Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:36 PM

Chapter 11: 11

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Li Qing came in with tea, "Xiao Jia, Song Ming is so good, he became a manager at such a young age."

"Auntie, I'm actually lucky." Song Ming said with a smile.

"Luck is also for those who are prepared, otherwise, why would someone make a beep and someone be a manager?" Li Qing said and glanced at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen could see that He Jia's mother liked Song Ming very much, so she was very hostile to him.

Song Ming said: "Haha, auntie, each society has its own division of labor. I'm just doing mental work, but someone has to do it. They all contribute to social development."

He Jia snorted coldly, "Are you so good? Didn't you rely on your father to become this manager?"

Song Ming smiled awkwardly and said, "My father did help when I became a manager, but it was also because of my ability."

"By the way, Amin heard that your wedding room is ready."

"Well, the house I bought at Tomson Yipin originally wanted to buy it next door to my aunt's house, but it turned out to be too expensive. That villa cost hundreds of millions!" Song Ming laughed.

"Tomson's first-class house is worth tens of millions, Xiaojia, the standard for your boyfriend is that your boyfriend's car needs a BMW, and the house also needs a Tomson's first-class Qianwan Mansion."

Song Ming was delighted when he heard that, this standard was clearly tailored for himself.

"Mom, what I look for in my boyfriend is not money or character." He Jia dissatisfied.

"Daughter, if you don't understand, you have to find a reliable man to find a man. This is related to your life's happiness. I don't want to. My daughter is ashamed in a Xiali car."

Li Qing was obviously talking about Ye Chen.

Song Ming smiled and said, "I don't know where Mr. Ye lives?"

Ye Chen smiled: "My house is not too far away, and the house is very ordinary."

"Oh, isn't it the shanty town in the south, where our cleaning aunt lives?" Li Qing said with disdain.

"The environment there is indeed not good, but now the housing prices in the urban area are too expensive. Our Tomson Yipin house is 70,000 or 80,000 square meters, which ordinary working-class people can't afford!"

On the surface, Song Ming lamented the high housing prices, but actually pretended to be forced in front of Ye Chen.

What made him strange was that Ye Chen's expression was plain when he heard that he had a mansion worth tens of millions.

Ding Dong!

There was a doorbell outside.

Mother Li opened the door.

"Hello, can I ask, is the car outside our house? You have occupied the parking space of the neighbor next door, can you move the car?"

Li Qing took a look, there was a broken Xiali and a BMW X6 parked at the door.

The BMW X6 came from Song Mingkai. The security guard said it should be broken Xiali.

Ye Chen's identity is Didi's driver, and the owner of the Po Xiali is also Ye Chen's.

Li Qing said to Ye Chen: "Your broken Xiali has occupied the parking space of someone's house. This kind of broken car can also drive into the villa. I don't know what the security guards did."

The security hurriedly said: "It's not that Xiali, but Xiali is in his parking space. It's the BMW X6."

"Ah!" Song Ming was also stunned.

The security guard looked into the room, and saw Ye Chen stunned for a while and said quickly: "Mr. Ye, you are here, I don't know if you know you, since you agree, it's okay."

Ye Chen nodded: "It doesn't matter, we are friends. Let him park in my parking space."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, you are busy." The security nodded and turned to leave.

Parking space? The parking space belongs to Ye Chen?

He Jia was stunned.

Li Qing was stunned.

Song Ming was also stunned.

How could it be possible that the parking space belonged to Ye Chen, so is the villa next door with a value of over 100 million also belonged to Ye Chen?

He Jia couldn't help asking: "Ye Chen, the villa next door won't be yours!"

Li Qing also stared at Ye Chen closely.

She didn't believe that a person who opened didi would have a villa worth more than 100 million yuan.

Song Ming didn't believe that the security must have made a mistake. How could a Didi driver driving Xiali be the owner of the villa.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I live next door! The villa I just bought two days ago is very cheap and only more than 100 million yuan."

The room was silent.

One billion is cheap for you?

Living in a villa worth hundreds of millions of dollars, it is said that a house is very ordinary.

The most important thing is that this guy actually said that he is a didi driver!

Song Ming's cell phone rang, and it was his father.

"Song Ming, a big man bought 20% of the shares of Universe Group. The other party is Ye Chen. Please contact him as soon as possible."

Later, Song Ming's cell phone came with a cell phone number.

Ye Chen?

Song Ming had a bad feeling when he saw the name on the phone.

Impossible, definitely not his.

Song Ming gritted his teeth and dialed the phone number in the text message.

The phone rang in the room.

Song Ming's face was pale, it turned out to be him.

Ye Chen heard the phone ring and connected the phone.

Song Ming looked at Ye Chen completely dumbfounded.

You know, he is just the manager of a branch of the Universe Group.

Oneworld Group owns more than 100 hotel chains across the country, and Ye Chen owns 20% of the shares of the entire group.

Just now, he actually pretended to be forced in front of such a big man!

No wonder he just beeped in front of Ye Chen to show off, Ye Chen didn't say a word.

"You are President Ye of Universe Group, and I am Song Ming, general manager of the branch." Song Ming introduced with an embarrassed smile.

President Ye of Oneworld Group?

He Jia and Li Qing were both stunned when they heard Song Ming's name.

Especially Li Qing was completely shocked by Ye Chen.

I didn't expect that the Lou Wang next to him was actually bought by Ye Chen.

And this young man is still Mr. Ye from the Universe Group.

How could Li Qing not know the World Group, the top three catering company in the country.

She beamed her eyebrows. Just now she blamed her daughter for having eyesight, and seeing Ye Chen was not pleasing to her eyes. Now she found that Ye Chen was handsome and proud, and even the betty uniform was extremely handsome.

Song Ming knew Ye Chen's identity, and had no intention of staying here anymore.

Song Ming felt like a clown.

People with hundreds of millions of assets are still so low-key.

This is the gap.

Song Ming was ashamed and left.

Li Qing has been too lazy to talk to Song Ming. A son-in-law with billions of assets is much better than a branch manager.

Originally Li Qing wanted to stay with Ye Chen for dinner, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Xiao Jia, Auntie, I have to run Didi and leave first."

Song Ming on the side almost didn't fall when he heard it.

Your sister, who has hundreds of millions of assets, run didi didi?

You obviously live in a luxury mansion or are the major shareholder of the Universe Group, with hundreds of millions of assets, and in the end you drove a Xia Li.

Do rich people now like to play as pigs and eat tigers?

Chasing a female competitor turned out to be a pretending boss, it's too difficult for me!

Li Qing and He Jia kept sending Ye Chen to the door.

This time, Ye Chen didn't drive Xiali, but the Pagani sports car.

Looking at the luxury car whizzing away, Li Qing said to He Jia excitedly: "Xiao Jia, you are so awesome, hey, what a pity, I knew I would not bring Song Ming back, otherwise, would you? Have you taken him down?"

He Jiaqiao blushed: "Mom, what are you talking about!"

Ye Chen drove the car and received a text message from He Jia.

"Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the Universe Hotel, you must come to the class reunion!"

Ye Chen replied: "Okay, I must go!"

Isn't Huanyu Hotel the hotel that it just acquired shares?

(Kneel for the collection of recommended tickets, and ask for a little reward, thank you!)

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