Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:39 PM

Chapter 1000: 1000

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Tian Xiaoxiao pounced on Ye Chen's body.

"Oh my god, I am really the king."

Ye Chen felt Tian Xiaoxiao's tender body and smiled.

"Yeah, now you are the king, do you remember our bet?"

"Bet on it, okay, now this girl is yours, you can punish me whatever you want."

Tian Xiaoxiao closed her eyes.

Ye Chen smiled, and suddenly flicked on Tian Xiaoxiao's forehead.

When Tian Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, Ye Chen was no longer there.

Ye Chen left to continue to deliver the express.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for activating the Wanjie takeaway system."

Wanjie takeaway system?

Ye Chen was stunned.

At this time, Ye Chen received a takeaway order.

It was ten minutes away.

Ye Chen was still twenty minutes away from the location of the first order.

He must be late to arrive.

In a villa in Magic City, a woman in luxurious clothes looked angry.

He directly threw the takeaway to Ye Chen, looking disgusted.

"Look at how late it is, what kind of takeaway is there, go, I don't want this takeaway, I will definitely give you a bad review."

Seeing the other party's domineering look, Ye Chen frowned.

"I have tried my best. Look at how serious the traffic jam is outside?"

Seeing Ye Chen's momentum, he dared not say anything.

For the first time he felt such a momentum.

This guy is like a takeaway, he is simply a high-ranking person in control of a billion-dollar group.

Ye Chen turned and left.

Bad reviews are bad reviews.

Now Ye Chen is more curious about the Wanjie takeaway system.

Wanjie Takeaway, it seems to be very awesome.

Ye Chen glanced at the system profile.

The scope of his food delivery is very wide, such as the world of martial arts, the world of movies, and even some worlds of cultivating immortals. In short, there is everything.

So I can deliver food across the world.

That's awesome.

Compared with express delivery, Ye Chen likes this Wanjie takeaway system more and more.

Moreover, even though the customer would not pay RMB when delivering food, they gave Ye Chen all kinds of red envelopes for the food.

"The takeaway red envelope includes a variety of ten thousand realms exercises, skills, treasures,..." It's awesome.

If you want to deliver some takeaways in the fantasy world, those great gods will give you some Xuan Dan and the like.

And if the other party gives him five-star praise, Ye Chen can get a chance to draw a lottery from the world of express delivery.

Just when Ye Chen was excited, suddenly a systematic voice came from Ye Chen's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for getting the first courier mission, which was sent by Leng Feng from "Wolf Warrior".

World of Wolf Warriors?

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard it.

"Wolf Warrior" is a movie that Ye Chen has seen.

This movie created a box office miracle.

Looking at the order, Leng Feng ordered a bottle of beer, as well as a pizza and fried rice.

Ye Chen directly followed the order and began to buy things.

After the purchase, Ye Chen checked the location.

In the world of "Wolf Warriors", a factory in Africa.

Ye Chen remembered that in the movie, Leng Feng and the heroine were hiding in the factory and were hunted down by mercenaries.

[Ding, the host’s takeaway items have been successfully purchased, whether the takeaway system is enabled. 】

Ye Chen's mood was very urgent.

After all, it has always been Ye Chen's dream to enter the world of Wolf Warriors and fight with Leng Feng.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for opening the initial gift package of Wanjie Takeaway. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the super takeaway service, which is invulnerable and has an automatic temperature adjustment function. 】

[Didi, congratulations to the host for obtaining the accelerator card, your takeaway car speed will increase tenfold. 】

With this takeaway reward, Ye Chen was even more excited.

After all, the World of Wolf Warriors is full of bullets, which is very dangerous.

With this system reward, Ye Chen really feels too safe.

This system is really awesome.

Ye Chen start button.

Suddenly a yellow light spread all over Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen's takeaway suit was like the battle armor of the God of War.

Suddenly, Ye Chen drove the express motorcycle and slammed into the wall.

At this time, ripples suddenly appeared on the wall.

Ye Chen rushed directly into the wall and disappeared.

At this moment, a group of mercenaries are shooting desperately at a factory.

Suddenly, an electric car appeared suddenly. On the electric car, there was a little brother in yellow clothes.

The mercenary leader's face suddenly changed.

"what is that?"

Besides, those mercenaries are stupid at this time.

This time, they were to encircle and suppress the cold front.

They have been surrounding them for more than an hour, and seeing Leng Feng, they are about to be unable to hold it. As a result, suddenly an electric car rushed out.

The mercenary leader is stupid.

I saw that the electric car was very fast.

He rushed to the center in the blink of an eye.

"That person is from Huaxia."

"Yes, it seems to be a takeaway guy."

A mercenary road who has stayed in China.

"How can the takeaway boy appear here."

"And the speed of this electric car is too fast, even a PE car can't run so fast."

Everyone was dumbfounded by the shock.

His eyes were full of shock.

You know, this is the battlefield of bullets.

How come there is a takeaway boy here.

"Kill me that little brother."

Since he is a Chinese, the opponent must be Leng Feng's person.

So the mercenary leader ordered to shoot Ye Chen.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets continued to shoot at Ye Chen's body.

But just when the bullet was about to hit Ye Chen, it was bounced away by a mysterious force without exception.

how can that be?

The foreign mercenaries are all stupid.

At this moment, all the cold fronts in the factory were dumbfounded.

"Where did this little courier come from?"

"How can it be so powerful."

Those mercenaries have even more question marks on their faces.

"Is this the takeaway brother of Wonder China?"

"Does this takeaway guy know martial arts?"

"That's right, the bullet is so powerful that it can't hit him. What kind of effort is this?"

Ye Chen rushed into the factory on an electric bike.

After arriving at the factory, he asked, "Is Mr. Leng Feng there?"

Leng Feng rushed out at this time.

"I am."

Next to Leng Feng was a beautiful mixed-race girl.

She was also looking at Leng Feng curiously.

This courier guy is really handsome.

Even beautiful women feel that he is more handsome than Leng Feng.

"It's the takeaway you ordered here, a bottle of beer, pizza and fried rice."

Ye Chen took out all the takeaways.

Leng Feng and the mixed-race beauty were about to come out when they saw the halazi they were eating.

We have been hungry for two days.

Leng Feng looked at the food with a look of excitement, picked up a pizza and ate it.

The mixed-race beauty also took a slice of pizza and gobbled it up.

"Oh, it's really delicious."

Ye Chen smiled, the task has been completed, ready to leave.

At this time, Leng Feng and the mixed-race beauty have also finished eating.

Leng Feng suddenly said: "Brother Takeaway, can you do me a favor." Choose the address of the latest chapter of the President of Yiwan Group for the start :Https:// the full text of the president of Yiwan Group to read the address: https :// the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: https:// the president of Yiwan Group to read on mobile phone: https://m.novelhall .com/read/127558/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (1000th Chapter Give Lengfeng takeaway) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choosing the President of Hundreds of Millions", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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