Published at 18th of August 2021 12:09:19 PM

Chapter 1065: 1065

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Wang Congcong said coldly, "Do you know who this is? Mr. Ye Chenye?"

"Ye Chen?" Li Yong's face suddenly changed when he heard the name.

Li Yong even felt that his legs were soft, almost paralyzed.

In the circle of the second generation of Fudufu, everyone knows that Ye Chen is hiding.

As long as you provoke Ye Chen's rich second generation, without using others, your father will be able to give you some skin.

Although Ye Chen is usually very low-key and unwilling to participate in the activities of celebrity society, he already has a reputation.

Li Yong's father once warned him that he would be fine outside, but don't mess with Mr. Ye.

One of his friends, just because he provoked Ye Chen, his legs were broken when he was beaten by his father.

Li Yong did not expect that the handsome man Cui Chenghao said was Ye Chen.

He finally understood now why Ye Chen would kill Cui Chenghao in a second.

This kind of person must have outstanding appearance and unparalleled temperament.

Seeing Li Yong, Cui Chenghao is like seeing the mainstay.

"Brother Li, you have to call the shots for me, these **** hit me, I want to call the police, I want to post on Weibo, I want everyone in the world to know how savage Chinese people are, Brother Li, Let your people do it and kill these bastards."

Cui Chenghao thought Li Yong would help him.

After all, I just used it and promised him that he was there in China and no one dared to move him.

Now that he has been bullied, Li Yong will definitely come forward for himself.

He stared at Ye Chen with hatred in his eyes.

"Boy, you are dead. I have fans in China. As long as I post on Weibo, you will be human and killed by my fans."

"Brother Li, what are you waiting for?" Cui Chenghao said to Li Yong.

However, in the next second, something that everyone did not expect happened.

I saw Li Yong suddenly raised his hand and drew it towards Cui Chenghao's face that was already shabby.


A loud slap rang.

Li Yong said with a righteous expression: "Where do you think this is, this is China, it is a place where your gang of people from the stick country go wild, Mr. Ye is such a gentleman, you dare to do something to him? It's really looking for death. ."

Cui Chenghao was suddenly stupid.

He originally thought Ye Chen would stand up for him, but he didn't expect it to be such a result.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?"

"Brother Li, who is your Brother Li, are we familiar?"

Li Yong pointed at Cui Chenghao and yelled: "You self-righteous Chinese people, I have long looked unpleasant, aren't you just a little star? What is it? How dare you be in our country and look for death? You? This kind of rubbish, you still want fans to besie Mr. Ye, are you worthy? Today I will do it for the sky."

With that said, Li Yong slapped Cui Chenghao two more times, and even still not letting go, he went up and gave him a few more kicks.

Cui Chenghao was completely stupid.

He originally thought that Li Yong was his backer, but the plot was wrong, Li Yong actually did it directly on him.

In his opinion, as a big star in China, he can walk sideways in China.

No matter where you go, it's like Zhongxing Pengyue.

But how could this be?

And even Li Yong, who vowed to protect him, turned his face directly.

What about brotherhood?

Does this mean that you are not familiar with me directly?

You have called me for several days.

His eyes fell on Ye Chen.

Now he finally realized that he seemed to have annoyed someone who couldn't afford to.

It must be because of him.

How come I am so short-sighted when I met this Mr. Ye.

It can be said that Mr. Ye is his nemesis, no matter where he goes, as long as he sees Mr. Ye, there is absolutely nothing good.

Ye Chen did not organize Europeanization from beginning to end.

Because in his eyes, this kind of **** is not worth talking to himself.

Li Yong came to Ye Chen with a flat face.

"Mr. Ye, what do you do with the kid?"

Ye Chen glanced at Cui Chenghao and waved his hand in disgust.

Li Yong ordered the younger brother to drag Cui Chenghao out.

Soon, news of the Bangzi National Star being beaten in the hotel was exposed on the Internet.

Some people even photographed Cui Chenghao's embarrassed appearance when he was thrown out of the hotel.

"Haha, I'm so ridiculous, a stickman star who dares to run wild with us."

"Now the stars of the stick country have been broken, it is simply an ugly comparison."

"I heard that this Bangzi country star is a big man, this Bangzi country star is too short-sighted, and even provokes such a big man."

"Awesome, haha, I feel very relieved."

Ye Chen continued to eat here.

Wang Congcong was also embarrassed.

"These artists from the stick country, who usually look aloof in China, this time they are too depressing."

"It's really killing harm for the people, haha."

At this time, Lin Wanrou called in.

On the phone, Lin Wanrou stopped talking.

"What's wrong with Wanrou?"

Lin Wanrou's personality is very straightforward, and she knows everything.

But now he is talking hesitantly.

Did something happen?

Ye Chen understood that this was not Lin Wanrou's style.

"Well, I will invite you at noon like this."

"Forget it, I have no appetite."

Ye Chen could hear that Lin Wanrou's voice was low.

"Then go to the pastry restaurant."

I heard that the restaurant has to be booked a month in advance.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, that restaurant is mine. I will cook for you personally. It will definitely make you appetite."

Your restaurant?

Lin Wanrou was speechless.

In fact, he knew that Ye Chen seemed to be doing nothing, but his wealth continued to increase.

And from the annual accounting, no matter how hard Lin Wanrou worked, Ye Chen didn't make any money to hide.

At noon, Ye Chen came to the restaurant.

Seeing Ye Chen, the manager came out to greet him, and personally brought Ye Chen and Lin Wanrou to the restaurant.

West Point restaurant, Ye Chen has a special restaurant.

It was dedicated to serving Ye Chen alone.

Ye Chen entered the kitchen and soon served the grilled sirloin steak.

Originally, Lin Wanrou really had no appetite.

But when I asked about the food Ye Chen cooked, the gluttons came out

Lin Wanrou picked up her fork and started to eat.

Ye Chen asked: "Wan Rou has something happened recently? You seem to be very worried."

Lin Wanrou said, "I'm fine."

Ye Chen said: "We have known each other for so long, do you have anything, I still can't tell? Don't forget, I am your boyfriend."

Lin Wanrou was immediately moved when she heard Ye Chen's words.

Lin Wanrou sighed and said, "Actually, there is something wrong with our family."

"Family?" Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Ye Chen also learned about Lin Wanrou's family.

Lin Wanrou graduated from the Polytechnic Institute, she has a very good temperament and is smart.

In fact, Ye Chen could feel that Lin Wanrou's family background was unusual.

Lin Wanrou glanced at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, I am actually a mixed-race."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!