24 PM

Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: The Dean’s Weakness

This was a problem that had been bothering him since yesterday. ‘If Chu Peng Zhan really wanted a tutor (**will be using tutor instead of study buddy which I have been using for the previous chapters. I think that tutor sounds more correct), wouldn’t it be more efficient if he just employed a professional tutor instead, if it was simply to help Chu Meng Yao with her studies?’

‘As a matter of fact, for someone with such a family background, her result should not even matter. Regardless what her result is, even if she fails, Chu Peng Zhan should still be able to get her into one of the best universities through his connections.’

“So you noticed?” Uncle Fu was a little stunned, he did not expect Lin Yi to notice the issue so quickly.

“So I was right?” Lin Yi asked.

“Actually, I am not sure what Mr. Chu’s plan is,” Uncle Fu sighed. “Although I am very close to Mr. Chu,I still don’t really understand what his real intention are.”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes when he heard the Uncle Fu’s useless answer.

“But Mr. Chu told me to pass you a message. He asked you to take care of young mistress and not think too much about it.” Uncle Fu carefully repeated Chu Peng Zhan’s message to Lin Yi. “Try to give her some love…. that child grew up without getting much love from her parents….”

Lin Yi was speechless. ‘What is this family trying to do? Lacking love? You want me to give her some love? Is this a joke!? Yesterday, before I met Chu Meng Yao, I thought that Chu Peng Zhan’s method for looking for a son-in-law was a little weird. I even thought that it might not have been such a bad thing after all, after I met the youthful and attractive Chu Meng Yao …. but will Chu Meng Yao fall in love with me? It is more likely to be hatred than love’

Lin Yi did not say anything else to Uncle Fu. He simply nodded and alighted the car.

“Did you manage to find out who the hell that worker is?” demanded Zhong Ping Liang while he rubbed his still sore ass. ‘Because of that person, I wasn’t able to lie flat and sleep.’

“Nope. Last night Zhang Nai Bao and I went to a few construction sites, but we were unable to find that person!” Gao Xiao Fu shook his head and said “Liang-ge (Zhong Ping Liang ), maybe he is still looking for a job”

“I don’t care what you do. Find that person! That mother fucker dared to kick my ass! I am not going to let him off that easily!” Zhong Ping Liang said menacingly.

“Roger! Liang-ge!” replied Gao Xiao Fu in assurance.

Lin Yi carried the bag and went to school. He really enjoyed this feeling. ‘So this is campus life! The legendary place where people fall in love!’

Lin Yi’s school bag was the standard school-issued sling bag. It looked really dull, so most students like Chu Meng Yao and Chen Yu Shu, would rather use their own bags. Only those not so well off students would wear the school uniform and use the free of charge school issue bag.

Immediately after Lin Yi entered the school gate, he noticed Zhong Ping Liang and his goons. ‘Aren’t they the people who were bothering Chu Meng Yao yesterday?’ Since they did nothing to provoke Lin Yi, he decided to ignore them. So Lin Yi walked passed them.

“Liang-ge, don’t you think that that bastard looks very familiar?” asked Zhang Nai Bao as he stared at Lin Yi’s back view.

“I am talking about something very serious here! Who cares whether he looks familiar or not?!” snapped Zhong Ping Liang as he frowned.

“Liang-ge, I find that person very familiar too……he looks like……looks like….” Gao Xiao Fu scratched his head, trying hard to recall something.

“Looks like what? Fucker, If you have anything you want to say just say it!” cursed Zhong Ping Liang.

“Looks like the worker who kicked your ass yesterday!” Zhong Nai Bao exclaimed “Yup! That is it! Liang-ge, that is definitely him!”

“Seriously?” Zhong Ping Liang got excited when he heard that his attacker was found. “Then what are you waiting for?! Get him!!!”

“Chase!” Gao Xiao Fu and Zhang Nai Bao immediately ran toward the direction which Lin Yi went.

Lin Yi was on the way to the dean’s office to submit his personal particulars and other documents. Chu Peng Zhan had already made the necessary arrangement, so all Lin Yi had to do was to report to the office.

Lin Yi knocked the door of the dean’s office, but no one came to open the door for him. He looked at his watch and realized that it was only 0730. School officially starts at 0800. So he must have been too early.

Having realized that, Lin Yi leaned on the dean’s office’ door and waited patiently for the dean to arrive.

“hmm….Ah…” A faint moaning voice could be heard. Ever since Lin Yi started cultivating using Xuan Yuan Yu Long Jue, his hearing became very sensitive. Although he was still unable to hear something if it was too far away, he was still able to hear more than normal people.

Having realized that the moaning noise came from the dean’s office. ‘I thought that there was no one in the office?’ Soon, Lin Yi smiled, he finally realized what was going on.

At 0800 sharp, the door of the dean’s office opened. A 30++ year-old charming lady cautiously peeped out of the door gap. When she saw Lin Yi standing right outside the office, she was shocked, “You….What are you doing here?”

Lin Yi smiled, ‘Can’t you be less obvious. Your reaction alone gives you away immediately’

“I am here to report to the dean.” Replied Lin Yi, he could not be bothered to expose her.

“Oh, the dean is inside.” The lady who was trying very hard to keep her cool and said “You can enter.”

Lin Yi nodded his head and entered the office. There was a balding, middle-aged man sitting at the desk, trying to look like a professor. That sight made Lin Yi want to laugh.


“You….what is your business here?” Wang Zhi Feng panicked a little since he did not expect a student to come in to find him right after his lover just went out.

“I am Lin Yi. I am here to report to you.” Lin Yi took out his documents and passed them to Wang Zhi Feng.

“Oh, so you are Lin Yi. Alright.” Wang Zhi Feng nodded his head, immediately understood the situation. This was something that was personally arranged by a member of the school’s director of the board. So there was no way he could forget something like that. After he received Lin Yi’s documents, he started to run through the standard procedures.

Soon, everything was approved. Wang Zhi Feng stood up and said, “I will bring you to your classroom.”

“Sorry for the trouble, Dean Wang” replied Lin Yi in a respectful tone. Lin Yi knew that the Dean had a really high authority in the school, so in order to have a peaceful school life, it would be wise not to offend such a person.

“Haha, this is what I am paid to do.” Similarly, Wang Zhi Feng also dared not to act too self-important, since this student was arranged into the school by a member of the board of directors. So he accompanied Lin Yi out of the office. “Did you just arrive?” probed Wang Zhi Feng.

“I was here for a while.” Replied Lin Yi honestly. There was no reason why he should lie. There wrre CCTVs in the corridor, so Wang Zhi Feng could check the CCTV’s feed if he wanted to know the truth.

“So you….” Wang Zhi Feng felt hesitant. He did not know what to say. It was all thanks to his lust, he was caught red handed by someone.

“Relax, Dean Wang, I did not see anything. I also did not hear anything.” Lin Yi turn his head and replied while grinning.

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