Published at 15th of June 2021 12:03:04 PM

Chapter 1028: 1028

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The emperor came to the painting and looked at Tang Bohu's painting on the table and nodded repeatedly.

"As expected of the four great talents, this painting is very artistic."

Suddenly the emperor looked at the poem.

When he read the last sentence, the emperor couldn't help but screamed.

People laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through.

Good poem, good poem.

"Tang Aiqing, this poem is excellent."

Tang Bohu's face suddenly blushed.

"The emperor's poem was not written by me, but by this little brother."

"You wrote?" The emperor was stunned.

"I didn't expect the little brother to write poems of this kind of mood, so why don't you come to me as an official."

Ye Chen smiled: "I'm here to deliver the food, and I'm going back soon."


The emperor still did not understand what a food delivery was.

It should be a very powerful profession.

Ye Chen didn't want to be an official here.

Ye Chen still understands the truth about companionship like a companion tiger.

And even if the current emperor gave him a rich life, it would not be as good as the modern one.

Even if he gave the throne to Ye Chen, Ye Chen wouldn't do it.

Ye Chen was also very curious.

His takeaway has already been delivered, so logically, he should let himself go back!

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

I saw a dozen black-clothed killers suddenly jumped from the eaves outside.

These black-clothed assassins rushed towards the emperor with gleaming knives in their hands.


Ye Chen's eyes narrowed.

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a plot here.

After all, he is delivering food, if he is injured by mistake, it is not a loss.

Obviously, the emperor's bodyguards were all outside, and he never thought that these people would hide on Tang Bohu's roof.


Several assassins brandished shining knives and killed several Ouchi guards at the door, and rushed in.

Ye Chen could see that these assassins were all martial arts masters.

Suddenly, everyone's face looked ugly.

Because the Ouchi guards who were in charge of the guard were dead, the emperor had no bodyguards by his side.

These assassins are well-trained, and the knives in their hands exude a cold light.

Their goal is the emperor.

Tang Bohu took a step and stood in front of the emperor.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed.

How could he watch Tang Bohu being killed by these killers?

Moreover, Tang Bohu is his customer. Once he dies, his takeaway mission may also fail.

Ye Chen thought, and the bright silver spear appeared in his hand.


Ye Chen's spear shook, and directly stab at the assassin who rushed forward.


The knife that led a killer to stabbed Tang Bohu was shaken by Ye Chen's spear.

The whole audience was stunned.

This marksmanship is too extreme.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and stood in front of Tang Bohu and the emperor.

The emperor was trembling now.

Although he is an emperor, he will be afraid of a killer.

Ye Chen said with a confident expression: "The emperor, with me, no one can hurt you."

In an instant, Ye Chen exudes a cold murderous aura.


Ye Chen shook the silver spear in his hand and jumped into the enemy camp.

A dozen killers waved their knives and looked towards Ye Chen.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chen wielded a silver spear and stood in a group with these assassins.

The current Ye Chen should have the physical quality of a super soldier king and possess a god-level marksmanship.

The bright silver spear in his hand was waving like flying.

Those assassins were unable to get close in a short time.

Although facing more than a dozen killers, Ye Chen showed no fear.

The silver spear in his hand trembles like a flying tiger, like a tiger descending from a mountain.

This feeling stunned more than a dozen killers.

They are all martial arts masters in the arena.

But the other party alone can deal with a dozen of them.

Don't even let the wind fall.


A killer was taken away by Ye Chen.

Then Ye Chen's silver spear flickered, and a killer was pierced into the heart by Ye Chen.

Seeing Ye Chen's performance, both the emperor and Tang Bohu looked stupid.

This is too handsome.

In the blink of an eye, four or five killers were already lying on the ground.

The emperor stared at Ye Chen with fiery eyes.

If such a master becomes my Ouchi guard.

Gee, it must be awesome.

At this time those killers were also completely stupid.

How could this young man be so powerful.

He was also afraid of Tyke.


Another killer was knocked into the air by them.

God, this guy is the devil.

How could there be such a powerful martial arts master next to the emperor.

This marksmanship is really terrible.

Let's go together and kill this man.

The killer leader gritted his teeth, waved the sword in his hand and rushed towards Ye Chen.

The remaining assassins also used their tricks to rush towards Ye Chen.

This time, they made up their minds to kill Ye Chen together.

The murderous aura exuded by more than a dozen killers is also shocking.

Even this murderous aura gave the emperor and Tang Bohu a shivering feeling.

"Brother Ye be careful."

These killers have resorted to desperate means.

But facing the assassin's crazy attack, Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly.

Afterwards, the silver spear in his hand directly unscrewed a spear and pierced the leader.


Ye Chen's silver spear stabbed on the back of the killer leader's knife.

In the next moment, Ye Chen flipped his wrist.


The silver spear directly pierced the addition of the killer leader.

Ye Chen withdrew the silver spear, blood stained on the spear, he flicked it hard.


Another assassin was taken directly away.

This is too powerful.

The whole audience was stupid.

Ye Chen's marksmanship is simply fascinating.

Ye Chen sneered, possessing god-level spear skills.

These assassins had no resistance at all in front of him.

Puff, puff, puff.

Three more killers were directly pierced by Ye Chen and added.

At this time, Ye Chen's body style is getting faster and faster.

It's like a ghost.

Every time a gun is shot, a killer will be stabbed by Ye Chen.

Throughout the yard, gun shadows flew up and down.

Where have those killers seen such unpredictable marksmanship?

In the blink of an eye, only five of the dozen killers were left.

Ye Chen shook the silver gun, blood spattered.

It's so handsome.

I have to say that the god-level marksmanship is really too powerful.

The five killers turned around and wanted to run, how could Ye Chen give them a chance.


The silver spear in Ye Chen's hand was pierced again, and the remaining five killers in the blink of an eye were also directly stabbed by Ye Chen and fell to the ground.

At the end of the battle, in less than five minutes, all a dozen killers were wiped out.

But Ye Chen didn't even have a trace of blood on his body.

"This is too powerful."

The emperor was stunned.

This is simply a god-man.

Could it be said that he is the God of War sent to me by the heavens?

An expression of surprise appeared on the emperor's face.

If it weren't for Ye Chen's presence, I'm afraid he would have been killed by these killers now.

Ye Chen walked to the emperor and smiled faintly: "The emperor, the killer was killed by me, now it's safe."

Ye Chen at this time was like a **** of war.

The emperor looked at the young man in front of him with a respectful look on his face.

"Thank you little brother for saving my life, I will repay you well."

"If you can, can I be my Ouchi guard, I can give you all the glory and wealth." The emperor said seriously. Choose the latest chapter address of the President of Yiwan Group: full text reading address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group at the beginning: the president of Yiwan Group to read on mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1028 Protecting the Emperor), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundreds of Millions in the Start", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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