Published at 9th of June 2021 03:15:16 AM

Chapter 1019: 1019

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Ye Chen looked at Director Lu jokingly, and said with a sneer; "Okay, then you just wait."

Director Lu snorted and took out his mobile phone.

"The security guard, there is a young man making trouble here, so he blasted me out."

After a while, noisy footsteps sounded outside.

A dozen security guards rushed in.

Director Lu pointed at Ye Chen and said coldly: "Bounce this kid out of the hospital for me, and will not allow him to come in in the future."

These security guards know the weight of Director Road.

He is the son-in-law of the future dean, so how dare he offend him.

Director Lu gave an order, and these security guards rushed to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and just before he was about to do something, suddenly there was a loud drink from the door.

"Stop it all."

At this time, an old man in a white coat walked over quickly.

Seeing Ye Chen, the old man's expression changed.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Director Lu saw the old man's face change, and said in embarrassment: "Dean Chen, you, why are you here?"

Dean Chen snorted coldly: "Lu Yuan, what did you just do?"

Seeing Dean Chen actually came, and being so polite to Ye Chen, Lu Yuan was a little panicked.

After all, he knew that if Dean Chen knew about the things he had done, he wouldn't be the dean's son-in-law.

Lu Yuan said with an ugly face: "No, nothing!"

Ye Chen sneered: "It's nothing? Are you sure it's really nothing?"

With that, Ye Chen pointed to Xiao Qian and said, "What happened to the little girl, please talk to Dean Chen."

Seeing that Dean Chen was so polite to Ye Chen, Xiao Qian also saw that Ye Chen's identity was extraordinary.

"I'm going to graduate from an internship soon. Director Lu threatened me with this, saying that if I didn't sleep with him, he wouldn't sign me."


Hearing the girl's words, Dean Chen's face suddenly sank.

The road on the side shivered far away.

"Dean Chen is not like this, she framed me."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "She framed you? I saw with my own eyes that you were playing with the girl."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Dean Chen was angry.

Her daughter loves Lu Yuan very much, so Dean Chen was promoted all the way.

Unexpectedly, this Lu Yuan turned out to be a despicable villain.

"Dean Chen, listen to me to explain."

What else does Lu Yuan want to say.


A loud slap fell on Lu Yuan's face.

"I am so blind that I want to marry my daughter to a brute like you."

Lu Yuan was slapped and immediately dizzy.

Ye Chen said lightly: "This kind of scum, our hospital can't stay, you should know how to deal with it."

Dean Chen nodded: "Mr. Ye, don't worry."

He said to Lu Yuan coldly: "Lu Yuan, starting today, you have been fired."

Dean Chen said to several security guards: "You guys blasted him out of the hospital, and since then he is not allowed to enter the hospital for half a step."

Hearing Dean Chen's words, Lu Yuan was greedy.

He knows Dean Chen's weight.

If you have offended Dean Chen, no hospital in the magic city would dare to ask him.

Dean Chen said to Ye Chen respectfully after finishing the treatment: "Dong Ye, do you think you are satisfied with this treatment?"

Hearing what Dean Chen said, Lu Yuan was immediately silly.

President Ye?

This young man turned out to be the chairman of the hospital?

Lu Yuan was directly dragged out by several security guards.

Dean Chen said to Ye Chen with a look of gratitude: "Mr. Ye, thank you so much. If my daughter marries this kind of scum, she will definitely regret her death."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Since I met this kind of scum, naturally he will not be allowed to stay in the hospital, but the management of the hospital will be strengthened in the future."

The elder Chen's face blushed: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will immediately start to rectify."

At this time, Murong Xue checked it out.

Seeing a bunch of people around Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said to Dean Chen: "Okay, my friend is here, I'm leaving now."

Murong Xue's foot injury seemed to heal a lot.

Ye Chen asked, "How about your foot injury."

Murongxue said, "It's much better. The doctor said that if you rest for a while, there will be no problem."

Ye Chen smiled: "Then I will send you back."

Murong Xue nodded.

"That will have to trouble you."

Murong Xue blushed and said.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "No problem."

With that, Ye Chen picked up Murong Xue.

Seeing this scene, Dean Chen was stunned.

Dean Chen sighed.

"It's a pity that my daughter doesn't live up to her temper, she doesn't look pretty, or she must be introduced to Ye Chen."

In the envious eyes of everyone, Ye Chen hugged Murongxue and walked outside the hospital.

Murongxue whispered: "Why do I feel that these people keep staring at me?"

Ye Chen smiled: "Really? Is there any reason why I didn't feel it?"

Murong Xue said: "Why not, those people obviously seem to be talking about us."

"Of course, they must be complimenting me for being handsome."

Murong Xue whitened Ye Chen and said, "How is it possible, they must think I am too beautiful."

Ye Chen rode the electric bike Song Murongxue back to school.

Murongxue hugged Ye Chen tightly, and the night breeze blew, her long hair flying.

"Brother Ye Chen, thank you so much."

Ye Chen smiled: "Well, we are friends now, don't be so polite."

Murong Xue's pretty face blushed slightly.

"Well, does Ye Chen really treat me as a friend in the future?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Of course."

Soon Ye Chen rode an electric bike back to school.

This time, it is the evening of the school to study.

So there are so many students.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene.

"Isn't that the newly promoted school flower Murongxue?"

"Oh my God, no, there will be a boyfriend so soon."

"Look at that guy, he seems to be wearing takeaway clothes."

"No, Murong Xue's boyfriend turned out to be a takeaway boy."

Suddenly, the whole school was a sensation.

Many girls also saw Ye Chen.

"This takeaway boy looks too handsome, right."

"No wonder the school flower loves the takeaway boy."

"It's really a talented girl, two people really match up."

"Hey, I didn't expect that our school spent a lot of money, but it was taken by a food delivery guy."

Seeing this pair, everyone was a sensation.

Ye Chen is handsome and Murongxue is beautiful.

Two people are simply a natural pair.

The only discordant thing is that Ye Chen even wore express clothes.

At this moment, several of Murongxue's roommates were fetching water.

They were also stunned when they saw Murong Xue.

"Oh my God, this is the justice takeaway brother Murong Xue said."

"Before, he said that this takeaway boy was very beautiful and thought he was bragging. He was really beautiful when I saw him today."

Several of Murongxue's roommates are also beautiful women.

Murongxue's roommates gathered around.

"Awesome, Murongxue, I had a boyfriend just after school started."

"That's right, tell us quickly."

Murong Xueqiao blushed and quickly explained.

"It's not what you think."

The more nervous Murongxue was, the more her roommate felt that Murongxue and Ye Chen had a story. Choose the latest chapter address of the President of Yiwan Group: full text reading address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group at the beginning: the president of Yiwan Group to read on mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1019 Sending to School Flower Meeting School), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundreds of Millions in the Start", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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