Published at 18th of August 2021 12:09:37 PM

Chapter 1050: 1050

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When Ye Chen saw several people, his face was also cold.

"Give in, don't stand in front of my car."

Li Yong listened to a cold snort: "This is your car. Do you know how much this car costs, 100 billion. You want to be able to drive such an expensive car?"

Ye Feifei also looked disdainful: "Cut, I really don't have any points in my heart. How could this luxury car be driven by ordinary people?"

The faces of the others were mocking.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, took out the key directly, and pressed it lightly.

I saw that the sports car in front of me directly opened its cool wings.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "I'm sorry, you stay away from my car. If you accidentally scratch the paint, I will still let you compensate at the price."

Li Yuanyuan's relatives watched Ye Chen start the sports car with dull eyes, they were all stupid.

This billion-dollar sports car turned out to be Ye Chen's.

Li Ming suddenly slapped his thigh: "It turns out that Li Yuanyuan is on the top of the list, so my eldest brother's family is well developed."

Ye Hai stared blankly at the rear taillights of the sports car: "That's right, so should we please elder brother to see if we can borrow some light?"

Zhang Tingting and Wu Peipei said anxiously, "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you apologize to your eldest brother?"

Li Yuanyuan's family has developed because of Ye Chen, even if they give them soup, they can get a lot of benefits.

Li Ming and Li Hai looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and walked towards Li Yuanyuan's house.

Ye Chen and Li Yuanyuan came to a restaurant.

Li Yuanyuan trembled slightly when she saw the specifications of the restaurant.

This restaurant looks very expensive.

Ye Chen seemed to see Li Yuanyuan's worries and smiled: "Don't worry, it's all my treat today."

"Ah, that's not good."

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "What's wrong? Boys and girls should go out. Boys should treat them."

At this time, an internet celebrity in front of the restaurant was doing a live broadcast.

The name of the internet celebrity is Huoyanjinjing.

His live broadcast theme is anti-counterfeiting.

His vision is very poisonous, and he will crack down on thousands of people with fakes in the street.

Unexpectedly, the fans in the live broadcast room actually loved this bite very much.

Every time he cracks down on fakes, those fans will be very excited, and the rockets fly randomly.

The Huoyanjinjing anchor found that this is a shortcut to getting rich.

So he set up his own live broadcast style, first looking for the target, then fighting the fakes, relying on his vicious tongue to spit out those poor **** fiercely.

Make the other person ashamed.

After all, these years, many ordinary people can't afford luxury goods, so they buy those high imitations.

Most of this kind of people love vanity in his heart.

Therefore, there is no shortage of material for the Huoyan Jinjing anchor.

The reason why he can quickly become popular is that he has captured people's psychology.

When he sees the target, he will quickly go over to fight the fake, and then tear off the other party's disguise, so that the other party has no place to show himself.

The effect of this kind of program is very good, and it greatly meets the needs of those netizens who can't afford luxury goods in the live broadcast room and don't like the use of high imitation.

Therefore, Jin Jing has now become a major anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans.

Today, he was in a good mood and came out to fight fakes.

Huoyan Jinjing is 27 or 18 years old and looks a little handsome. He said to the live screen: "Ladies and gentlemen, today Huoyan Jinjing came out to fight fakes again. Let’s take a look at the unlucky encounter today who has no money and likes to pretend to be forced. Are you here?"

"By the way, once again, I would like to remind everyone whether or not to use high imitation, because the eyes will expose you!

"Being met by me, don't blame my lack of virtue. If I don't have the money to pretend to end, I will be severely humiliated."

"Because I have a fiery eye, I have a pouting mouth that can tear off any of your disguise."

Listening to the glaring opening remarks, the fans in the live broadcast room made friends again and again.

Afterwards, he looked around looking for prey with fiery eyes.

At this moment, the gifts in the live broadcast room have been brushed up.

Those netizens are also very excited, waiting for the first unlucky person to appear.

There are a lot of people online in the live broadcast room today, and the gift brushing is also very cool.

Fiery eyes are very excited.

"Haha, I like to watch Huoyan's shows the most. It's really cool to watch those dicks' faces after the pretense is torn off."

"That's right, I don't know today that the pretending criminal will be unlucky and will be caught by the eye of fire."

"I admire Huoyan, these eyes are really awesome."

At this moment, Jin Jing has locked the target.

No one else, this goal is Ye Chen.

The jacket Ye Chen wore was the clothes of the takeaway boy, but the clothes trademark in him was not simple, it turned out to be Hermès.

Huoyan's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said: "I have found the target. Everyone, look at that takeaway boy. Have you seen it? He is wearing Hermès clothes."

With that said, he deliberately pulled the video closer.

Netizens quickly realized that, sure enough, the dress was from Hermes.

He sneered: "A takeaway boy came out in Hermès clothes to pretend to be forced. Everyone sees that the girl next to him is very beautiful. He must have been deceived by him."

Fiery eyes came to Ye Chen and asked with a sneer: "Brother takeaway asks you a question, in which Taobao store did you find your Hermes clothes?"

Ye Chen glanced at each other, a little speechless.

This guy is stupid.

Ye Chen ignored this kind of fool.

Huoyan Jinjing saw Ye Chen not talking, thinking that the other party was counseling, and he looked smug in the live broadcast room.

"Have you seen it? This takeaway boy is actually wearing Hermès clothes... You guys say it's funny, isn't it?"

Some people in the live broadcast room disagreed after hearing the fierce ridicule.

"Why can't the takeaway boy wear Hermes clothes?"

"You don't understand, this dress must be fake, and Huoyan's eyes are very poisonous. He said that it is fake and certainly not true."

Huoyan still stared at Ye Chen at this moment.

Seeing the watch on Ye Chen's wrist, his eyes lit up.

Ye Chen's wrist watch is a limited edition Patek Philippe, more than ten million.

If a person carries more than ten million watches, how can he deliver food?

So this person is definitely a fake watch.

Huoyan Jinjing almost didn't laugh out loud.

Very lucky today.

Encountered a takeaway guy who likes to act so hard.

Wearing Hermès clothes and wearing tens of millions of watches, haha, doesn't this little brother have any points in his heart?

Does what you wear and what you bring matches your identity?

He looked at Ye Chen with contempt: "Brother, if you say you are wearing Hermès clothes, I won’t say anything. If you say you are carrying tens of millions of fake Patek Philippe watches, I can’t bear it anymore. , Since you like pretending so much, why do you still want to deliver food?"

Ye Chen frowned, originally he didn't want to waste time with this guy.

But this guy kept saying that he was carrying fakes.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What evidence do you have that mine is false?"

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