Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:58 PM

Chapter 1081: 1081

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Guan Yu looked at Ye Chen and said in shock: "Could it be that this is in Changbanpo, who helped you kill the immortal Ye who saved A Dou with seven entries and seven exits?"

Zhao Yun nodded; "Yes, it's him."

Looking at Ye Chen, Guan Yu was also very shocked.

Ye Chen's dress was very strange.

Especially a yellow robe.

You know, in this world, only the emperor is qualified to wear a yellow robe.

Ye Chen's temperament is extraordinary, plus the steel thing he is riding on, it really looks like a fairy.

It's no wonder that Guan Yu thinks that his arms are extraordinary, but he has fallen short in front of Ye Chen.

It turns out that the other party is a fairy in the legend.


Guan Yu said excitedly.

When the surrounding soldiers saw that Ye Chen was an ally, they all retreated.

Zhao Yun also led the way and said, "Please, Immortal Ye."

"Last time in Changbanpo, you saved my fourth brother and young master, please allow me to treat you well." Guan Yu said blushing.

Guan Yu in history is the same as Guan Yu in reality.

Righteous spirit.

He just regarded Ye Chen as an enemy, which made Guan Yu very guilty.

After all, without Ye Chen, his fourth brother Zhao Yun and Young Master A Dou might have died.

So Guan Yu wanted to compensate Ye Chen very much.

The two led Ye Chen to walk outside.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly at the way Shu Jun looked.

These soldiers have already eaten the grassroots. What kind of hospitality is this?

Ye Chen remembered this history.

Liu Bei was chased by Cao Cao's 200,000 army, and fled, very embarrassed.

Looking at the soldiers who ate the bark and leaves, Ye Chen also felt distressed.

After all, these soldiers are all about their own age.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Let me invite a few to eat."

Zhao Yun and Guan Yu led Ye Chen to the big tent and stopped.

Ye Chen opened the trunk.

Inside is meat buns.

Smelling the scent of meat buns, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu suddenly slobbered.

They have been chased by Cao Cao, where they can eat.

Liu Bei is kind, and also to buy people's hearts.

Everything you can eat is given to the soldiers.

But these generals are always hungry.

At this time, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun were smelling the meat buns, and their saliva almost came out.

The two people's stomachs couldn't help but groan.

The old faces of Zhao Yun and Guan Yu turned red.

This is too hopeless.

Zhao Yun suddenly remembered.

"Brother Ye, last time you said you were a takeaway boy, I was so hungry just now, I called you silently in my heart, I didn't expect you to actually come."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Yes, I came just after hearing your call."

He took out the meat buns and some other food from the take-out box.

"Everyone will pay for it, although it is not much, but it can be relieved."

Seeing someone bring food to eat, the entire barracks made a sensation.

"Oh my God, I heard that the fairy brought us food."

"It seems that Uncle Liu Huang's righteousness is thin and Yuntian, even the immortal was touched and sent us food specially."

"Why is this bun so white and smells so fragrant."

"Look at that rice, I have never eaten such fragrant rice."

"To be able to eat these delicacies, even if I die immediately, it's worth it."


Everyone was stunned by this scene.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was war everywhere. Where did these soldiers eat such delicious food?

Moreover, the grains that the soldiers ate were not processed, and there was no way to compare with the current white noodles and rice.

As Ye Chen opened the food, the whole camp was fragrant.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a simple face walked out of the camp.

The man is dressed in linen clothes and straw sandals.

But the opponent is extraordinary, and he holds a baby in his arms.

At this time, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun beside Ye Chen clasped fists and bowed.

"Meet the lord."

Seeing the man's big ears, it was also about Yu and Zhao Yun both calling each other the lord, Ye Chen also recognized each other.

This is Liu Bei.

At this moment, Liu Bei was stunned when he smelled the smell of rice.

He said to Zhao Yun, "This is?"

Zhao Yun quickly introduced: "Master, this is the fairy whom I said."

"Fairy?" Liu Bei looked at Ye Chen in shock.

At this time, Liu Bei also glanced at the food Ye Chen brought out.

The saliva almost didn't flow out.

Seeing Ye Chen's dress and the horse riding Ye Chen's crotch, Liu Bei also looked shocked.

When Zhao Yun said it, he still didn't believe it.

Thought Zhao Yun was hungry and dizzy, dreaming.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

Liu Bei hurriedly saluted Ye Chen.

"Liu Bei below, see Immortal."

Ye Chen said quickly: "Uncle Liu Huang, you are too polite."

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "The fairy saved my fourth brother, and the dog, and brought us food today. This is what I deserve."

Looking at Ye Chen, Liu Bei's heart moved slightly.

He has solicited confidence.

Now he is the time to be short of major generals.

If Ye Chen can help, then why he can't dominate the world.

However, he actually understood that Ye Chen was an extraordinary person.

It was too difficult to recruit Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was actually a little cautious about Liu Bei.

He is different from Guan Yu and Zhao Yun.

This person is a hero of the world, with the heart of an emperor.

This kind of person is absolutely impossible to have a deep friendship.

On the contrary, the generals like Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are chivalrous and courageous and more suitable to be friends.

But to be friends with someone like Liu Bei, he must be careful, or he might fall into the other side's pit someday.

At this time, a man dressed in white came out.

The man was holding a feather fan with a touch of energy on his face.

"It smells so good."

Ye Chen knew the identity of the visitor without saying anything.

This is Zhuge Liang, the legendary first adviser.

Unexpectedly, this time, Ye Chen had seen so many bigwigs from the Three Kingdoms period.

It can be said that he has basically seen all the important people in Shu.

Zhuge Liang was also looking at Ye Chen at the moment.

But after watching for a while, Zhuge Liang's face changed slightly.

There was a bit of shock in his eyes.

As if seeing incredible things.

Ye Chen was also stunned.

Why is Zhuge Kongming looking at himself so strangely.

"Military strategist, let me introduce you. This is the Yexian who I told you to deliver me food and help me out of the siege."

Seeing Zhuge Liang's dull expression, Zhao Yun quickly introduced.

Zhuge Liang's face was still shocked at this moment, and even his body was trembling slightly.

Zhuge Liang is different from the others.

He is proficient in different classics and gossip.

You can see people through physiognomy.

And he looks very accurate.

But he couldn't see through Ye Chen.

He can't see any fatalities, there is only one possibility.

He is floating between the heavens and the earth, not controlled by the destiny.

It can even be said that it does not belong to this world.

In the beginning, Zhuge Liang did not believe that Ye Chen was a fairy.

But seeing Ye Chen today, he really believed it.

Ye Chen is really the fairy in the legend.

It turns out that immortals in this world are real.

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