Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:42 PM

Chapter 1093: 1093

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The beauty is very unwilling.

She never thought that she would die like this.

However, she closed her eyes and was not bitten by the tiger for a long time.

A few seconds passed, Katyusha opened her eyes curiously.

The air was silent.

She saw an unforgettable scene for her life.

how can that be.

It turned out that between the tiger and her, there appeared a young man in yellow clothes.

Although the figure of the young man is not burly, but it is very tall and straight.

At this moment, the tiger that rushed towards her was actually blocked by this young man.

Katyusha was already looking silly.

The bodyguards around are also dumbfounded.

Even the Siberian tiger was a little dazed at the moment.


An ordinary person actually blocked a tiger.

This is too exaggerated.

Even the movie dare not act like this.

But this kind of thing really happened.

In the moonlight, the man was like a knife, his handsome face attracted Katyusha.

The man was wearing a yellow dress with Chinese characters written on it.

Although Katyusha didn't know what was written on the clothes.

But from the Chinese characters written on it, Katyusha recognized that this person should come from China.

Katyusha stared at Ye Chen blankly.

It's so handsome.

She once dreamed that when she was in danger, a prince would come forward.

Unexpectedly, the dream came true.

This man actually appeared.

Katyusha felt that she was like a princess in a fairy tale.

And this man is really handsome.

"Oh my God, I'm not dreaming."

Ye Chen blocked the Siberian tiger, turned his head and asked, "Beauty, are you okay?"


Katyusha stared at Ye Chen blankly.

It's so handsome.

It turned out that Ye Chen just saw the tiger rushing towards the girl.

Before he could think about it, he rushed over and blocked the Siberian Hu.

After all, there was a beauty in front of me.

If it was eaten by a tiger like this, it would be too violent.

Ye Chen grabbed the tiger's paw, and the two of them stood in a stalemate.

The tiger opened his mouth wide.

Although this tiger is still a cub, not an adult tiger.

But in front of ordinary people, this tiger is also a behemoth.

Ye Chen also worked hard to block the tiger.

The tiger never thought that he would be blocked by a small human.

Suddenly, the tiger was angry.

He roared, biting towards Ye Chen's throat with his mouth wide open.

Although Tiger's speed is very fast, Ye Chen's speed is faster than him.

One person, one tiger, they fought fiercely on the road.

Ye Chen broke out with special fighting skills.

Both fists rained down and smashed at the tiger.

In ancient times, there was Wu Songjingyanggang fighting tigers, but Ye Chen also had the opportunity to fight tigers.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chen's fist kept hitting the tiger's body.

This tiger was completely stupid by Ye Chen.

Although he has thick skin and thick flesh.

But Ye Chen's fist strength is also very big.

If it was hit on a person, the bone would have been broken.

Despite this, the fist hit the tiger, and the tiger in front of him couldn't bear it.

The tiger is completely stupid.

It has not seen such a sturdy human being at all.

The tiger fluttered from left to right, but couldn't catch this nasty human being.

On the contrary, his body was bruised all over by Ye Chen.

Tigers have never been so aggrieved.

He was beaten up by a human being.

Do you want the dignity of my king of beasts?

Not only this tiger, those bodyguards and Katyusha were completely stupid.

This Oriental is too powerful.

"Isn't it said that we bear people are a fighting nation? How could this young man in front of me be so awesome."

"This is the legendary Chinese Kung Fu? It's terrible."

"Oh my God, it's no wonder that China is so awesome to be able to fight tigers."


Everyone was stunned by the scene before them.

Especially Katyusha.

Seeing Ye Chen who was fighting with the tiger, his eyes were shining, and even a red glow appeared on his face.

This young man is so handsome.

Even at this moment, Katyusha has decided that this man is the one he has entrusted to life.

The tiger was beaten by Ye Chen and called out.

Finally, the tiger didn't dare to attack, but half kneeled on the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This tiger was beaten by Ye Chen unexpectedly.

Ye Chen sneered: "Go away, don't come out and hurt people anymore."

The tiger looked at Ye Chen fearfully, turning around and ran.

At this moment, everyone looked stupid.

"Hua Guo Kung Fu actually defeated the tiger."

"Too great, I think Chinese people are the real fighting nation."

"Even the tigers were beaten away. Hua Guo martial arts is awesome. I want to learn Hua Guo kung fu."

The tiger was aggrieved as he ran.

Mom actually lied. Mom said that human beings are very bully.

Ooh, human beings are terrible.

I will never provoke humans anymore.

Ye Chen slapped the tiger away and clapped his hands.

At this time, the beauty has been protected by the bodyguard.

The beauty was saved, Ye Chen turned around and wanted to leave.

But there was a girl's voice behind him.

The girl might be afraid that Ye Chen would not understand, so she spoke English deliberately.

"Sir, thank you for saving me."

Ye Chen stopped.

Although this beauty does look very beautiful.

But Ye Chen didn't intend to tease the girl.

She walked up to Ye Chen and asked curiously: "Excuse me, are you from China?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, I am from China."

"If it weren't for you today, I might have died. How should I thank you?"

"By the way, my name is Katyusha, the eldest daughter of the Otto family."

Otto family, Ye Chen was stunned.

Because in China, Ye Chen's company also trades with Xiong Guo.

So Ye Chen had heard of the Otto family.

That is Xiong Guo's famous first-line family.

It's no wonder that this girl is the eldest daughter of the Otto family who drives such an awesome car.

But although Ye Chen was surprised to hear the girl's identity, his face was still very indifferent.

"Excuse me, what is the name of Mr."

The girl looked at Ye Chen shyly.

She was really fascinated by Ye Chen.

This young man is so handsome.

Katyusha swears that this young man is the most handsome man he has ever seen.

Most importantly, the two people are about the same age.

Compared to the fiance who is like a pig, Ye Chen is simply an angel.

Katyusha has made up her mind now.

Ye Chen must be his man.

Ye Chen said, "My name is Ye Chen."

Katyusha asked curiously: "Mr. Ye, I don't know what you do in China?"

Ye Chen pointed to his clothes and said, "I'm a takeaway boy."

There was a dead silence at the scene.

"What? This young man who ran away the tiger turned out to be a takeaway boy?"

"Has Hua Guo's takeaway brothers turned out to be so awesome?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!