Published at 27th of April 2021 12:48:32 PM

Chapter 101: 101

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In the blink of an eye, He Lei had already slapped himself ten times.

"Okay, stop."

He Lei looked at Ye Chen tremblingly.

Just to make Ye Chen vent his anger, he used all his strength for a dozen slaps.

Now his entire face is swollen into a pig's head.

"Mr. Ye, can you forgive me?" He Lei looked at Ye Chen pale.

The woman on the side was trembling, and she knelt on the ground.

Then he slapped himself like He Lei.

"Mr. Ye, please, forgive my husband, I was wrong, I have no eyes."

With that, she snapped herself up like He Lei.

Ye Chen looked at He Lei's wife and slapped ten times before saying, "It's all right."

He Lei looked at Ye Chen with some suspicion: "Mr. Ye, have you calmed down, if not, we can continue to smoke."

Ye Chen said coldly: "I said that you would get ten slaps from ten slaps. This matter is clear."

He Lei let out a sigh of relief after hearing what Ye Chen said. He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so grand.

"Then our company's project?"

Ye Chen said with a cold look: "I will talk about the project when I am in a good mood."

He did not directly agree, but since he said that, He Lei took a deep breath.

Since Ye Chen had forgiven him, he could explain to Chen Wan when he returned, at least he would be spared in prison.

At this time, Chen Wan ran in from outside in a panic.

People in their sixties, jogging and panting all the way.

He saw He Lei angrily kicked a few more feet.

"You desperate beast."

Chen Wan kicked He Lei a few times, then turned around to please Ye Chen and said, "Mr. Ye, you can vent your anger as you want, as long as you can calm down and kill him."

On the side, He Lei suddenly remembered something, took out 20,000 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Ye Chen tremblingly.

"Mr. Ye, this is the 20,000 yuan you gave me just now, and I will return it to you."

"Nima, you still dare to ruin Mr. Ye's money, do you really want to die?"

Chen Wan was almost mad when he heard it, and kicked vigorously again.

Ye Chen said coldly: "I said that the money was paid to you. Since the compensation is paid out, there is no reason to return it."

He Lei was immediately stunned.

This money is a hot potato for him, and he can't ask for it anyway.

Ye Chen looked at Tang Lu who was aside and asked with a petting smile: "Lulu, are you feeling out of breath?"

Tang Lu nodded obediently: "Yes."

Ye Chen didn't even look at Chen Wan and He Lei, turned and left.

The crowd around was eye-opening, this is really awesome, so much better than those blockbuster movies.

Ye Chen and Tang Lu were walking on the commercial street.

"Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to be the boss of a real estate company. That's amazing." Tang Lu looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

"Haha, I'm actually a little brother Didi, and everything else is just a side job."

The two turned around for a while, and then drove home.

Seeing Ye Chen's home, Tang Lu was stunned.

Tomson first product, you are so amazing, you have a house in Tomson first product.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "What is Tomson's first product? The opportunity to go to my home in Kyoto will definitely surprise you."

Tang Lu snorted coldly: "Stop bragging, I've seen Tang Lu before."

Ye Chen didn't speak, he had this confidence.

If Tang Lu knew that her home was the Royal Mansion, she would be surprised.

Tomson's first-class house is very large, and Ye Chen has four of them left alone.

Tang Lu directly chose a room to live in.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not accept the rent, but Tang Lu had contracted the tasks of cleaning and doing early.

Ye Chen ate the breakfast made by Tang Lu, with a happy expression on his face.

Hey, there is a little maid that is really nice.

If you can...


But this kind of thing is just to think about it, Ye Chen is not the kind of person who takes advantage of others.

Ye Chen finished his breakfast and continued to run didi.

Ye Chen's cell phone rang just after leaving the house.

"Is it Mr. Ye?"

"Are you?" Ye Chen's phone number is only known to a few acquaintances, so the person who can call Ye Chen must be someone he knows.

"My name is Zhang Xin, and I'm also a director. Master Xing introduced me to call you."

"Oh, hello, does Director Zhang have something to do?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Mr. Ye, we are going to make a movie called "Ye Wen" which tells the story of the master of Wing Chun, Mr. Ye Wen. I would like to ask you to play the role of the male lead, can I?"

Several of Ye Chen's films have been released and have gained a very good reputation.

In the past few days, Ye Chen has accepted several directors' film appointments, but he has rejected them all.

Ye Chen now just wants to run dick, get five-star praise, and it takes too much time to make a movie.

"Mr. Ye, now our Huaguo martial arts has been questioned by some people. I also wanted to promote the spirit of Huaguo martial arts when I made this film. I also saw the battle between you and Li Qiang. You are the most ideal actor for this role."

Ye Chen originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing Zhang Xin's words, he nodded: "Okay, but my shooting time is only half a day, because I have to run didi."

"No problem." Zhang Xin nodded excitedly.

The fact that Ye Chen opened the **** is no secret in the entertainment industry.

Many people are very curious, why Ye Chen can become the actor, but why is he so keen to play didi?

Even netizens laughed that Ye Chen was a star who was delayed by opening didi.

After finalizing the filming, Ye Chen was just about to start the car.

Suddenly, someone knocked on his car window.

Ye Chen lowered the car window and saw that charming face suddenly changed.

"Why did you come out?"

The beauty looked at Ye Chen jokingly, and said coldly: "Why, you don't want me to come out? Or do you want me to be shot directly?"

The other party was not someone else, but Lin Youyou, who had just been sent to prison by Ye Chen.

"Ahem, that's not what I meant, of course I am very happy that you can come out." Ye Chen said a little embarrassed.

"Humph." Lin Youyou was obviously still angry with Ye Chen, with a look of grievance.

At this time, Liu Weiwei came over.

"Ye Chen, after our understanding, a certain country is very interested in you now. In order to prevent accidents, Lin You You will continue to be your secretary and be responsible for protecting you." Liu Weiwei said.

"She is ours now?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

He was curious that Lin Youyou had changed so soon?

"According to our evaluation, although Miss Lin made a mistake, she was able to know when she was lost, and she also helped us grasp a lot of intelligence clues in a certain country and made great contributions, so she became our field staff.

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, Ye Chen used some methods to get Lin Youyou. Now his identity has changed, he has become an official person, and he is also responsible for the contact between himself and the Security Bureau. This change is too embarrassing.

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