Published at 27th of April 2021 12:48:06 PM

Chapter 110: 110

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"Let's go in." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Song Yumeng confirmed Ye Chen's identity, and had already decided to help her girlfriend get rid of this **** silk anyway.

Although Ye Chen is handsome, is it useful to be handsome in this world without money?

In fact, Ye Chen had long seen the disdain in Song Yumeng's eyes.

But he saw too many women, how could he be afraid of Song Yumeng?

Ye Chen took Tang Lu's hand and walked into the bar.

Caesar’s nightclub is the most expensive place in the city.

If you want to spend a night here, you can spend 10,000 yuan.

Song Yumeng snorted coldly: "Small, a poor girl who dares to soak up my rich and beautiful girlfriend, I will let you see the cruelty of reality."

It's just a little brother who is ticking. Hearing the consumption here is probably scared to death.

Song Yumeng directly chose a luxurious box, picked up the menu, ordered a drink, and handed the bill to Ye Chen.

The items she just checked are already over 10,000, and it is estimated that Ye Chen must have been scared to death after reading the bill.

Song Yumeng jokingly said with a smile: "Ye Chen, by the way, don't worry, I will treat you when you meet for the first time today."

Men are hypocritical animals. In this case, Ye Chen would rush to pay even if he gritted his teeth.

Ye Chen looked at the bill, and then checked a few more items on it.

"Okay, that's all, the waiter just said that the beauty said that she would treat her."

Song Yumeng was cuddling on the sofa waiting for Ye Chen to forcefully pretend.

As a result, Ye Chen actually asked her to check out.

Song Yumeng nearly vomited blood after closing the bill.

This guy is so cheap and good-natured, he even ticked 10,000 yuan worth of drinks and desserts.

It’s not that you don’t feel bad about spending your own money, do you?

Twenty thousand yuan is nothing to Song Yumeng.

It's just that the money spent is too awkward.

I wanted to watch Ye Chen forcefully pretend and then let the other party recognize the reality, but the other party's face was obviously too thick.

Diaosi is Diaosi, not a bit like a man.

Seeing Song Yumeng's depressed appearance, Ye Chen was amused secretly.

Of course he couldn't really make Song Yumeng pay, but Ye Chen was very upset by the other's high-cold expression, so he was only deliberately angry with Song Yumeng.

The three of them listened to music, ate desserts, and drank wine in the box.

Ye Chen and Tang Lu were quietly whispering, and Song Yumeng became an electric light bulb.

No, this silly Baitian seemed to have a deep affection for Ye Chen. Today, no matter what, he must expose the essence of this **** and let Xiaolu leave him.

Song Yumeng's eyes turned his mind.

She called up a charming girl from WeChat.

"Little demon, are you in the nightclub? Would you do me a favor?"

Song Yumeng smiled and said, "Xiao Lu, I'm going to the bathroom, you can go with me."

Tang Lu nodded and said, "Ye Chen, I will go to the bathroom with Xiao Lu and we will be back soon."

As soon as the two of them left the box, Song Yumeng pulled Tang Lu aside.

Tang Lu asked suspiciously, "Yumeng, what are you doing, didn't you say go to the bathroom?"

"I will show you a good show and let you know the nature of a man."

At this time, a coquettish beauty walked into the box.

Ye Chen was playing with a mobile phone in his seat, and as soon as he looked up, he saw a beautiful woman walking in.

The beauty of the beauty is also above 90 points, the figure is hot, and the dress is extremely coquettish.

Especially when she walked into the box, the beauty deliberately showed her fragrant shoulders.

After entering the box, the beauty was also taken aback.

This boy is so handsome!

She walked step by step to Ye Chen's face.

Seeing this scene, Song Yumeng smiled triumphantly.

"Our little demon made it personally. I see how you can resist her temptation."

Tang Lu saw a strange woman approaching Ye Chen for a moment, and was about to rush over but was stopped by Song Yumeng.

"Xiao Lu, didn't you say that he loves you very much? How could you miss such a good opportunity to test him? Don't you have confidence in him."

"Who said that, of course I have confidence in Brother Chen," Tang Lu said firmly.

Song Yumeng smiled faintly: "In this case, let's see if Ye Chen can withstand the temptation."

Very confident for the little demon Song Yumeng.

She is called the little demon because she is so good at seduce men.

Almost no man can escape her palm.

Looking at Tang Lu who was anxious, Song Yumeng sighed.

"Xiaolu, silly girl, today I will show you the real side of a man."

The little demon walked in front of Ye Chen, with an evil smile in his eyes: "How can a handsome guy be alone?"

Her voice is very charming, even with a seductive charm.

Ye Chen raised his head and glanced at the little demon: "Are you confused? Why blink?"

Little demon: "..."

Didn’t you see that I was secretly sending you a go?

Song Yumeng, who was observing in secret, was suddenly a little confused.

This male circuit seems to be different from others.

Tang Lu on the side couldn't help but laughed: "Look, Brother Chen is not fascinated by that fairy."

Song Yumeng snorted coldly: "Don't worry, the show has just begun."

The little demon sent Qiubo secretly with this trick. She didn't know how many men had fallen drunk. She didn't expect Ye Chen to overturn the car.

Taking a deep breath, the little demon sat directly beside Ye Chen.

"Handsome guy, the air conditioner here is so cold, can you warm me up?"

Song Yumeng clenched her small fist tightly.

Haha, the little demon is amazing, as long as the man who gets the little demon close is not impossible.

Ye Chen, I see when you can pretend.

Ye Chen glanced at the little demon coldly.


As he said, he lifted his hips directly and picked up the cushion.

"If it's cold, you can wrap it up a bit, but I just let out a fart, so you don't want to dislike it."


The little demon was completely confused.

Why is this man so ignorant of style.

I'm cold, shouldn't you hug me? Wrap me up with something you have sat on, you are so talented.

"Handsome guy, I'm lonely and unbearable, can I have a drink with me?" The little demon used the ultimate secret technique of teasing a man.

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, but this wine belongs to my friend. You have to pay the waiter to buy another bottle."

"What? I'll ask the waiter to buy another bottle."

The little demon was completely defeated by Ye Chen.

This man is simply superb.

To tell the truth, she was really fascinated by Ye Chen's handsomeness, and she was also driven crazy by Ye Chen's failure to play cards.

She, Little Demon, no man can escape from her palm, but today she failed.

Seeing the little demon being angered away, Tang Lu exclaimed excitedly: "Let me tell you, our brother Chen is single-minded to me."

Song Yumeng took a deep breath.

No, Tang Lu said that Ye Chen likes the pure type, and the little demon is too charming. It must not be the type that Ye Chen likes.

"Xiao Lu, this time I will try him personally for you."

Speaking, Song Yumeng unbuttoned the first row of buttons on his jacket, and went to Ye Chen.

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