Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:35 PM

Chapter 1002: 1002

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The two came to the cafe together.

"Ye Chen, don't mind, my cousin is not like this usually, because of a project in the past two days, I am upset."

As soon as the two of them were sitting in the cafe, he began to defend his sister.

Zhao Jie was also very embarrassed about the matter just now.

Ye Chen said disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to this kind of thing."

"It turns out that you have been in the magic city since you graduated. I thought you stayed abroad." Ye Chen smiled.

"Haha, I think it's pretty good in Madu, and it's better in China."

"What are you doing now?" Ye Chen asked.

"I do design now."

"Designing?" Ye Chen was stunned.

Zhao Jie took out her phone and called up a few pictures.

These are all Zhao Jie's design drawings.

Ye Chen took a look. These are the design drawings of film and television posters.

These are written in some popular TV series.

Ye Chen didn't expect that these posters were actually designed by Zhao Jie.

"I just graduated and I have always been designing movie and TV posters. It must have been very smooth, and we had already participated in signing a design project, but because of the people from Starlight Pictures, the project was snatched away and kicked me. opened."

"I was in a bad mood some time ago. I bought a lot of clothes and changed my money, so I could only order takeaway."

Zhao Jie looked depressed.

Ye Chen can see that Zhao Jie is not happy now.

When she was in school, Zhao Jie liked to paint.

She often draws some characters from anime and games, as well as some fans around her.

At this time, Zhao Jie's cell phone rang.

"Is that Zhao Jie? If you want to re-participate in that project, come to the Majestic Hotel tomorrow evening and we will talk."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Zhao Jie's face was a little ugly.

It was so late, and the other party asked herself to go to the hotel. Of course she knew what was going on.

At the beginning, this guy kept peeking at his figure.

I even seduced myself with this several times.

Although Zhao Jie liked art, she didn't want to trade her body at the time.

But now, the other party suppressed her with the help of his position in the entertainment industry.

This caused Zhao Jie to run into trouble everywhere, and it had been a long time since she couldn't find the project.

Ye Chen asked, "Who called you?"

"It's the manager of that project. He asked me to go to the hotel."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "Go to the hotel so late?"

Zhao Jie blushed: "He went to the hotel and wanted me to talk about things."

Ye Chen sneered: "Talking about things so late, what are you going to talk about."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Zhao Jie said helplessly: "This is the entertainment industry."

Zhao Jie seemed afraid that Ye Chen was worried.

"Don't worry I won't go."

Ye Chen smiled faintly after hearing it, "Why not go."

"Ah." Zhao Jie was stunned.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, how about I go with you."

Zhao Jie nodded after hearing this.

Ye Chen drove the car and took Zhao Jie to the Majestic Hotel.

Two people came to the box and saw that there was already a potbellied man on the dinner table, looking at Zhao Jie expectantly.

But when he saw a man beside him, his face suddenly changed.

"Xiaojie, didn't I say that you should come alone?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's okay, you talk about you, I won't delay things by my side."

With that said, Ye Chen directly sat in the chair and began to pick up vegetables on his own.

Zhao Jie said embarrassedly: "Mr. Lu, this is my friend. I don't worry about it at so late, so I came with me."

Lu Gang said coldly: "Don't worry, don't you worry about me?"

Ye Chen took a chicken drumstick and said, "Do you think your greasy look is reassuring?"

"You." Lu Gang's face changed slightly.

But Lu Gang snorted coldly when he saw Ye Chen's take-out clothes.

But a takeaway boy is just like **** in his eyes.

He had already thought about it, and got Zhao Jie drunk for a while, and then asked the bodyguard to throw Ye Chen out.

It's just a courier guy.

Lu Gang smiled on his face and said, "Xiaojie, the matter of the last project was a misunderstanding. Let's discuss it carefully and the project can still be given to you."

Zhao Jie was overjoyed on her face.

She didn't know how much thought was spent on that project, but she was kicked out when she was about to succeed, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Lu Gang poured a glass of wine and said, "Well, drink this glass of wine, and I will make you the chief creator of this project again."

"This." Zhao Jie looked at the glass of wine a little embarrassed.

Many people have heard of Lu Gang's frequent use of drugs in wine.

So after drinking this glass of wine, the consequences would be disastrous.

"President Lu, I'm sorry, I don't know how to drink." Zhao Jie said.

"Can't drink? It's okay with this glass of wine."

Several other people also said one after another: "It's not right for Mr. Lu to stop drinking."

"Isn't it just a glass of wine? What's that?"

"Xiaojie, this is an opportunity for you."

Lu Gang walked to Zhao Jie.

"Xiaojie obediently drink this glass of wine."

Zhao Jie felt very wronged.

Obviously he is relying on his ability to feed, but now he wants to please this old man.

Seeing Zhao Jie neither speaking nor drinking, Lu Gang's expression suddenly changed.

"Little girl, don't be shameless. You have to drink this glass of wine, and you have to drink it if you don't."

With that, he handed the wine to Zhao Jie.

"Yes, this glass of wine must be drunk today."

Others also booed.

Zhao Jie shed tears.

She felt helpless in her heart.

But at this moment, a big hand snatched the wine.

He even splashed the wine directly on Lu Gang's face.

"If you like to drink, you can drink all of this wine."

Lu Gang was thrown with alcohol on his face, and suddenly he became stupid.

"You, do you dare to splash me?"

"Security, where's the security?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly, "What's wrong with me splashing you?"

At this time, more than a dozen security guards rushed in.

Zhao Jie's face changed slightly.

Ye Chen came because of her. If she was injured, she would be very guilty.

"Mr. Lu, let me drink it, as long as you let Brother Ye Chen go."

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly: "Don't worry, I won't be afraid of this kind of rubbish."

He looked at Lu Gang jokingly: "Are you sure you want to do it to me?"

Lu Gang snorted coldly: "If you get out now, I can let you go."

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, if you go away now, I can give you a chance."


Lu Gang nodded: "Boy, this is your own death."

Ye Chen said, "I can make a call like this."

Lu Gang snorted coldly, "Boy, you want to call someone, right? I'll see who you can call?"

Ye Chen took out his mobile phone: "Pharaoh, is Starlight Pictures your company? Your manager wants to find someone to beat me!" The newest chapter address of the President of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: the full text of the president of Yiwan Group at the beginning: choose the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: Select the mobile phone of the president of Yiwan Group to read: the convenience of reading next time , You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1002 gives you a chance), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choosing the President of Hundreds of Millions", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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