Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:23 PM

Chapter 1106: 1106

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At the moment, in the CRV car.

A bald head with a hideous face and craziness on his face.

"Unexpectedly, the prey this time was so interesting."

The bald gaze stared at Ye Chen's car tightly.

Although the distance is getting closer, there is no trace of fear in the bald eyes.

Not only did he not slow down, he was speeding up desperately.

Inside the car, the sound of the sound rumbling, stimulating the hormones of the bald head, made him extremely excited.

The distance between the two cars kept getting closer.

"Four hundred meters!"

"Three hundred meters!"

One hundred meters

At this moment, the autopilot system has issued a beeping alarm.

The bald head always thought that Ye Chen would slow down and change direction.

But he found that Ye Chen's car didn't hesitate to bump into it, and he was finally afraid.

At the moment when the cars were about to collide, the bald head finally stunned.

He slammed the direction of the car.

The two cars almost slapped.

The body made a harsh rubbing sound.

As the bald head changed the direction of the car, his car also ran into the guardrail.

With a bald head, his face changed, and he hurriedly stepped on the brake.

On the ground, there was the harsh rubbing of tires.


The bald car hit the guardrail, sparks splashed everywhere, and even the front of the car bounced.

Ye Chen parked the car on the side of the road and said to Lin Wanrou, "You wait for me in the car, don't get off."

He unfastened his seat belt and walked towards the bald head.

Ye Chen walked towards the bald head step by step, and stopped one meter away from the opponent.

The eyes of the two people met.

"Boy, you don't want to die?" The bald roared angrily.

Bald has never seen such a crazy person.

If he didn't avoid it just now, the two cars would collide.

Even if you don't die, you have to be seriously injured.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I'm very afraid of death, who said I'm not going to die? But you will hide if I know for sure."

The comparison between the two just now is courage.

See who can't hold it first and hide.

Obviously, Bald lost to Ye Chen.

The bald head has been on the road for so many years, more courageous, he has never lost.

However, today he lost to Ye Chen.

Although Bald was a killer, he killed many people, but he was more afraid of death than anyone.

"Are you not afraid that I will not hide?" The bald head said with gloomy eyes.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Of course I am not afraid, because I know that no one in this world is afraid of death."

The reason why he dare to gamble is also because he has a bottom in his heart.

The bald gaze stared at Ye Chen gloomily: "It seems that I still underestimate you."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "I don't want to pretend to be forced, and I don't want to die. Tell me who sent you here, and you can go away."

The bald head snorted coldly: "The person who wants your life, of course, has an enmity with you. You have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, so you must die today. By the way, the woman in your car must die as well."

Although the words were very domineering, the bald head looked at Ye Chen, and there was a bit of jealousy in his eyes.

He could feel that this young man was very unusual, definitely a master.

Otherwise, he couldn't have been so calm just now in the face of life and death.

This kind of confidence is not something ordinary people can have.

Ye Chen nodded: "Are you here to kill me?"

The bald head snorted coldly: "I'm sorry, I will take people's money to help people eliminate disasters."

"Really? It depends on whether you have the ability to kill me."

The voice fell, Ye Chen's body was like a cannonball, shot out, and went straight to the bald head.

Ye Chen was very annoyed.

You just need to deal with me, and you have to deal with Wanrou.

Lin Wanrou is Ye Chen's Ni Lin, and the idea of ​​daring to beat his woman is to seek death.

The bald head narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Ye Chen rushing over.

Instead of retreating, he rushed towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the bald head who rushed forward, and a fierce touch flashed in his eyes.


The two threw their fists almost at the same time.


When the fists of the two people collided, the bald face suddenly turned to one side.

He felt a sudden rush into his palm in the near future.

The whole arm was numb.

Ding Ding Ding!

The bald body withdrew seven or eight steps before stabilizing the decline.

He clutched his injured arm and looked at Ye Chen in shock.

How could this guy's fist strength be so strong? Is this kid a human?

The bald head had already scolded Rock's ancestors for eight generations at this moment.

But Rock told him that Ye Chen was an ordinary person.

Is this an ordinary person?

Obviously he is a master of martial arts.

To know that Ye Chen's strength is so abnormal, he will not take this business anyway.

Bald understood that this time he had encountered a strong enemy.

Ye Chen bald his head back with a boxing, and did not give the opponent a chance to breathe.

He waved his fist again and slammed it against the bald chest.

Seeing the constantly enlarged fist, the bald face changed wildly.

I just suffered a loss, this time the bald head didn't dare to head-on.

He backed back again and again, his feet changed, and he turned sideways, trying to avoid Ye Chen's fist.

Ye Chen seemed to have known his movements a long time ago, and the front of his fist suddenly changed, and he smashed his bald chest sideways.

The bald face changed wildly. It was too late for him to hide, so he could only wave his other uninjured right hand and smash it at Ye Chen.


The fists of the two collided again.


Ye Chen was a punch with strength, and his bald head was a hastily challenged, and he was a bad left hand, and the result was self-evident.

The left hand of the bald head was the same as the right hand, which was also directly fractured by Ye Chen.


This time, it was worse than the first time.

The bald body, like a kite with a broken wire, flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

He wanted to stand up.


A mouthful of blood came out.

The bald face was pale, he didn't expect Ye Chen to be so strong, he vomited blood with two punches.

He stared at Ye Chen pale.

"You actually developed your inner strength?"

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Yes, now you lose, you can obediently tell me who sent you here."

The bald head said bitterly: "I'm sorry, you should know our rules, you can't name your customers."

Ye Chen sneered after listening: "The rules are set by someone, I want to know, you have to say it if you don't say it."

A touch of stubbornness flashed across the bald face.

"Hmph, even if I die, I won't say it."

Ye Chen lost his patience: "I'll give you one last chance, whether or not to tell."

The bald head gritted his teeth, and finally gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and he reached out his hand directly and pulled his bald head from the ground.

The next second, he directly held the bald head.

At this moment, half of the bald head has been leaning outside the viaduct.

As soon as Ye Chen let go, he would fall off the viaduct.

The bald head suddenly paled.

He didn't expect that this young man would start so harshly.

Such a high viaduct is full of running cars underneath.

If you fall, you will be hit and killed by a car if you are not lucky. Even if you are not lucky enough, your ribs will break.

Although the bald head has a stiff mouth, he is still afraid of death when it comes to life and death!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!