Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 86-87

Published at 18th of March 2018 08:24:27 PM

Chapter 86-87

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Chapter 86 - The Third's Lackey

Mrs. Tang didn't quite understand what these boys were talking about at first, but everything made complete sense the moment they started calling Tang Yin Mrs. Zou.

Her heart dropped a bit- did her daughter really get a boyfriend at her age? One look at Tang Yin's pale face, however, and Mrs. Tang realized otherwise: Zou Ruoming was probably forcing her into a relationship with him. That, or Ruoming revealing their relationship to her was not something Tang Yin had wanted.

Yet there wasn't much Mrs. Tang could do no matter what the scenario was- she was in no position to be pissing someone like Zou Ruoming off! She understood also that her words would do next to nothing- Ruoming wouldn't give two shits.

Mrs. Tang had seen her share of cruelty in her years… Her strength was miniscule- a drop in the bucket. Her lover's hip injury from work was but one example. The guy was paralyzed, lying in bed all day after losing the ability to take care of himself! The company never intended to provide any sort of compensation whatsoever!

It was a small private electronics company, and the owner ignored all of her requests and pleas. Even the contract from the very start was tweaked, resulting in Mrs. Tang and her lover's inabilitY to press any charges.

The factory owner had even threatened to send men to burn her house down and have their way with her daughter, just because Mrs. Tang went up to him asking for medical compensation a couple of times! She gave up after that- it was what she got for being the weak minority, she supposed.

As such, the entirety of the family dropped onto Mrs. Tang's shoulders to support. Yet things weren't all bad- at the very least, her daughter was a good girl, getting first place in her grade and even a scholarship. It was a huge lift off the family's burdens.

She was stunned when she'd learned of Tang Yin getting herself a boyfriend, frustrated at her daughter until she considered the possibility of Ruoming forcing the whole thing. It'd be fine if the kid was serious about her- he had a good family background, after all, and Tang Yin would live quite a life of comfort if she did end up with him. What Mrs. Tang was worried about, however, was Zou Ruoming throwing her daughter aside after having had his fun.

Mrs. Tang wasn't an expert on the behaviorology of rich princey kids, but she had a general idea as to what their tendencies were.

Tang Yin was about to protest as her face reddened when she remembered what kind of a person Zou Ruoming was. She'd heard that the guy dragged one of the female students off into a bathroom to have his way with her, only to pay her a large amount of money so that she could transfer to another school without any problems.

It was only a rumor, but the girl did indeed change schools. Her family got a big compensation from the whole thing, after all… The fact held Tang Yin back from angering Ruoming, as a result. There was no telling what a guy like him would do to her if that happened!

She wouldn't keep quiet if she was in that girl's shoes, even if she did get compensation for what had been done to her… She'd try to hold her dignity, or some sort of statement for her to lean back on… Though, what good would that do?

Tang Yin's eyes were tearing up as she held the frustration in and kept her mouth shut. She was starting to hate her mother for not shooing Zou Ruoming away, but remembered her mother's meek nature… She was probably feeling even more helpless than Tang Yin was herself.

School beauty? What good was that?!! Why was she so unfortunate, she'd been laying so low, too- never putting on any makeup and only wearing the school uniform- catching the attention of people was the last thing she wanted!

Chu Mengyao and Chen Yushu were school beauties as well, but Zou Ruoming would never employ this sort of thing against them!

"They're such scum!" Kang Xiaobo commented as he watched Tang Yin getting bullied. He'd been feeling manly the last two days, and a sudden passionate rage took over, propelling him onwards as he charged out with his fist raised.

Lin Yi wasn't expecting something like this from Xiaobo- even a cowardly guy like him would go so far when the goddess of his dreams was involved, it seemed.

"Gaah… Why is everyone so active today!" Lin Yi had wanted to lay low for a couple of days, but stuff seemed to always be happening around him! Xiaobo had thrown himself out already- Lin Yi couldn't just leave him be! He'd get beat up by Zou Ruoming and his friends!

"Zou Ruoming! You call yourself a man? Doing something as shameless as this after getting rejected?!" Kang Xiaobo said as he stood in front of Tang Yin.

Zou Ruoming was, at the time, waiting happily for Tang Yin to make her choice- this was the kind of result he wanted, a scenario where Tang Yin had to make a decision! His presence at Mrs. Tang's barbeque stand today was for that reason alone- he wanted to make a statement to the girl: reject me again, and it doesn't matter if it was you or your mother- none of you would be living happy lives from that point on!

It was a fifty-fifty chance for Zou Ruoming. He thought it was a good gamble to force Tang Yin into a relationship with him.

The issue was at the highest priority on Tang Yin's list as she looked over her options, her head lowered and her voice silent. She was worried of her own safety, but also concerned for her mother's barbeque stand, as well! She understood perfectly well that it'd be the end for the stand if she were to reject Zou Ruoming today- all Zou Ruoming had to do was send a couple of his lackeys to the stand every day to obliterate the business.

She was helplessly panicking over what her course of action should be when Kang Xiaobo jumped out all of a sudden- Neither Tang Yin or even Zou Ruoming expected this development. Tang Yin only tried pondering why this guy would step up for her like this, she didn't even know him?

"Who the fucking shit are you?" Zou Ruoming snapped angrily as he pointed at Xiaobo, his voice laced with rage- Tang Yin was just about to make her decision, what the fuck was this guy doing springing out and ruining everything?

"I… I…." Xiaobo's courage left him instantly as he watched Zou Ruoming growl at him. He was acting on impulse! He wasn't like Lin Yi, who could back up outbursts like that- he was no match for Zou Ruoming, he knew that… But he also knew that his boss was right behind him, and he couldn't waver at such critical a moment as now. He puffed his chest up. "I'm a lackey of the Big Four's Third!"

"Big Four? Third? Lackey?" Zou Ruoming was a little taken aback from the claim. "The fuck are you on about, are you telling me you're Zhong Pinliang's man? That fucking Zhong Pinliang, fucking my stuff up after he got fucked up himself?"

"You can go fuck off- your boss wouldn't butt in on Ming Bro's business, who the hell are you?" Fatty said as he gave Xiaobo a shove. "Go back home to your boss and tell him this: I'm fucking his mom tonight!"

Fatty was obviously mistaking Xiaobo as Zhong Pinliang's lackey, very cocky as he barked the ridiculous words out. Everyone had heard of Zhong Pinliang getting messed up by some transfer student, and of Heibao Bro getting caught by the police- the guy would probably be serving a couple of years in jail. Zhong Pinliang had practically lost all of his standing because of that. Zou Ruoming's lackeys had no reason to respect the guy at this point.

"Whose mom are you fucking tonight?" A calm but cold voice sounded beside Fatty's ear.

Chapter 87 - You Haven't Paid Yet

Lin Yi didn't know who his mother was, but this guy was too much- 'fucking his mom tonight'? Who says that? Lin Yi had always been sensitive to his status as an orphan, and he wasn't planning on letting this fatty go easily after he went and brought up his mother.

His hand smacked against Fatty's face as he launched the big body some distance away. The guy's mass was great, but Lin Yi's strength was far greater- the fatty went spinning like a top for a bit as he crashed head first onto the ground, a clear red palm mark on his cheek.

"Whose mom are you fucking?" Lin Yi said coldly as he looked down coldly at the groaning fatty.

"Who the hell do you think you are? That guy's under me!!" Lin Yi was facing away from Ruoming at the moment, and Ruoming had no idea it was Lin Yi he was dealing with here. The slap was a little terrifying, but Fatty was unprepared- Zou Ruoming brushed it off as a surprise attack, also assuming that the new guy was under Zhong Pinliang, as well. With that, he reached his hand out at Lin Yi.

"Your face all healed up?" Lin Yi said, turning his head to Ruoming.

"Lin… Yi?" Zou Ruoming understood instantly how Fatty got blown off his feet with a slap- it was fucking Lin Yi!!!

"Didn't you hear me? I'm asking if your face's healed." Lin Yi asked.

"Yeah… All… It's all healed up…" Ruoming was on high alert- the guy in front of him was a monstrous lunatic, fucking even Heibao Bro up with no effort at all!! He was in no position to be pissing someone like this off!! Lin Yi was also asking about the injury from the basketball a while back, and Ruoming wasn't about to ignore the question.

"Oh." Lin Yi nodded, sending a slap across Ruoming's face as well, pushing blood out of his nostrils as his cheek swelled up. It was a different slap Lin Yi employed this time, however, and Zuo Ruoming wasn't sent flying the way Fatty was. "There, screw off and go heal that one up."

Ruoming held a hand to his cheek, feeling very wronged and unlucky- he was just trying to ask a girl out, what did he do to deserve this fucking monster falling on top of his pleasant plans? He hadn't pissed the guy off, had he..? Fatty's remark about fucking his mom tonight, then..? He wasn't even talking about Lin Yi's mom- who the hell still threw themselves at insults not even directed at them in the first place nowadays?

One glance at Xiaobo's smug smile put a realization in Ruoming's mind- could the guy be talking about Lin Yi when he mentioned the Third..? It seemed to be the case, Ruoming did remember some gossip about Lin Yi replacing Zhong Pinliang in the Big Four!

Fuck! Zou Ruoming couldn't believe this- couldn't the fucking shit have made things clearer?!! Just say you're Lin Yi's man, who the fuck would fuck with you after that?!! I'd be getting my ass out of here long ago! Although, this was all in hindsight- Ruoming probably wouldn't have believed Xiaobo even if he had put Lin Yi's name on the table.

"We're leaving." Zou Ruoming said as he gestured for some of the lackeys to hoist Fatty up. With that, the group disappeared from the barbeque stand.

The vendors around the stand were all staring at Lin Yi, completely stunned and curious. They didn't know who Lin Yi was, but they understood well what kind of a guy Zou Ruoming was… It was insane- Zou Ruoming only ran off without uttering even a word to the guy, right after getting slapped!! They all regarded Lin Yi with a newfound fear- this man was more dangerous a character than even Zou Ruoming.

"T-Tang Yin, you okay?" Xiaobo asked enthusiastically- it was his first time interacting with his goddess. He knew that it was impossible between the two of them, but only having a conversation with her wasn't bad! He didn't want to waste the opportunity, but his nervousness did make him stutter sometimes.

Tang Yin frowned in response, immediately on alert as she observed the two. So this was the guy she'd heard about, the one who'd just replaced Zhong Pinliang as the Big Four's Third, and this other guy was his lackey.

Lin Yi's feats had long been spread throughout the whole school, and everyone knew how he'd taken care of Zhong Pinliang days after transferring. Was he targeting Zou Ruoming next? Tang Yin, however, was afraid- she didn't think that Lin Yi beat Zou Ruoming off with any good intentions. Chances were, the guy was after her with the same motives that Ruoming had had.

As for Kang Xiaobo… Tang Yin instinctively treated him as just a lackey of Lin Yi's- not a very good impression, put simply. She only replied dully to Xiaobo's concern. "I'm fine."

She then made her way to Mrs. Tang in quick steps. "Mom!"

Mrs. Tang only sighed, understanding everything. She was relieved that Zou Ruoming was gone, but feared the guy coming back for revenge later, though he did seem particularly fearful of Lin Yi. She glanced at Lin Yi for a better look- the guy was a lot better than Zou Ruoming in terms of looks and character- she wouldn't mind Tang Yin getting herself a boyfriend like this, if she wanted.

Xiaobo recognized Tang Yin's disinterest in him, feeling down but understanding at the same time. The gap between them was too great after all- it was practically impossible. He decided to not dwell on the matter any longer.

"Aunty, twenty mutton skewers please! Also two skewers of mutton steak, chicken neck, tofu curls, and two cans of beer!" Xiaobo put himself in a joyful mood again as he seated himself at a table.

He didn't manage to impress Tang Yin, but he did manage to be a bit of a badass in front of Zou Ruoming! Heh heh, think you're so tough… Not much you can do other than get slapped in the face when my boss is around.

"Coming right up!" Mrs. Tang called back in response. These two were a even bigger deal than Zou Ruoming- she had to be careful around them as well.

"Wait, Zou Ruoming!" Lin Yi called out suddenly to Ruoming, who hadn't gotten too far away.

Zou Ruoming jumped at the voice- he didn't know what Lin Yi wanted from him, but didn't he let him go already?

He didn't want to go back to that monster, but he didn't have much of a choice here! He could run, but he couldn't hide forever from Lin Yi! He'd be in an even worse position if he decided to piss Lin Yi off like this.

"L-Lin Yi, anything else you need..?" Ruoming asked, his face bitter as he turned back.

"You haven't paid yet." Lin Yi answered dully. He saw how rough Mrs. Tang had it, and decided to help her out a bit- managing a stand on your own was no easy feat, after all, and it was nothing more than a simple gesture from his side.

"Oh……" Ruoming exhaled in relief, wondering if Tang Yin had caught Lin Yi's eye. Why was he so protective over her family, anyway? Fuck. I'd have no chance then... Ruoming was helpless, but he wasn't so eager for death as to fight over women with Lin Yi.  I'll remember this, Lin Yi!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!