Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:34 PM

Chapter 1099: 1099

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Ye Chen's request made Brook a little unbelievable.

Ye Chen gave up such a good opportunity to be famous.

"Mr. Ye Chen, you are our hero, you should have the courtesy of a hero."

Ye Chen smiled, "I don't want to be the focus of everyone's attention. I like a free life."

Brook couldn't help being in awe when he heard Ye Chen's words.

In fact, after becoming famous, it is indeed a lot of trouble.

For example, interviews conducted by major media, and people will come to sign on the street at any time.

This is the price that public figures have to pay.

"However, this matter, the media will definitely ask the bottom line." Brooke said a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Mr. Brook, I believe that as long as my identity is not exposed now and the heat continues, people will naturally not remember this matter."

"Although many passengers know me, there are many young Huaxia people on this plane. As long as our crew members can keep secrets for me, I believe they will not know my identity."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Brook nodded.

If they want to conceal it, they can indeed hide it from the media.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen's analysis is right.

Although if it is exposed, Ye Chen will become the influence and the focus of the news, but Ye Chen will also lose a lot.

This young man is really extraordinary to see so thoroughly in front of fame and wealth.

"Mr. Ye, your choice is very sensible, and I am willing to help you."

After all, if it weren't for Ye Chen, the people on this plane would have been killed in the flames.

So busy, he has no reason to refuse.

In Brooke's heart, he admired Ye Chen even more.

Indeed, the media can make Ye Chen a hero, but it will also make Ye Chen a prisoner.

Especially Ye Chen wants to deliver food frequently.

He didn't want to be caught and photographed when he was delivering food across.

After all, if he can disappear at any time, it is likely to be noticed by the relevant departments.

Even become an experiment.

Therefore, Ye Chen must keep a low profile.

But Brooke still has some regrets.

At this time, Rock on the side suddenly asked: "Mr. Ye, are you interested in joining our Royal Eagle Air Force?"

Hearing what Rock said, everyone was stunned.

The Royal Eagle Air Force never recruits foreigners.

Rock continued: "As long as you are willing to join, we are willing to pay you 10 million in annual salary."

Hearing that everyone with an annual salary of 10 million, they took another breath.

Ye Chen's driving skills have already conquered Rock.

Rock even believes that as long as Ye Chen joins the Royal Air Force, the Eagle Nation's air force can definitely be upgraded to a new level.

The people around are envious.

Ten million pounds, not to mention, the reward is too generous.

But to everyone's expectations, Ye Chen shook his head.

"Sorry, I refuse."

"I am from China and it is impossible to join the air force of other countries."

Ye Chen's tone was very indifferent.

But Ye Chen's refusal made everyone on the scene even more respectful of Ye Chen.

Being able to give up an annual salary of 10 million pounds and only serve China is really awesome.

Rock sighed.

"No wonder China is so strong now. With such young people, how could China not be strong?"

Brook called all the crew together.

He said in a deep voice: "Everyone, everyone should be clear that Mr. Ye Chen is our lifesaver. He does not want to be exposed by the media, so he needs everyone's cooperation. Are you willing?"

"Yes." Almost everyone said in unison.

Ye Chen is their savior, don't talk about such a small thing, even if it is a big thing, they will agree.

Brooke nodded; "Okay, then we have a unified caliber. It is a young Chinese who saved us, do you understand?"

After all, there are more than a dozen young Chinese on this plane, so the clue that the media now knows is that the other party is a young Chinese.

Therefore, it was too simple for Ye Chen to pass the blunder.

Seeing Brooke's arrangement, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Soon, Ye Chen followed the passengers and left the apron, while Brook brought the crew to the media.

At the scene, the media took photos frantically.

The flash shines.

"Excuse me, who is the young Chinese man who made an emergency landing with a plane?" a reporter asked.

"I heard that the young Chinese man completed a flying miracle and completed a perfect emergency landing with only one engine. Can he accept our interview?"

All reporters were very excited and wanted to see Ye Chen.

The flash keeps blinking.

Ye Chen not far away let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he chose to leave with the passengers. Otherwise, with so many reporters, it is estimated that Ye Chen's appearance could become the headline of the news the next day.

If he is exposed by the media, it is estimated that his food delivery career will come to an end.

Brooke glanced at Ye Chen, who was leaving with the flow of people, and said: "Yes, our plane had an engine accident during the flight. A young Chinese pilot, with superb flying skills, made an emergency landing. He was us. Hero."

Hearing what Brooke said, the media became even more excited.

"How can this young man have such superb driving skills at such a young age?"

"Can you tell me his name?"

The reporters desperately want to know about Ye Chen.

"Please don't sell it, let us know."

"We should award him a medal."

"Yeah, tell us the name of this young man."

The reporters were all very excited.

Brook took a deep breath.

He had to sigh, Ye Chen was really too smart.

If Ye Chen accepts an interview from the news, he will definitely become the target of various media.

Brooke said, "I'm sorry, we can't tell you."

"what why?"

"He is a hero, why don't you tell us?"

Brooke said: "This hero has already left. He doesn't want to be the focus of the media. I'm really sorry."

At this time, Ye Chen had already left the airport.

At the departure gate, Ye Chen saw Lin Wanrou.

When Lin Wanrou saw Ye Chen, the bird still rushed over.

"Ye Chen, you can count it. I just heard that your plane had a malfunction."

Ye Chen smiled: "Yes, the plane did have some problems, but I solved it."

"Oh my God, I was still worried just now." Lin Wanrou said tears welled up from the corner of her eyes.

"Okay, let's get home, how is your grandpa's illness?" Ye Chen asked.

Lin Wanrou sighed: "My grandpa is not doing well."

Ye Chen and Zhao Hua bid farewell to Lin Wanrou's car.

Lin Wanrou's home is still some distance away from the airport.

Ye Chen could see that Lin Wanrou was a little tired, so she said, "Or I will drive."

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