Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 285-286

Published at 18th of March 2018 08:22:06 PM

Chapter 285-286

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Chapter 285 - Miracle Doctor Kang's Birthday Feast

Naturally, Lin Yi wouldn't go back inside the car after getting rid of Pinliang- that'd only around more suspicion from other people.

Lin Yi was humming as he strolled into the school, two containers in his hands. Another beautiful school day.

"Lin Yi!!" Lin Yi had just reached the gates when he heard someone call out to him- it was Liu Xinwen, running towards him. Behind her was a pretty girl- Tang Yin.

"Ah……." Lin Yi knew that Xinwen was about to send a message for Tang Yin again. "What's up, Liu Xinwen?"

"Yin Yin wants you to have lunch with her later." Xinwen's impression of Lin Yi had changed as well, likely because of his active help with the whole Fen thing. She didn't dislike Lin Yi anymore.

Even Yin Yin had accepted and gotten into a relationship with him- who was she to say anything about that? It was what Xinwen now thought.

"Sure." Lin Yi replied without hesitation- he was planning on letting Tang Yin try some shark, too. There was also that luxurious shark fin on the shark- Lin Yi had split it into two portions, one for Xiaobo, and one for Tang Yin. Xiaobo's portion included Fen's for him to bring to the hospital.

As for Mengyao and Yushu… The two didn't even care about shark fin anymore. "What's so good about pink strips?" was what they said.

Tang Yin was still a little too embarrassed to be walking with Lin Yi at school- her face reddened upon seeing him, prompting her to turn away as if she didn't see him.

That movement was graceful enough to have the boys passing by look blankly at her- although, none of them dared yearn for Tang Yin anymore. Everyone knew that she was the girlfriend of the new Big Four, Lin Yi. Who'd ever think about Tang Yin when her boyfriend beat up even Zou Ruoming??

Xinwen then ran off, pulling Tang Yin with her as Lin Yi shook his head. Maybe he should get Tang Yin a phone? His own phone was broken too, and he had to get a new one…… It seemed that everything boiled down to the fact that he needed to make some money! He could still afford phones, but what if he needed bigger sums in the future? Men needed to be financially independent at the end of the day!

Lin Yi regretted giving all his earnings to the old man now- he didn't have anywhere to spend it on anyway at the time, so what did it matter? But now… He needed money!

Kang Xiaobo was in the classroom already- he was looking a bit sulky when he saw Lin Yi. "Boss, where did you go yesterday? I spent the whole day trying to call you! I've something important to discuss with you."

"Oh? Were you looking for me yesterday?" Lin Yi blinked as he remembered what happened to his phone. "My phone broke down- what's up?"

"Next weekend's my second grandpa's birthday feast- he invited me, and I was thinking if I should bring Fen with me..?" Xiaobo asked after some hesitation. Lin Yi was the only one who could make a decision for him when it came to things like that.

"Bring Fen with you? To your second grandpa's birthday feast?" Lin Yi looked at Xiaobo oddly. "You're thinking of letting him meet Kang Zhaoming?"

"Yeah! Boss, you know how Fen hasn't forgotten about Kang Zhaoming yet- I'll never get anywhere with her even if she decides to be my girlfriend, not with Kang Zhaoming haunting her dreams like this!" Xiaobo said. "Fen tells me that she doesn't think about Kang Zhaoming anymore, but I can tell from that sadness she sometimes does! She hasn't forgotten about Kang Zhaoming yet!"

Lin Yi nodded, thinking that Xiaobo wasn't stupid- he didn't just blindly like Fen, he knew to pay attention. "You're right, she wouldn't have the split personality and illusion problems if she'd really forgotten about Kang Zhaoming. In truth, the root of all that is Kang Zhaoming- ending things with Kang Zhaoming properly would definitely heal her heart, even without treatment."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking!" Xiaobo said. "So, boss, I wanted to ask you to come together, is that okay?"

"Me? What for?" Lin Yi wasn't expecting that. "Plus, will it even be ok for you to bring so many strangers to your second grandpa's birthday feast?"

It was a bit of a stretch already for Xiaobo to bring Fen along- he could say that Fen was his girlfriend and it'd work out, but who was Lin Yi? Xiaobo's classmate??

"Boss, you said it yourself- Fen's problems all root from Kang Zhaoming! What if Fen's not able to take it when she does meet Zhaoming, what if her illness acts up again from the stress and sadness?" Xiaobo said, worried. "And also, boss… I wanted you to give me courage as well……"

"Of course I'm okay going with you, you're even calling me boss!" Lin Yi, naturally, wouldn't mind, but that wasn't the problem here. "But the thing is- will it be okay for you to bring so many people?"

"Don't worry about that, boss!" Xiaobo said. "Second grandpa actually hosts many parties like this in a year, calling it a birthday feast is just an excuse for that! He always invites his friends to bring their sons and daughters along, too. He just mainly wants to strengthen social bonds- it's called a birthday feast, but it's really just a setting for people to get connections and resources! It's okay to bring friends along, it's just that… I never liked stuff like this, and it's not like anyone would be interested in making my acquaintance there……"

Xiaobo was mocking himself a little- he was a son of the Kang family as well, but was always left in a corner while his cousins were surrounded by other young men and women… Xiaobo always felt left out.

But you couldn't blame them- they were here to make connections, and those in Miracle Doctor Kang's direct line of inheritance were the primary focus. Side relatives like Kang Xiaobo were only side characters they just gave face to- they weren't people with asses good enough for them to be kissing.

"I see. I'll go then." Lin  Yi nodded- he wanted to see what kind of a person this miracle doctor was anyway- he was a potential competitor if Lin Yi went on with his partnership with Guan Xuemin.

"Boss, you wanna bring Tang Yin?" Xiaobo grinned as he suggested.

"Tang Yin, huh… I don't think she'd like places like that?" Lin Yi guessed that Tang Yin hadn't been to parties like that before.

Chapter 286 - Letter of Blood

"But… Come on, I just want Fen to have someone to go with!" Xiaobo said. "I'm worried she's gonna be bored if she's alone, she's best friends with Tang Yin, you know!"

"I'll ask her then." Lin Yi wouldn't make the decision for Tang Yin like that.

"Alright, I'll tell Fen if she says no." Xiaobo was relieved that this was sorted out- he wouldn't really dare bring Fen with him if Lin Yi didn't accompany him… Who knew what might happen?

"Right, take this." Lin Yi said as he pulled a container out for Xiaobo.

"What's this?" Xiaobo asked as he received it.

"Shark meat and shark fin. You're visiting Fen later, right? Bring it when you go and eat it otgether." Lin Yi said.

"Shark meat and shark fin? Seriously? Where'd you get this stuff, isn't this supposed to be pretty rare or something?" Xiaobo's eyes were wide with surprise.

"Got it from the market." Lin Yi, naturally, wouldn't explain how he'd killed a shark and everything.

"Heh heh, you sure treat me nice, boss! I'll enjoy this with Fen during lunch later then, heh!" Xiaobo said happily as he put away the container.

Zhong Pinliang was quite pissed today- this Lin Yi was something god just decided to throw at him so as to ruin everything! Why was he always there hindering him?!

Hitchhiked? How the hell did that happen?? The bastard sure was a shameless one, too, hitchhiking in Mengyao's car! What pissed Pinliang off the most was how Mengyao even agreed to that in the first place, what the hell!!

Naturally, Pinliang wouldn't begin to suspect that Lin Yi had some sort of relationship with Mengyao- after all, Mengyao would never be interested in someone like Lin Yi. Second of all, Lin Yi had a girlfriend, the school beauty Tang Yin! The entire school was aware of that, Mengyao included!

The only type of relationship the two could have had to be what Lin Yi had said- he'd just hitchiked Mengyao's car to get to school! As for why Lin Yi would even do something like that in the first place, however… It was something beyond Pinliang's abilities to find out. Mengyao would only ignore him if he asked, and Lin Yi would only beat him up.

"Liang Bro, what's wrong? Why the sour look?" Gao Xiaofu asked carefully as he looked at the face Pinliang was making- he was the only lackey of Pinliang's left now that Naipao was gone.

Pinliang wasn't living the good life anymore, and that applied directly to Gao Xiaofu. He was once a force people feared- no one dared cross him! Yet he now spent his days fearing Lin Yi, who was now practically a god to them! He could beat them up all he wanted and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it!

How was he supposed to live like this?!

"What else? It's that fucking Lin Yi!!! The bastard!! I was trying to hit on Chu Mengyao this morning and the guy just popped out; he even told me to scram!!" Pinliang tried to contain his voice despite how pissed he was- he didn't dare cause a ruckus.

Xiaofu was getting upset as well upon hearing Lin Yi's name. "Liang Bro, we can't beat him as we are! We'll have to look at the bigger picture, and worst case scenario: we'll have to endure this all the way until graduation! That Lin Yi will have to be out of our lives at that point!"

"Forget it, let's stop talking about him!" Pinliang didn't want to talk about the bastard anymore. "The problem now is… How am I supposed to get Chu Mengyao to like me? Why does she not like me??? I know I've been doing a good enough job on my part, but just what's the problem here??"

"Uh……" Xiaofu hesitated for a bit. "Liang Bro, Chu Mengyao isn't from a normal family, so normal methods might not be very effective on her. If you wanna get her to like you then you'll need to resort to more unique methods!"

"Like what? Any ideas?" Pinliang looked at Xiaofu, seeing the sense he was making.

"Well…… I read this book a while ago- the main character was trying to chase the girl, and he wrote a letter to her, a letter of blood that he wrote with his own blood! The girl was so touched she became the boy's girlfriend then and there! I feel like it's a really powerful way, LIang Bro! You can reference that if you can handle it!"

"Letter of blood? Sounds good, actually!" Pinliang nodded after some thought. "It really is something that'll touch a girl's heart! I think I'd be genuinely touched if I was Chu Mengyao!!"

"Yeah, Liang Bro! Put some impactful words in there and Chu Mengyao might just say yes to you right away!" Xiaofu nodded as well.

"Alright, I understand. Here, you go spread the news later, let everyone know that I'm writing Chu Mengyao a letter of blood! That'll raise the anticipation!" Pinliang said. "It'll feel more genuine!"

"No problem there!" Xiaofu nodded. He didn't dare go against Lin Yi, but stuff like this was still his specialty.

And thus, the news spread after first period ended- Chu Mengyao's diehard admirer Zhong Pinliang was about to write her a letter of blood!

What news that was!! In a school world so dry with exams and revisions, a romantic scene like that never failed to put excitement into the students' lives…

Although, fluctuations of excitement like that ended as fast as they begun, since the students only saw the value of the freshness in the event. They'd get right back to their tests and revisions right after the brief relaxation.

It was the same when Lin Yi beat up Heibao Bro, or when he gave Tang Yin a love letter, or when he slapped Ruoming in the face in front of the dean… These things spread fast, but dissipated quickly as well.

A few days later, and no one would pay something like this any heed anymore.

News of Zhong Pinliang's letter of blood stopped spreading after the second period, and people stopped talking about it…… Maybe people would start paying attention when he actually handed it to Mengyao?

Mengyao, on the other hand, was a little upset- letter of blood? What was that supposed to mean, was that a threat? Threat to get her to say yes? So what if it was a letter written with blood??

"Shu, what do you think is wrong with that Zhong Pinliang? Letter of blood? Do you think he's trying to threaten me??" Mengyao said a little angrily. "What's a little blood, what's so great about that??"

"Indeed! Yao Yao and I go through that every month, what's so amazing about that!" Yushu nodded in agreement.

"........." Mengyao wanted to cut out her best friend's brain and see what was wrong with it- how does one relate a letter of blood to a girl having her periods?

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