Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:32:53 PM

Chapter 1035: 1035

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The reason why Chen Hua knelt on the ground was because Ye Chen's aura was too terrifying.

Ye Chen was on the stage at this time.

The spotlight shone on Ye Chen.

This man is too powerful.

At this time, the audience in the audience reflected, and there was thunderous applause.

"Ye Chen is so handsome."

"Really amazing, Ye Chen."

"It's the **** of Chinese painting."

The audience cheered.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and bowed slightly to the audience.

Seeing Ye Chen bowing, there was another round of applause at the scene.

At this moment, Murongxue in the audience has already become a fan.

She didn't expect Ye Chen to be so outstanding and so talented.

In her heart, Ye Chen was already very powerful, but he didn't expect to see Ye Chen's more powerful talent now.

Even her best friend Xu Ning couldn't help but said, "Your male **** is really too powerful, let alone you, even I was fascinated by him."

Ye Chen at this moment became the focus of the audience.

Even the light on Zhao Kun, the school's first male god, cannot be compared with Ye Chen.

Song Xiaoxiao said happily: "Ye Chen is great, this painting of you is simply Tang Bohu alive."

At this time, Song Xiaoxiao on the stage was also happy for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

In fact, he doesn't want to be too high-profile.

But there is no way, these people force themselves to be high-profile.

Ye Chen understood that being too high-profile would be of no benefit to him.

Become an Internet celebrity, and it’s uncomfortable to wear a mask when going out.

"Mr. Ye Chen."

"Not Master Ye Chen."

At this moment, Tang Zhen came to Ye Chen with a look of excitement.

Because of his excitement, Tang Zhen was even a little incoherent.

At this moment, the audience was stunned to see Tang Zhen actually complimenting Ye Chen so much.

Oh my God, Teacher Tang actually called Ye Chen a master.

This is too unbelievable.

You know, Tang Zhen is the vice president of the Chinese Art Association, and there are many areas that are outstanding in the field of art in China.

Now, he actually called Ye Chen the master.

This is simply unimaginable.

"Master Ye, your drawing skills are not an exaggeration to be called a master."

At this moment, Tang Zhen's eyes looked at Ye Chen even with piety.

If you can draw such a classic work, what is it if you are not a master?

Tang Zhen asked excitedly, "Where can Master Ye live?"

In fact, although Ye Chen was wearing takeaway clothes, Tang Zhen never thought that Ye Chen was a takeaway brother.

You know, with Ye Chen's painting skills, it is impossible not to be famous.

So Ye Chen can't be a takeaway guy.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Teacher, I'm actually a takeaway boy."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Tang Zhen was stunned.

"Are you a takeaway boy?"

Tang Zhen almost fell down without being surprised.

On the stage, Chen Hua almost burst out with a look of decadence.

"Brother Takeaway?"

The takeaway guys are so good now?

Many people think that Ye Chen is an outdoor expert.

A takeaway boy who has this kind of painting skills can make a lifetime's money for a takeaway boy with any painting.

Tang Zhen suddenly thought of something.

It must be that this takeaway boy doesn't even know how great his achievements are.

Tang Zhen laughed excitedly.

"Haha, God is so kind to me that he even met such a genius."

Tang Zhen was really excited.

This painting by Ye Chen actually painted the charm of the ancestor Tang Bohu.

Even Tang Zhen believed that if this painting was a painting of Tang Bohu, Tang Zhen would believe it.

Although Tang Zhen had a lot of apprentices, there was none that really made him proud.

If Ye Chen can follow himself, then he is likely to cultivate a master of traditional Chinese painting.

Thinking of this possibility, Tang Zhen was extremely excited.

You know, Ye Chen's strength, even he can't reach.

Now Chinese painting has shown signs of decline.

The appearance of Ye Chen even brought expectations to the Chinese painting circles in China.

Tang Zhen said, "Ye Chen, I believe that you may be the first person in Chinese traditional painting."

"If you can, can you stay at the Academy of Fine Arts? I can directly make you a professor at the Academy."

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, everyone was stunned.

Oh my God, Tang Zhen turned a takeaway boy into a professor directly.

This is too strong.

You know, professors at the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts earn millions of dollars.

Ye Chen smiled faintly when he heard Tang Zhen want to dig himself.

"Sorry, I can't be a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, because I have more important things to do."

Tang Zhen was stunned when he heard it, something more important.

Could it be said that Ye Chen has more important things?

Ye Chen said: "I'm a takeaway brother, I want to deliver food."

Tang Zhen was almost out of madness.

"The important thing you said is delivery of food?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, what a lofty job takeaway is, it can help countless people."

Tang Zhen was speechless.

Such a genius delivering food is simply a horrible thing.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, turned and left.

Seeing Ye Chen's back, Tang Zhen was heartbroken.

Ye Chen returned to his seat.

At this moment, almost all eyes were on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's performance just now was so good, now it has become the focus of the audience.

Even the school girl Murongxue felt a little pressure in front of Ye Chen.

At this time, Ye Chen didn't know that this video had been posted online.

And it's already on fire.

Many students posted the scene of Ye Chen's painting just now on the Internet.

On the Douyin platform, the video of Ye Chen's ink paintings suddenly became popular.

Especially the handsome appearance of Ye Chen's brush strokes attracted countless people.

Although the classmate recorded only a profile face, this profile face is really handsome.

The most important thing is the uniform of the takeaway boy on Ye Chen.

Oh my God, the man who painted this kind of painting turned out to be a takeaway boy.

"This is the real Chinese painting."

"Yes, this is the quintessence of the country."

"Awesome, I feel that this painting is so beautiful, for the first time I know that our Chinese paintings are so beautiful."

"I think this painting is very similar to Tang Bohu's style, the style is too delicate."

Everyone talked.

Suddenly, the video of Ye Chen painting traditional Chinese painting on the Douyin platform suddenly burst.

Especially when Tang Zhen invited Ye Chen to be a professor, Ye Chen flatly refused.

The reason was that they wanted to deliver food, and everyone was even stupid.

Such a painting genius would rather deliver food than be a professor.

Does this mean that the legendary master is in the folk?

At the moment, in Hengdian, Kyoto.

A crew has just finished work.

Su Wei returned to the hotel and lay lazily on the bed.

As the No. 1 Goddess of China, Su Wei is the best in beauty, looks and body.

At this time, Su Wei was playing Douyin.

Suddenly a news caught Su Wei's attention.

Su Wei was stunned when she saw the video.

She likes Chinese painting very much, and she was fascinated when she saw the man painting Chinese painting in the video.

Suddenly, she felt that the man seemed familiar. Choose

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