Published at 27th of April 2021 12:48:16 PM

Chapter 107: 107

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Ye Chen turned on the computer and entered a series of codes.

Soon, the rich second-generation information that hit Lin Youyou's family had appeared on Ye Chen's computer.

Chen Bin, President of Vantone Group.

Ye Chen checked the Vantone Group's information, and it turned out that the main business was antique auctions.

Selling antiques?

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

The antique business has been very popular in recent years, and it is one of the most profitable businesses.

However, Ye Chen understood that this kind of business was glamorous on the surface, but in fact there were sins hidden.

Chen Bin is now the most prosperous shop in Modu Antique Street. Although he also has several companies under his control, Ye Chen checked it out and it was a leather bag company.

In other words, Chen Bin's main business comes from antiques.

Ye Chen didn't believe that Chen Bin was clean in such a short time and able to gather so much wealth.

Ye Chen decided to meet Chen Bin well.

Early the next morning, Ye Chen came to the Magic City Studios.

"Ip Man" officially started shooting today.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was meeting Ye Qian here.

"Why are you here?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Ye Qian smiled and said, "This is a Wing Chun film and I'm here as a martial arts instructor."

Ye Chen nodded: "With your martial arts instructor, the quality of our film will be no problem."

Ye Qian gave Ye Chen a white look: "In terms of strength, aren't you stronger than me?"

At this time, director Zhang Xin came over: "Teacher Ye welcomes."

Ye Chen is now a hot movie star.

Therefore, Zhang Xin directly addressed Teacher Ye Chen.

"Director Zhang, I would like to ask you for advice during this time."

Zhang Xin waved his hand: "I don't dare to teach you. I have watched all three movies you made. It is definitely the strength of the actor. It is my honor to be able to cooperate with you."

After exchanging a few words with Dao Zhang, Ye Chen came to the dressing room.

After changing into the coat of the Republic of China, Ye Chen heard the voice of the system.

[Ding, activate god-level acting skills, martial arts master temperament +9999! 】

[Ding, activate the king of action +9999! 】

[Ding, activate Master Wing Chun skills! 】

When Ye Chen walked out of the dressing room, everyone was stunned.

I rub, this temperament is simply a martial arts master with a fairy style.

Ye Chen has an extraordinary temperament on his body.

Every move shows the martial arts master's demeanor.

Especially Ye Qian was even more surprised.

She had watched a video of Master Ye Man, and Ye Chen at this time was almost the same as Master Ye Man in the video in terms of temperament and actions.

Ye Chen stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, his eyes deep, his every move was like a martial arts master alive.

Everyone swallowed.

People seem to have an illusion that it is not an actor standing in the courtyard, but the real martial arts master Ye Wen.

"Fuck it, awesome, this look gives people an unpredictable feeling."

"I feel that Yelaoshr does not need to act and stand, that is a martial arts master."

"It's awesome, it's no wonder that several big directors respect Ye Chen so much."

Zhang Xin nodded with satisfaction when he saw Ye Chen.

Xingye didn't lie to him, Ye Chen put on his clothes and entered the state in seconds.

This kind of strength is difficult for some old drama bones to achieve.

Before acting, a boot-up ceremony is required, and incense is burned to pray for the fire of the film.

But at this moment, there was a tumult outside, and a burly foreigner squeezed into the crowd.

"I'm here to challenge the martial arts masters in China."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xin frowned and hurriedly signaled several security guards to stop the foreigner.

However, the foreigner's strength was too great, and when he reached out his hand, several security guards were pushed aside by him.

The foreigner stood in the courtyard with an arrogant expression.

There was a film crew behind him.

"Hua Guo Kung Fu is just rubbish, relying on stunts and coercion. I am here to fight against fakes this time. I heard that the name of this play is "Ip Man" and it is also a fight play. Who is the main actor? Want to challenge you?"

Hearing what the foreigner said, everyone frowned.

This burly foreigner has been trained at first glance.

Generally, actors in filming really rely on stunts and coercion. How many are real skills?

The crowd onlookers were also very angry.

After all, this foreigner's blatant provocation on the territory of China is really annoying.

Ye Chen frowned and said coldly: He was just about to get out but was stopped by Director Zhang Xin.

"Mr. Ye, you can't fight him."

Ye Chen frowned: "Why not?"

Zhang Xin smiled bitterly: "This person is called James, an internet celebrity in country M. He is famous for finding movie stars to fight fakes. Many martial arts masters in island countries and stick countries have suffered his losses. If you fight with him, If you lose, your popularity will drop sharply, so that our movie will be over before shooting."

As if seeing Ye Chen, that James pointed to Ye Chen and said, "Hey, you are the protagonist. Come down and fight me. You don't have to fight, as long as you admit that Hua Guo Kung Fu is rubbish."

Seeing James so arrogant, the crowd onlookers were angry.

"They are actors, and they are not Sanda. Don't you shame if you fight with them."

"If you have the ability, you can challenge the Chinese Sanda masters. Acting is originally fake."

"Ye Chen, take a good shot to teach this guy, and give us a breath."

Zhang Xin said, "Ye Chen, you must not be fooled, you must be patient. I have already called the police and the police will come right away."

James is still provoking: "All the kung fu on Hua Guo TV is fake, and your Hua Guo kung fu is all stunts, too rubbish!"

Ye Chen's expression became cold: "Director Zhang, what is our purpose for making this movie? It is to promote Chinese martial arts, and everyone has come to the door. Isn't it too **** for us to still be a turtle here?"


Zhang Xin didn't hold it for a while, Ye Chen jumped and he was already standing in front of James.

"Damn it!" Zhang Xin's face suddenly became hard to look.

He knows that the video is now being broadcast live. If Ye Chen loses, then his popularity is completely over.

James is the champion of M country Sanda. Although Ye Chen has filmed fight scenes, it is only a special effect.

How could this fool be so impulsive!

Ye Chen looked at James and said, "I'll take your challenge. I want you to know that Hua Guo's effort is not insulting."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, thunderous applause immediately rang out on the scene.

"Ye Chen is good!"

"Ye Chen, let him know how powerful our Chinese Kungfu is."

"Let this foreigner know the fate of being wild in our country."

The crowds onlookers cheered Ye Chen.

When Ye Qian saw that Ye Chen was about to make a move, her eyes were a little anxious.

After all, James has also heard that although he is an internet celebrity, they are really capable.

Over the years, he moved to all parts of the world without losing any results.

Ye Chen can say anything if he wins, if he loses.

Not only Ye Chen, but also Hua Guo Kung Fu will be questioned by the world.

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