Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:13 PM

Chapter 1013: 1013

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Ye Chen frowned after hearing this.

"Forcibly pretending? Where can I force pretending?"

"Hmph, my second uncle can't make an appointment with Dr. Zhang, you can make an appointment with just a phone call, and this trick will deceive a little girl like Xiaoxiao."

The other classmates just looked at Ye Chen with admiration, and at this time they were also a little suspicious.

Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes, Wang Dafu was very proud, feeling that he had grasped Ye Chen's handle.

He continued: "Return to Dean Chen, how can you be a takeaway boy who knows someone at the Dean level? Tell you, if you can do this, I will just stand upside down and eat."

Ye Chen faintly smiled after hearing it, "Live eating Xiangxiang, this is what you said."

Wang Dafu snorted coldly, "What am I talking about."

Some classmates are already whispering at the moment.

"It's too much, the teacher is like this, he even did this kind of thing."

"That's right, hey, Ye Chen turned out to be a takeaway boy, how could he know someone at the level of a big boss like Director Zhang."

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Chen connected the cell phone, and a voice came from inside: "Mr. Ye, Director Zhang will return to Anxi tomorrow morning. I have already contacted him. He will be the first one to perform your friend’s surgery. You will now transfer the patient to Anxi. The first hospital."

"I see, thank you so much."

Ye Chen hung up the phone.

There was dead silence all around at this moment.

Everyone is stupid.

Is this done?

Wang Dafu was even more dazed.

He muttered to himself: "Impossible, this is absolutely not possible."

At this time, the attending doctor's phone rang suddenly.

The attending doctor chatted with the other party for a few words, and then hung up the phone.

He said with a look of excitement: "I'm telling you a good news. Just now Anxi First Hospital called and they said they would send an ambulance to help transfer the hospital."

Afterwards, the attending doctor looked at Ye Chen.

"Boy, awesome, not only can we make an appointment with Director Zhang, but also let the hospital go out to pick up the patient directly. It's amazing."

The other classmates are also stupid.

Especially the few students who laughed at Ye Chen just now, their faces blushed instantly.

"Ye Chen is amazing."

"Ye Chen, you are really awesome."

"Haha, there were some people here just now, Hei Yechen, does it hurt in Dalian now?"

Many students just saw that Wang Dafu had been pretending to be compelled and couldn't bear it.

"By the way, Wang Dafu, didn't you just say that you can live upside down live streaming?"

Wang Dafu looked embarrassed.

At this moment, he felt that the eyes of his classmates looked at him with contempt.

But by the way, he was leaving, not staying, or not, which was extremely embarrassing.

At this time, Tian Xiaohua took Ye Chen's hand and said, "Ye Chen, thank you so much. You are our benefactor. I shouldn't have asked you for the thousand yuan. It's my wife who is too stingy."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Ms. Madam, the past thousand is a huge sum of money than the current one, and the teacher has helped me a lot. These are what I should do."

Chen Xiaoxiao happily took Ye Chen's hand at the moment: "Brother Ye Chen, thank you so much. You are my savior. I have decided. From now on, I will agree with my deeds. By the way, I have already reported to the devil city. The university."

Wang Dafu on the side was almost envious.

If it was her, Chen Xiaoxiao would definitely agree with her.

The attending doctor had arranged the transfer procedures, but Ye Chen followed.

"Director, how much did my teacher spend here?"

Director Zhang looked at the list and said: "It has already spent 180,000, and there is still 20,000 in arrears."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "I will replace the 20,000 yuan for the teacher's family.

In the ward, Teacher Zhang was still asleep.

Tian Xiaohua took Ye Chen's hand: "Ye Chen, Lao Zhang has a student like you, it's really a blessing for him to cultivate."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Mother, this is what I should do, and the teacher is also my benefactor, so these things I have done are trivial."

Ye Chen said as he took out a bank card from his pocket.

"Mother, I gave this bank card to the teacher, please accept it."

In this card, Ye Chen had just transferred a million people.

Ye Chen borrowed a thousand back then, but Ye Chen still remembers this love, so naturally he would repay it twice.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

"You said, how much money will Ye Chen have in this card?"

"It should be ten thousand."

"I think at least one hundred thousand."

Madam didn't want it at first, but Ye Chen insisted that he only accepted the card.

Chen Xiaoxiao took Ye Chen's hand: "Brother Ye Chen, after I go to the magic city, can I play with you every day?"

Ye Chen was speechless: "Sister, elder brother is going to deliver food, how can I play with you every day?"

Hearing that Chen Xiaoxiao wanted to find Ye Chen every day but Ye Chen refused, Wang Dafu was about to cry.

If it were him, he would have readily accepted it.

Ye Chen and the others left, and Tian Xiaohua's face was filled with sorrow.

Chen Xiaoxiao asked: "Mom, Dad's matter has been resolved, why are you still frowning?"

"Hey, boy, Anxi First Hospital is very expensive. I just asked. The hospitalization fee alone is more than 100,000 yuan. If your father's disease needs to be cured, at least one million yuan."

"Ah, so much money?"

Tian Xiaohua sighed, "Where shall we get so much money?"

Chen Xiaoxiao said suddenly: "By the way, didn't Brother Ye Chen just gave you a card? Or just look at how much money is in this card."

Tian Xiaohua also thought of this card.

According to her thoughts, Ye Chen was delivering food, and she probably couldn't give much.

Tian Xiaohua said: "Okay, I'll go to the bank and take out the money in it. Let's save the emergency first."

With that, Tian Xiaohua walked towards the teller machine downstairs.

Tian Xiaohua came to the teller machine and then took out the bank card.

Entered the password that Ye Chen told.

At this time, the balance of the account appeared.

The mother and daughter were all stupid seeing the balance displayed in the account.

How can it be?

How can there be so much money?

The balance of the bank card turned out to be one million.

Oh my God, the bank card Ye Chen gave them had a million in it.

Tian Xiaohua remembered something: "No, I have to find Ye Chen as soon as possible. He must have given the wrong card."

Chen Xiaoxiao also said: "I think so, Ye Chen must have taken the wrong card. Let's quickly find Ye Chen and return it to him."

At this time, the students gathered together in the restaurant.

The students looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

"Ye Chen, it's amazing. I didn't expect that the mountains and the water will not leak. Now it's so awesome."

"I wiped it, Ye Chen. I didn't think about your clothes just now. I checked the label of your clothes. It turned out to be an international brand and an exclusive design. This clothes is worth hundreds of thousands."

"Ye Chen, you have hundreds of thousands of watches, right."

The students just thought Ye Chen's famous brand was fake.

Ye Chen was able to make an appointment with Director Zhang, and the students all felt Ye Chen's extraordinary. Choose

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