Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:31 PM

Chapter 1101: 1101

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Ye Chen's words were like a blast of thunder, making everyone on the scene change their faces.

The old man can be treated, but the opponent is a quack.

At this time, an old man in a white coat walked over with a dissatisfied expression.

"This gentleman, I hope you will be responsible for what you say. Who do you say is a quack?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly and looked at the old man and said, "Whoever says that the old man has three days left, whoever is chanting."

Callis sneered from the side: "Ye Chen, do you know who this doctor is? He is the dean of the California Medical College, Mr. Bruce, the most authoritative doctor in the country M."

Bruce stared at Ye Chen with cold eyes.

Just now Ye Chen said that he was a quack, which made Bruce very upset.

In the medical world, no one has dared to say that about him.

At this time, a blond young man came over.

"Wan Rou, who is this young man, it's so rude, Bruce is the distinguished guest invited by our family, if it weren't for him, grandpa's life would have been long gone."

Lin Wanrou said: "My friend just said that he can save Grandpa."

"Haha, Wanrou, are you stupid about staying in China? How can medical skills in such a backward country in China be, not to mention this young man, who is only in his early twenties, he can heal grandpa How is illness possible?" The blond man sneered.

Callis on the side was even more proud: "Mr. Bruce was invited by me with a lot of money. Even he said that grandpa's illness cannot be cured. He must be hopeless. Wanrou, you should not be fooled by this little liar. "

Ye Chen sneered and said, "I said it can be cured, unless you don't want Grandpa to survive."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone's expressions changed.

Especially the blond man, his face is even harder to look.

The blond man was named Rock, and he was also a member of the Rock family.

Roque snorted coldly, "You, an outsider, are talking nonsense here, please get out."

Lin Wanrou stood in front of Ye Chen.

"Rock, this house is not what you said, since my friend said he can cure Grandpa's disease, then he can definitely cure it."

After hearing Lin Wanrou's words, Luo Ke coldly snorted, "He said that it can be cured and it can be cured. What if something goes wrong?"

Lin Wanrou took a deep breath: "If something goes wrong, I will bear the responsibility."

Rock stared at Lin Wanrou: "How do you bear it."

Lin Wanrou said lightly: "If Ye Chen can't cure Grandpa's disease, I'm willing to give up the right to inherit."

After hearing Lin Wanrou's words, there was an uproar at the scene.

You know, Lin Wanrou's inheritance right has tens of billions of funds.

Aside, Callis quit.

"Wanrou, how can you be so impulsive?"

Callis is still waiting for Wanrou's funds to help the family.

Lin Wanrou gave Callis a white look: "Do I have anything to do with you?"


Calliston is speechless.

Roque snorted coldly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sister, I don't make it difficult for you, so if Ye Chen can't cure Grandpa's disease, then you will marry Callis."

Lin Wanrou's face changed slightly when she heard Roque's words.

Lin Wanrou didn't hesitate at all when she said to give up her inheritance.

But when Rock told him to marry Callis, Lin Wanrou hesitated.

Because Lin Wanrou loves Ye Chen, how could he marry someone else.

But with Grandpa on one side and Ye Chen on the other, he was a little embarrassed this time.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wanrou promise him, rest assured that I will cure Grandpa's illness."

Lin Wanrou looked at Ye Chen.

Lin Wanrou knew Ye Chen too well.

She knew that if Ye Chen was not sure, he would not agree.

Lin Wanrou nodded: "Rock, I promise you."

After hearing Lin Wanrou's words, Callis beamed with joy.

After all, the father's illness just said Mr. Bruce could no longer do it.

Bruce is the most authoritative doctor in the world.

Even he couldn't be cured. How could Ye Chen, a young man in his early twenties, be able to cure his father's illness.

Ye Chen came to the hospital bed.

The old man was skinny with a tube in his body.

At this moment, the old man's face was pale and lifeless.

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he arrived in time.

Otherwise, even the gods will be hard to save.

Ye Chen stepped forward and unplugged the breathing tube and the infusion tube directly.

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, everyone was stunned.

Especially Bruce roared: "Asshole, what are you doing?"

Ye Chen didn't even care about the other party, and directly helped the old man up.

Afterwards, Ye Chen took out the silver needle and began to **** the old man's body.

Westerners have never seen ancient acupuncture.

Bruce looked gloomy.

Stupid guy, how can such a backward method be able to cure illness.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and seriously gave the old man a needle.

After a while, the old man's body was already pierced with silver needles.

Everyone snorted.

Lin Wanrou secretly prayed that Ye Chen must save her grandfather.

But Rock and Callis are also praying.

What they prayed for was that Ye Chen must have his grandfather medically executed.

According to grandpa's inheritance and the assets of the Rock family, Lin Wan and Luo Ke are half of them.

But Rock didn't plan to distribute half of his assets to Lin Wanrou.

Therefore, this time, as long as Grandpa is gone, he will do everything possible to kill Lin Wanrou.

Ye Chen twirled the silver needle gently.

The old man who was in a coma suddenly moved his hand slightly.

Oh my god, have you seen it? The old man's hand just moved.

Everyone was stunned.

You must know that the old man has been in a coma for a week.

Bruce had used all kinds of medicine, but the old man didn't respond.

He has even concluded that the old man is brain-dead, without consciousness, now he can only wait to die.

But now, after Ye Fan's acupuncture and moxibustion, the old man's hand can actually move.

This is too surprising.

Unbelievable expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Suddenly Ye Chen raised his palm suddenly.


Ye Chen's palm hit the old man's back directly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The old man had his life hanging by a thread.

Ye Chen suddenly gave the old man a palm.

What is the difference between this and killing.

Rock, Lee rushed over: "Boy, what are you doing?"

The rest of the Rock family also rushed in angrily.

But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly said solemnly: "Bring the sputum bucket."

Lin Wanrou hurriedly handed over the sputum bucket.

Wow wow wow!

The old man vomited suddenly.

I saw a puff of black water, spit out from the old man's mouth.


Seeing this scene, the people who originally wanted to rush over stopped.

When the black water vomited, the old man suddenly let out a sigh of relief.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stupid.

The old man who had been judged to be brain dead by a famous doctor even spoke.

At this moment, Bruce looked dumbfounded.

Callis also looked dull.

Rock looked at the old man who opened his eyes in disbelief.

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