Published at 18th of August 2021 12:09:35 PM

Chapter 1052: 1052

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As soon as the announcement on the official website came out, the whole website was in an uproar.

"Oh my god, it turned out to be true."

"Brother Takeaway actually carried a 19.88 million watch."

"Although I am a white-collar worker, I only found out that I am so **** now."

"I'm depressed. It turns out that people are the real king."

"I think the takeaway boy's watch is so exquisite, but it looks like a fake watch."

"It's still glaring, I think it's blind."

Looking at the official announcement with fiery eyes, it was also stupid.

He never thought that the 19.88 million watch brought by a takeaway boy turned out to be real.

This is too slapped face.

He felt that his face was almost swollen from the beating.

Soon the official website of Hermes made an announcement.

"Recently, a short video slandered our black gold customer's Hermès limited edition clothing as fakes. After verification by our experts, the Hermès clothing worn by the takeaway boy was personally made by the famous designer of our company, Mr. Tom, and was worth 3.88 million.

No one thought that Hermès would personally come out to prove Ye Chen's innocence.

Moreover, the clothes worn by the original takeaway brother turned out to be worth 3.88 million.

This takeaway boy is too awesome.

There are more than 20 million watches and clothes.

Where is the takeaway boy, a proper boss-level figure.

Looking at the official announcement of Hermès, I was completely stupid.

How is this possible.

The official Hermès made a special announcement for a takeaway boy.

At the moment, the commentary circle is full of ridiculous voices.

"Haha, what kind of golden eyes, I think they are blind golden eyes."

"It's no wonder he didn't know him. It was a limited edition and the chief designer personally produced it. How did he know him with a fiery eye?"

"Huoyan Jinjing looks down on this and that every day. It turns out that he is the sand sculpture himself."

"That's right, I hit the iron plate this time, and Li Gui met the real Li Kui."

"Hey, I understand why Huoyan would roll over. One word is still too poor to understand the world of the rich."

"Yeah, he is an internet celebrity. I heard that he used to be a waiter in a bar. How can he have any insight?"

"Haha, I fight fakes every day. It turns out that the watch on my wrist is fake, but it's too ridiculous every day."

Looking at the comment with fiery eyes, he was about to faint.

He felt like he was going to finish.

At this moment, he felt hot on his face.

This face really hurts too much.

At this time, suddenly the glaring phone rang.

The phone was connected, and a serious voice rang inside.

"Hello, we have received a report. You posted a fake Patek Philippe watch video on the video. Now that the other party has reported the case, please come to the police station to explain the situation and the source of the watch."

Fiery eyes: "..."

His heart is too completely broken now.

It turns out that he was also deceived.

It's too ironic that the proud watch on the wrist turned out to be a fake.

Fortunately, he fights fakes every day.

But this watch, he has watched it many times seriously, according to reason, it can't be fake!

With his eyesight, how could he punch his eyes.

At this moment, his comment area has exploded.

"Haha, it is ironic that a professional anti-counterfeiter brought a fake watch to the market."

"That's right, I laughed so hard, it turns out that the clown is the anchor himself."

"I really want to know that the current anchor must be very stupid."

Huoyan Jinjing originally wanted to go to the live broadcast room to do some public relations explanation.

But at this time, he sadly discovered that the live broadcast room was shut down.

The reason is to publish illegal videos.

This time, Jin Jing cried completely.

His intestines are all regretful, why was he blind and provoke the boss?

Ye Chen continued to deliver food.

Suddenly the voice of the system came into my mind.

[Ding, the host received a takeaway from Wanjie, a refreshing and refreshing drink. 】

A refreshing drink?

Ye Chen came directly to Father Star and bought a cup of iced coffee.

[The wormhole will open in 30 seconds, please find a place where no one is there. 】

The last time he delivered food, his delivery car was destroyed by mutants. Fortunately, the system gave him a more powerful motorcycle.

This motorcycle is much better than an electric car.

Ye Chen entered an alley.

Soon, the wormhole opened in front of him.

Ye Chen rushed into the wormhole on a motorcycle.

When Ye Chen appeared in this world, he found himself in a smoky world.

The buildings here are all medieval, and people's clothes are also the costumes of Europe and the Middle World.

When Ye Chen saw the iconic clock tower, he understood that he should have traveled to the Eagle Country during the Industrial Revolution this time.

But who is it to deliver food to yourself this time?

A navigator appeared in front of Ye Chen.

He was riding a motorcycle, following the navigation position, galloping on the road.

Seeing Ye Chen riding a cool motorcycle, everyone was stunned.

"Oh my God, who is that person and what is he riding?"

"This young man seems to be an Oriental."

"Does he ride a bicycle? So fast."

Everyone was stunned looking at Ye Chen, and they looked at Ye Chen with curious eyes.

Ye Chen rode an electric car and came to an old castle.

At this time, Ye Chen heard the voice of the system in his mind.

"Ding, this order is reserved for the famous pianist Beethoven."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the name.

Beethoven, but the **** of piano.

Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be a delivery to Beethoven, the **** of piano.

Ye Chen came to the old castle, which was the Royal Theatre, and Ye Chen walked into a room.

At this time, Beethoven was carrying his hands on his back, looking sad outside the king's window.

It turns out that Beethoven is performing around the world and will play piano music for the Queen Eagle tonight.

But he suddenly discovered that all the tracks could not satisfy him.

And I didn't sleep well last night, and I felt a little tired when I was about to perform.

Ye Chen knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside.

"Please come in."

Ye Chen pushed the door in and saw a man in a tuxedo.

"You are Mr. Beethoven," Ye Chen said respectfully.

The other party looked at Ye Chen for a moment, "Are you?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "The takeaway you just ordered has arrived."


Beethoven froze for a moment.

Ye Chen explained: "I am a takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms, you must have wanted a refreshing drink just now."

Beethoven nodded: "I did have this idea just now, but you?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You can think of me as a staff member from another world who brings you drinks."

He tried to speak in a tone that Beethoven could understand.

Beethoven looked at Ye Chen in shock.

"From another world?" This is incredible.

"By the way, this is your drink, it should be able to meet all your needs, refreshing and refreshing."

Ye Chen bought a cup of iced coffee.

Seeing Ye Chen's ice coffee in front of him, Beethoven was stunned, his eyes full of shock.

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