Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:33 PM

Chapter 1003: 1003

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Wang Dalin's face changed when he heard that the general manager of his own company was about to beat Ye Chen.

Ye Chen, who is a super boss.

How can such a big boss offend him.

Hearing this news, Wang Dalin's whole body is not well.

"Mr. Ye, leave this to me.

Ye Chen hung up the phone, his expression calm.

"Haha, the call is over." Lu Gang said with a look of disdain.

Ye Chen is just a takeaway boy, he doesn't think anyone can be called on the phone.

"It's over, you still have time to regret now." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Haha, regret, it's you who regretted it." Lu Gang sneered.

Lu Gang snorted coldly, and said to the security guard who rushed in: "Give me up."

The security guards swarmed up.

At this moment, Lu Gang's cell phone rang.

Lu Gang was immediately silly when he saw the call.

It turned out to be Chairman Wang's call.

Dong Wang never took the initiative to call himself.

Now I'm making a call at this time.

President Wang?

Lu Gang suddenly remembered the content of Ye Chen's call.

Could it be said that Ye Chen really called Mr. Wang?

"Lu Gang, what are you kid doing?"

Lu Gang's face paled when he heard Wang Dalin's words.

"President Wang, I am eating."

"Eat, you bastard, you dare to offend Mr. Ye, and die?"

"Mr. Ye? I don't have any..."

"No, who did you want someone to beat just now?"


"Lu Gang, you are now fired and relieved of all your duties."

Hearing Wang Dalin's voice, Lu Gang was silly.

After the phone was hung up, Lu Gang thumped and sat on the chair.

Ye Chen looked at Lu Gang jokingly: "Why? Aren't you really awesome just now?"

Lu Gang now understands that what he met turned out to be a super boss.

He never dreamed that the boss would call himself personally for a courier brother.

This is incredible.

Lu Gang thumped and knelt in front of Ye Chen.

"Big brother, I was wrong, please forgive me."

The whole box was silent.

Everyone was completely stunned by this scene.

how can that be?

As the boss, Lu Gang kneeled down to beg for mercy to a courier brother.

Even Zhao Jie is stupid.

what's going on?

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Get out of here, you shouldn't have a chance to harm girls in the future."

After speaking, Ye Chen smiled at Zhao Jie: "Let's go, the food here is not good at all."

Zhao Jie nodded shyly.

Ye Chen drove Zhao Jie back home.

Zhao Jie said gratefully, "Ye Chen, thank you so much."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "What are you still polite between us, old classmates."

Ye Chen continued to deliver food the next day.

However, several orders were sent, but the Wanjie takeaway was not activated.

This order is a pizza.

And this pizza is the most expensive one in the store, 999 yuan.

Eating a pizza and spending so much money is enough to see that the other party is very rich.

Ye Chen came to the delivery location: "The 28th floor of Baoge Building."

Baoge Building is one of the famous financial buildings in the city.

Almost all of them are top 500 companies.

Ye Chen rode an electric car to Baoge Building, and took the elevator to the 28th floor.

"Hey, your takeaway is here."

"Oh, please send it to me, Bourg Group President's Office."

Ye Chen was stunned, the other party turned out to be a president.

Ye Chen can hear that the voice of the beauty opposite is very sweet, and she is also a little lazy.

Entering Baoge Group, Ye Chen opened his eyes.

Because the Borg Group is in the cosmetics business, it is full of beautiful women.

Those white-collar workers were also stunned when they saw Ye Chen.

"Wow, that takeaway guy is so handsome."

"That's right, why does that takeaway suit look so good on him?"

"Brother, I will often order takeaways in the future, can I add a WeChat?"

Ye Chen finally rushed out of a few white-collar workers and took the takeaway box to the president's office.

When he came to the door, Ye Chen knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, is it Ms. Song Simeng? I'm delivering food."

Ye Chen can see that this office is very luxurious, and Ye Chen is also very curious about this beautiful president.

"Come in." A very nice voice came from inside.

Ye Chen pushed the door and entered.

When he saw the scene in front of him, Ye Chen's nosebleed almost didn't flow down.

I saw that in the luxurious office, there was a woman with perfect looks.

The woman's face is exquisite, her appearance is even more charming, and her appearance is about 96 points.

Ye Chen was stunned when he entered the office.

Because the beauty in front of me is actually doing yoga.

That posture is enough to make people spit blood.

But Ye Chen quickly recovered his Qingming.

After all, Ye Chen had also seen many beautiful women.

So there is some resistance to beautiful women.

And with the Wanjie takeaway system, Ye Chen can travel to the outside world in the future, and there will be more beauties.

Although the female president in front of her was beautiful, she was always at a point where Ye Chen couldn't resist.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Beauty, your takeaway is here."

The beauty stood up from the yoga mat, and then glanced at Ye Chen in surprise.

You know, as the queen of the magic capital business community.

Many men couldn't move when they saw him.

But the man in front of him was very calm.

The look was normal, and he didn't see any waves.

"Could it be that you are too busy at work recently and your charm value has dropped?"

Song Simeng even had some doubts about his appearance.

But when she saw Ye Chen, she was a little shocked.

Because Ye Chen is so handsome.

"It's incredible that such a handsome boy can deliver food."

The most important thing is the temperament of Ye Chen.

Even more than those elite shopping malls.

Who is this young man? How can there be such a temperament?

Ye Chen handed over the express box.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The office door was suddenly knocked open, and four men rushed in quickly, each holding a dagger in his hand.

Seeing the killer, Song Simeng's face changed slightly.

All four of them wore the clothing of natural gas maintenance workers.

After the four rushed into the president's office, they directly launched an offensive against Song Simeng.

Song Siming is a cosmetic brand, and it is developing very fast now, especially a new product that has just been developed and quickly occupied the market.

Therefore, many people are offended.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw these assassins.

It turned out to be an assassination.

These assassins want to kill the president.

Soon, Ye Chen responded.

After all, his takeaway employer hasn't signed the order yet, how can he let the customer die.

Suddenly, a cold murderous aura radiated from Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen looked cold when he saw the killers.

With the strength of the King of Assassins, the movements of these assassins were not enough in Ye Chen's eyes.

At this time, the four killers had rushed to Song Simeng. Choose

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