Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:10 PM

Chapter 1015: 1015

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There were tears in Tian Xiaohua's eyes.

"Ms. Zhang used to fight with him when I got the money, but now I know that our old Zhang has a very good vision."

Ye Chen said helplessly; "Mother, the teacher still needs someone to take care of it. You can take the money, and I will add it if it is not enough. Don't worry, I will take care of the teacher's illness."

All the students were moved.

Who has love and righteousness? Needless to say now.

One million is a huge sum of money in the eyes of many students present.

But Ye Chen took it out, and Wang Dafu was so excessive just now, but he didn't mention a word.

If it weren't for Master and Chen Xiaoxiao to come over, everyone would probably not know.

Chen Xiaoxiao walked to Ye Chen and took Ye Chen's hand: "Brother Ye Chen, you saved my father. You are my Xiaoxiao and the benefactor of our Chen family."

Ye Chen smiled, he could see from Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes that the other party's admiration for him.

She touched Chen Xiaoxiao's head and smiled: "Okay, what are you crying? Isn't Teacher Zhang's illness saved?"

"Well, when the ambulance comes, we will take my father to Dao Anxi Hospital. Brother Ye Chen, I will try my best to get admitted to Magic University, and then I will repay you."

Ye Chen was speechless.

"Xiaoxiao, no, this is what I should do."

Ye Chen couldn't stand the enthusiasm of this little beauty now.

Ye Chen was also a little embarrassed that such a big beauty confessed to herself in front of so many people.

Everyone understands what it means to repay.

Although Chen Xiaoxiao is a big beauty, she is a seventeen or eighteen girl.

Especially people's mother is still behind.

Chen Xiaoxiao was so enthusiastic, but Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen smiled: "Okay, everyone eat first, I have something to do, let's go."

Seeing Ye Chen's back, everyone was in a daze.

Ye Chen left the hotel and came to a cool Pagani car.

This car has just attracted the attention of many students.

I'm all curious about which boss's car this is.

It turned out to be Ye Chen's.

Ye Chen drove away, leaving behind the shocked students.

The girls in the class looked at Ye Chen with peach blossoms in their eyes.

If you know that Ye Chen is so good after graduation, he should have taken Ye Chen down by any means.

Chen Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen's back and clenched his fists.

Her delicate and pretty face showed a touch of firmness.

"Brother Ye Chen, I must be admitted to Modu University, come to your side, I want to be your girlfriend."

"Even if you don't want me, I have to follow you. I will be yours after Chen Xiaoxiao."

Chen Xiaoxiao's expression fell in the eyes of her mother.

If it was before, Tian Xiaohua would definitely stop it.

But today, she didn't say anything.

When a daughter is older, she also has the right to pursue her own happiness.

And Ye Chen, really good.

If Ye Chen could really be his son-in-law, it would be perfect.

At this time, Wang Dafu was silly seeing this scene.

It's too heartbreaking.

He originally wanted to suppress Ye Chen here, but now he sadly discovered that Ye Chen turned out to be even more powerful than before.

Hey, where are you pretending to be forceful today? It's really embarrassing.

Ye Chen returned to the magic city and continued to deliver food.

His greatest wish is to receive orders from Wanjie Food Delivery System.

After all, you can travel to other worlds to deliver food, which feels really great.

At this moment, a beeping system sound appeared in his mind.

"Ding, the host has received a takeaway order from Wanjie."

Ye Chen glanced at the order and was stunned. This time it was still the world of history.

The last time Ye Chen crossed the Tang Dynasty, what happened this time?

Ye Chen directly accepted the order.

Afterwards, riding an electric car began to buy things.

The items this time are very strange. They are baby milk powder and a bottle of beer.

Ye Chen was very curious, this time it was the takeaway from the historical celebrity who became his mother?

But since the customer requested it, Ye Chen had to complete it.

He soon came to the nursery shop, bought milk powder, milk bottles, and prepared them in advance as required.

The beauty of the nursery shop saw Ye Chen curiously and asked, "Brother, are you already a father?"

Ye Chen is so handsome. Originally the female clerk wanted to pursue Ye Chen.

But when he saw what Ye Chen bought, he asked curiously.

Ye Chen shook his head: "How is it possible, I am so young, I bought it for customers."

"Ah, that's it."

The female clerk looked at Ye Chen's handsome appearance, gritted her teeth, and said softly, "Brother, can I be your girlfriend?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Are the girls now so wild?

Want to be your own girlfriend the first time you meet?

I have to say that this female clerk is very beautiful, with fair skin and a very good figure.

But Ye Chen has to hurry up to deliver food, after all, customers are still waiting.

"I'm sorry, I still have something to do, thank you today."

Ye Chen turned around and ran away after the clerk warmed up the milk bottle.

The clerk's face flushed.

In fact, she just hid these words in her heart.

But this little brother is so handsome.

He actually let him speak everything in his heart.

Saying goodbye to the beauty of the waitress in the nursery shop, Ye Chen went to the fast food restaurant and ordered spare ribs, braised chicken, and two cans of beer.

Didi, it was detected that the host had already purchased the item, and the 30-meter wormhole in front of it was about to open.

Ye Chen drove an electric car to an unmanned alley, then accelerated and rushed into the wormhole.

After a brief period of darkness, Ye Chen found that he had come to a new world.

There was a deafening drum and the sound of killing.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment and looked down the hillside.

Under the hillside, there were fires and horses neighing.

Jin Ge iron horse, there are soldiers riding on war horses everywhere.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw this scene, it seemed to be the Warring States World.

He suddenly saw a battle flag with Cao written on it!

At this time, the system is updated.

The customer's name is Zhao Yun, and the location is three kilometers away.

Ye Chen was stunned.

It turned out that this time it was to deliver food to Zhao Yun.

And Zhao Yun ordered the baby's milk, plus this Cao Ying.

Ye Chen suddenly understood.

This should be Changbanpo.

In order to save Ah Dou, Zhao Yun killed seven in and seven out in Cao Ying.

Thinking of seeing Zhao Yun, God of War, Ye Chen felt enthusiastic.

Zhao Yun has always been Ye Chen's idol. He is a king, and Ye Chen also likes to use Zhao Yun to play wild.

This is too exciting.

Facing this cruel war scene, Ye Chen was not afraid at all, but was very excited.

He wants to deliver the takeaway to Zhao Yun as soon as possible.

But below is Cao Jun's company.

It seems that I can only break through the company and deliver food to Zhao Yun.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and rode directly down the hillside on the electric bike.

At this moment, Cao Jun also discovered Ye Chen who suddenly rushed down from the hillside. Choose

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