Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:12 PM

Chapter 1014: 1014

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Ye Chen's personality has always been low-key, so even though the students asked repeatedly, Ye Chen laughed and said nothing.

Pretending to be forced, Ye Chen really didn't bother to pretend.

The strength lies there, there is no need to pretend.

But other students started to lick Ye Chen one after another.

"Ye Chen, are you really delivering food? Why don't I believe it."

"You are stupid, how can you have this kind of network for food delivery."

"I heard that some big guys like to keep a low profile. Delivering food is just to experience life."

Ye Chen: "..."|

At this time, Wang Dafu, who was not strong enough, was depressed in the corner.

He had been black Ye Chen before.

But what he couldn't do was handled by Ye Chen with a single phone call.

What does this show?

It shows that Ye Chen is better than him.

Although Ye Chen didn't pretend to be compelling, but the others themselves are awesome.

Now thinking of Haikou that he had just praised, Wang Dafu felt hot on his face.

Although many students are chasing Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen never said anything, let alone a smug expression.

At this time, squad leader Zhao Yanyan spoke.

"The teacher will be transferred to Anxi No. 1 Hospital for surgery soon. I just found out that the hospitalization fee and the operation fee are very expensive. The teacher used to treat us very well. I hope everyone can donate some money to the teacher."

Everyone nodded when they heard Zhao Yanyan's words.

"Yes, the teacher's family conditions are very average, so the medical expenses must not be affordable."

"That is, donations must be made."

"I donate three thousand."

"I donate five thousand."

"Our family's conditions are not very good, so I donate five hundred."

Zhao Yanyan nodded and took a pen to write down everyone's donations.

Some students with good conditions donated 10,000, some donated several thousand, and those with bad conditions also donated several hundred.

At this time it was Ye Chen's turn.

Everyone is curious about Ye Chen's identity.

However, it can be seen from Ye Chen's outfit that Ye Chen's strength is definitely not ordinary.

How can such a rich donate one hundred and two hundred thousand.

After all, if Ye Chen bought a outfit casually, it was all hundreds of thousands.

And the teacher at the beginning was the best to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "I'll donate ten thousand."

The reason why Ye Chen chose to donate 10,000 was actually because he didn't want to pretend to be forced, and secondly he didn't want to put pressure on other students.

After all, Ye Chen's card had given his wife one million yuan before, and it should be enough for treatment.

Seeing Ye Chen donate 10,000 yuan, the students nodded one after another.

After all, ten thousand yuan is not a decimal.

Among the students who donated money, Ye Chen is also considered to be many.

This number is neither more nor less.

At this moment, a mocking laughter rang super strong.

Wang Dafu looked at Ye Chen with contempt.

"Ye Chen, I thought you were so affectionate. That's it. You are so rich. The teacher is the best to you when you go to school. Donate ten thousand. You can really get it?"

At this time, the monitor Zhao Yanyan said: "Wang Dafu, you can't say that about this. Ye Chen also contacted Director Zhang to the teacher. You can't buy it for any amount of money."

Speaking of inviting Director Zhang, Wang Dafu was a little embarrassed.

But he gritted his teeth and decided that this time he must find face.

He gritted his teeth and said; "Classmates, I think that since the teacher is in trouble now, as a student, he should not have reservations, and should do his best to help, so I donate 50,000 yuan."

As soon as Wang Dafu's voice came out, the audience fell silent.

The eyes of the students looking at Wang Dafu changed.

Although Teacher Zhang is very kind to everyone, everyone donated between several thousand and several hundred.

When he was in school, Teacher Zhang often said that Wang Dafu, he and Teacher Zhang were the least likely to deal with it.

No one thought that Wang Dafu would be so grand and donated 50,000 yuan directly.

This is incredible.

Everyone's dissatisfaction with Wang Dafu's pretense has disappeared.

"Yes, but Dafu is interested."

"Awesome, this is the real tyrant."

"Dafu, admire, the teacher will be very pleased to have students like you."

The students began to praise Wang Dafu one after another.

Wang Dafu feels so happy in his heart.

Although he was a little distressed by the bleeding of fifty thousand, he felt very refreshed when he thought that it would overwhelm Ye Chen.

He thinks these fifty thousand flowers are simply worth it.

Wang Dafu immediately turned on the pretense mode.

"Haha, fifty thousand is nothing. For me, fifty thousand is just for a meal. My business is very big. For me, fifty thousand is no different from five hundred..."

Ye Chen watched Wang Dafu pretending to be forced, but did not speak, and continued to eat this talent.

Wang Dafu glanced at Ye Chen: "I don't look like some people, I speak gloriously, but when I do it, I force one."

The students all know who Wang Dafu is talking about.

After all, Ye Chen was a famous brand and only donated 10,000 yuan.

Sui Ren's money is not small, but it's not too much. Compared with Wang Dafu, there is indeed a big gap.

Wang Dafu continued to sneer and said, "Haha, now everyone should know who is treating the teacher sincerely."

But at this moment, the teacher Tian Xiaohua and Chen Xiaoxiao ran in.

"Finally found you." Chen Xiaoxiao said.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the sweat of the mother and daughter.

"Mother, is there something wrong with Teacher Zhang?"

Zhao Yanyan took the account book she just kept and handed it to Tian Xiaohua.

"Teacher, this is a little bit from all of us. Now we have put together a total of 110,000 yuan, please do it."

"This, Yanyan, I thank you all for Teacher Zhang. There is no need to donate money. I already have the money for the treatment of Teacher Zhang."

With that said, Tian Xiaohua took out a bank card from her pocket.

"Ye Chen, you boy, why is there so much money in this card?"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard Tian Xiaohua's words.

Isn't this the thousand yuan that Ye Chen returned to the teacher?

Tian Xiaohua said with tears in her eyes; "Ye Chen, this is too much money, Master Niang can't take it."

At this time, Zhao Yanyan asked curiously; "Mother, how much money is in this card?"

Zhao Yanyan said: "There are a million in this card."

one million!

Hearing this number, everyone was stunned.

Even Wang Dafu, who was just triumphant, was stupid.

Just now I surrounded myself and donated 50,000 yuan in one go.

But fifty thousand is what kind of money before one million.

His face was slumped.

Originally wanted to pretend to be forced, but was crushed by Ye Chen again.

Wang Dafu was about to cry.

After spending fifty thousand, Ye Chen stepped on cunning again.

Chen Xiaoxiao walked in front of Ye Chen, with crystal tears in her beautiful eyes.

"Brother Ye Chen, this money is too much, how can we collect it."

Tian Xiaohua also said: "Yes, this money is too much, we can't collect it."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Mother, you are too polite. When I was hospitalized, Teacher Zhang gave out the only one thousand yuan in the family. Now that the teacher is sick, what is it that I put out one million? "Choose

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