Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:20 PM

Chapter 1108: 1108

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Seeing Ye Chen, the expressions of Callis and Roque changed slightly.

They never expected Ye Chen to be so bold.

He took the initiative to find it.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen is still alone.

This is too exaggerated.

Callis looked at Ye Chen and sneered: "Ye Chen, you are so courageous, you dare to come to me."

Ye Chen sneered and said, "Yeah, I like to report the grudge on the same day, otherwise I will not sleep well."

"If you take the initiative to send it to the door, you are not afraid of death?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but you don't have the strength to kill me."

Ye Chen stared at Callis coldly.

Callis actually did something to himself and Lin Wanrou, which had already touched his negative scales.

So today he must avenge this grudge.

"How do you know I am here?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

"The person I want to find, no matter where he is at the end of the world, I can find him."

Calis stared at Ye Chen, suddenly burst into laughter.

"Yes, kid, you can really play well, but this is my place."

Ye Chen said: "Really? Is there a difference? I want to abolish you, what does it have to do with whose territory you are."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Callis laughed arrogantly.

"Have you heard? This kid wants to destroy me."

Roque said to the side, "Does the kid know that this bar is opened by Callis. As long as he calls, the bodyguards in the bar will come. Even if you can beat a person, how many nails can you twist?"

Ye Chen smiled: "Really? But I still want to beat you?"

Callis snorted coldly: "If you want to beat me, it depends on whether you have this ability."

With that, Callis made a direct call: "Let all the security guards in the bar come over."


Just as Callis put down the phone, noisy footsteps rang outside.

Soon, more than twenty men in black rushed into the box.

A touch of coldness crossed the corner of Callis's mouth.

He didn't believe that Ye Chen could deal with so many people alone.

Callis threw the red wine in his hand to the ground heavily, pointed at Ye Chen and shouted: "Broken his leg for me."

After listening to Callis' instructions, the bodyguards pounced on Ye Chen with fierce light on their faces.

The two bodyguards rushing forward, one holding a nunchaku and the other holding a dagger in his hand.

Two people, one tall and the other short.

The one holding the dagger is tall, and the one holding the nunchaku is short.

Two people attacked Ye Chen's upper plate, and the other smashed Ye Chen's legs with a nunchaku.

Ye Chen could see that these two guys had skills as soon as they shot it.

Their cooperation is perfect.

One attack up, one attack down, it is easy to make the enemy embarrassed.

With the subtle cooperation of the two, I don't know how many people have been abolished.

It's a pity that they met Ye Chen today.

The tall man rushing to the front pierced Ye Chen's chest directly with the dagger in his hand.

Ye Chen didn't retreat and flew in, reaching out to grab the dagger.

Seeing Ye Chen's movements, everyone was shocked.

Does this kid want to take the edge empty-handed?

Everyone thought Ye Chen was crazy.

The tall man also showed a touch of coldness.

His knife was sharpened very sharply by him.

When a hair falls on the blade, it will instantly be cut into two pieces.

Ye Chen's behavior is tantamount to looking for death.

But when the knife in the tall man's hand was one foot away from Ye Chen, he couldn't move anything.

Ye Chen's hand actually grabbed the blade directly.


Everyone was stupid seeing this scene.

Ye Chen actually grabbed the knife.

At this moment, the short man on the road also rushed over, waving his nunchaku and smashing it towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen grabbed the tall man's arm and fell suddenly.

Almost at the same time, he kicked hard with his feet against the drawn nunchaku.



I saw the tall knife stabbed the short one in the ribs directly from top to bottom.

Almost at the same time, the short man's nunchaku also hit the tall man's legs.

In an instant, two legs broke and one rib was pierced.

But Ye Chen was unscathed.

Just after the shot, two top bodyguards were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The other bodyguards also rushed over.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, picked up the short nunchaku directly, and swung it like flying.

Click, click.

Every time Ye Chen's nunchaku was swung, a bodyguard was beaten with broken bones.

In the blink of an eye, over twenty people, the person beaten by Ye Chen turned over.

Callis and Rock are already looking silly.

Is this guy a human?

Facing twenty people, it turned out to be like a wolf entering a flock.

These bodyguards of Calis are carefully selected, and many of them are special forces.

But Ye Chen was too strong.

The nunchaku in his hand is like a meat grinder.

Although Calis knew Ye Chenqiang, he didn't expect Ye Chen to be so strong.

This guy is not a human at all, but a devil.

Callis's face became more and more ugly.

He was really scared, and at the moment he regretted that he should not offend Ye Chen.

Calis must know that Ye Chen's strength is so strong, and he won't provoke Ye Chen to death.

Now, Ye Chen came to the door, and all his bodyguards were beaten by Ye Chen, crying and crying on the ground.

Callis understood that when all the bodyguards fell to the ground, it was when Ye Chen and him settled the ledger.

He is very smart, so naturally he doesn't want to wait until that moment is here.

Calis took advantage of Ye Chen's fight with several bodyguards, and cautiously slipped towards the door.

Rock saw Callis about to slip away, and he followed him.

The two had just walked to the gate.


A bodyguard flew over and hit Rock directly.

Rock was stunned.

Callis also had a slight pause at his feet.

Ye Chen just threw people over, who knows what will be thrown over next time?

The battle in the box is now over.

In the entire box, only Ye Chen, Roque, Callis, and the man with glasses are private.

The bodyguards were all beaten down by Ye Chen, and the two women had already run away when they saw that everyone.

At this moment, they were all stunned.

Ye Chen looked like a killer in their eyes.

Callis's face was very ugly.

In his eyes, Easterners are inferior.

Now, in his own bar, being beaten by Ye Chen, how could he be reconciled.

Moreover, when this incident spread, his reputation was wiped out.

Callis, staring at Ye Chen coldly said: "Boy, if you move me, you will regret it."

"Really? Try it, try it."

Ye Chen was not polite at all.

He slammed his fist directly into Callis's eye socket.

Callis was dizzy with this punch.

Unsteady standing, he thumped and fell to the ground.

After defeating Callis, Ye Chen's eyes fell on Roque.

Rock is like sifting the chaff at this moment, there is no dignity of a prince.

Ye Chen looked at Luo Ke and said coldly, "Do you dare to make Wanrou's cheaper in the future?"

Rock shook his head quickly: "Don't dare, brother, please forgive me."

"Go away, don't let me see you, otherwise I will see you once and fight once."

Rock was overjoyed and ran out quickly.

Ye Chen looked at the man with glasses: "What about you? Are you going to be like them, or go out by yourself?"

The spectacle man was very acquainted and said, "I'll go out by myself."

Callis was stupid when he saw that Rock and the man with golden glasses were both out.

These two **** are too loyal.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!