Published at 9th of June 2021 03:24:15 AM

Chapter 1017: 1017

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Ye Chen had already rushed into the small courtyard where Zhao Yun was hiding, riding an electric bike.

Zhao Yun immediately became vigilant when he saw someone rushing in suddenly.

He held Ying'er in his arms, with a bright silver gun in his hand, and said coldly: "Who is here?"

He also saw the chaos in Cao Ying just now.

This young man went to Cao Ying alone.

He probably couldn't even do it now.

Zhao Yun looked at Ye Chen in shock.

Ye Chen's performance just surprised him too much.

Especially Ye Chen's mount, what is this?

Why does it run so fast?

I'm afraid even the red rabbit horse of the second brother can't run the mount under this little brother's crotch.

It can be said that this little brother is really amazing.

What surprised him even more was that when he walked in, he realized that this young man was even younger than himself.

But he should know such a general.

But he hadn't heard of it.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Brother Zhao, don't worry, I'm not an enemy, I'm here to give you food."

He pushed the electric car into the courtyard.

At this time, Ying Er in Zhao Yun's arms suddenly burst into tears.

Ye Chen frowned and said, "Ying'er must be hungry, I have milk powder here."

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly sounded because he had been dealing with Cao Jun for three days and three nights.

In the past three days, he had not dripped rice or drank any water, so he was hungry and thirsty.

Only then did he pray for God to bring some food to Adou and him.

Unexpectedly, it was just an unintentional act that someone really delivered food.

Suddenly, he looked at Ye Chen with a little awe in his eyes.

Could it be that this young man is a legendary god-man.

Give me food specially?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhao Yun looked at Ye Chen even more compliments.

Zhao Yun said, "Just now I prayed to the heavens, and you came. You won't be a fairy in the heavens, right?"

How could ordinary fighters break through Cao's joint camp, and still be invulnerable.

Therefore, Ye Chen is the **** of heaven, this is the best explanation.

Ye Chen's performance just now is really the same as that of a god-man.

Rushing into Cao Ying's realm like no one is simply too powerful.

Ye Chen smiled, he could understand why Zhao Yun thought so.

"General Zhao, I'm not an immortal, I'm just a little brother from Ten Thousand Realms."

"This is the takeaway you ordered." Ye Chen put the hot milk bottle and food on the table.

Zhao Yun was stunned when he saw the food on the table.

Braised pork ribs, rice, and two bottles of wine in iron cans.

Zhao Yun has never seen such food.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "General Zhao is hungry, hurry up and eat."

Zhao Yun is indeed hungry.

You know, for three days and three nights, he didn't get in the rice, and he was still fighting Cao Jun, how could he not be hungry.

"Thank you."

Zhao Yun held his fist at Ye Chen, and then began to devour it.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Yun's way of eating, and smiled faintly.

Even if it is the God of War of the Three Kingdoms, it is ugly to be hungry and hungry.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "General Zhao eat slowly. By the way, there is still beer."

After all, this is a modern dish.

When did Zhao Yun eat such delicacies?

Therefore, Zhao Yun gobbled it up.

Even the rice Ye Chen brought, Zhao Yun ate two bowls in one breath.

This meal is really delicious.

Now, Zhao Yun believes that Ye Chen must be a **** from all over the world.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to bring such delicious things?

"Mr. Ye, the food you brought is really delicious." Zhao Yun couldn't help but said.

Soon, all the dishes and meals on the table were slapped.

Even Zhao Yun felt that there was still a feeling of unfulfilled love.

This meal is really delicious.

Zhao Yun has never had such a delicious meal in his entire life.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "General Zhao still has wine here."

"Yeah." Zhao Yun nodded and took Ye Chen's beer.

Zhao Yun looked at this iron pot curiously.

The beer in the tin can was cold and thorough.

A sip is simply so good.

Zhao Yun took a sip and was stunned.

This tastes too good.

Zhao Yun had drunk a lot of wine, but it was the first time he drank such a delicious wine.

"Brother Ye, what kind of wine is this again?"

Ye Chen smiled; "This is beer."

Ye Chen opened another bottle and said, "Come and I respect you."

Ye Chen rushed all the way to the village just now, and he was indeed a little hungry.

Zhao Yun and Ye Chen clinked their glasses and took a sip.

The wine is cold in the mouth, and one sip seems to have eliminated all the irritability and exhaustion from the body in an instant.

This feeling is really too comfortable.

That's so cool.

"Ye Dashen, your wine is really delicious."

Zhao Yun drank beer and was intoxicated all the time.

After drinking and eating, Zhao Yun clasped his fist and said, "Brother Ye, you are my life-saving benefactor of Zhao Yun. Today's kindness is unforgettable for Zhao Yun."

"If Brother Ye has anything to do in the future, please do not hesitate to tell me, Zhao Yun will go through the fire and water."

Ye Chen waved his hand: "General Zhao is too polite, these are just trivial matters."

"By the way, don't go there for a while and give me a five-star praise."

After all, Zhao Yun's five-star praise, Ye Chen believes that the rewards given by the system will definitely not be bad.

Zhao Yun put the milk into Adou's mouth again.

Ye Chen sighed for a while.

At the beginning, Zhao Yun tried so hard to rescue Ah Dou, but it was a pity that this child was indeed an Ah Dou who could not help him when he grew up.

But this is the timeline of history, and Ye Chen naturally cannot destroy it.

At first, Adou cried very much, but after drinking the milk, he didn't cry at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun was stunned.

He clasped his fist and said, "Brother Ye, I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful. This kindness will be unforgettable in the next generation."

Ye Chen said: "Okay, I'm going back."

Zhao Yun nodded, fixed Ah Dou on his body, and then mounted his gun.

At this time, the system prompts.

"Ding, the delivery is successful, and the wormhole will open in ten seconds."

Ye Chen knew that he was leaving soon.

He clasped his fist and said, "General Zhao, there will be a period later."

Then Ye Chen rushed into the wormhole riding an electric bike.

Looking at Ye Chen who disappeared, Zhao Yun was stunned.

This must be a man of God.

Except for the gods, how could it disappear out of thin air?

Zhao Yun's eyes were full of shock, and he was also very excited.

You know, I just had a drink with the fairy.

Could it be said that what I just drank was the fairy world of the fairy world, and what I ate was the delicacy of the fairy world?

"Haha, I, Zhao Yun, have fairies to get along with, so what's to be afraid of."

Zhao Yun instantly came in momentum, brandishing a silver spear, and rushing towards Cao Ying.

At this time, Ye Chen had already returned to the real world.

Turning on the impulse, Ye Chen appeared in the alley that had just disappeared.

At this time, Ye Chen also took a sigh of relief.

It seems that the delivery of the takeaway is fairly smooth.

Now, what Ye Chen looks forward to most is the reward of the system.

He believes that Zhao Yun's five-star praise, the reward will not be bad. Choose the latest chapter address of the President of Yiwan Group: full text reading address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group at the beginning: the president of Yiwan Group to read on mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1017 must be a fairy), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundreds of Millions in the Start", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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