Published at 27th of April 2021 12:48:03 PM

Chapter 111: 111

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Song Yumeng took a deep breath.

For my best friend, fight.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw Song Yumeng.

"Where is Tang Lu?"

"Oh, Tang Lu met a friend to chat with, and she said to come over in a while."

Song Yumeng took out the mirror and took a look.

With a face value of 90 points, white skin, and delicate face, I don't believe that you can't make you a scumbag.

Song Yumeng sat beside Ye Chen, deliberately leaning close to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen: "..."

In fact, Ye Chen had known that the girl just now was sent by Song Yumeng, and he knew that Tang Lu and her had been watching here not far away.

how? Is it your turn to play in person this time?

Ye Chen remained silent, wanting to see what Song Yumeng wanted to do.

Song Yumeng stared at Ye Chen with beautiful eyes, and said affectionately; "Unexpectedly, Tang Lu found a handsome boyfriend like you, I was a little bit jealous."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Actually you don't need to be jealous."

Song Yumeng was happy when he heard it.

Hmph, I knew that the scumbag's fox tail was going to be tired out.

"Ye Chen, what do you mean?"

"You can't be jealous. I'm the best handsome guy in the world, so you can only find a boyfriend who is almost as handsome as me."


Even claiming to be the best handsome guy in the world, don't you want to face it? This face is too thick.

"Ye Chen, do you think I am better than Tang Lu, what do you like more about me?" Song Yumeng looked at Ye Chen and continued to tempt.

"You let me tell the truth?" Ye Chen said.

Song Yumeng was overjoyed when he heard Ye Chen's words.

"Hurry up and praise me, say I am sexy, say I am more feminine?"

As long as Ye Chen praised herself, Tang Lu on the side would definitely be able to recognize Ye Chen's scumbag nature.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "Actually, I like you to stay away from me."

Song Yumeng: "..."

Song Yumeng was a little messy at this time.

I like you to stay away from me. Is this really called liking?

Song Yumeng took a deep breath and continued: "You really hate it? By the way, I really like watching movies. Would you like to watch movies with me if you have time?"

Ye Chen listened and nodded: "No problem, you can do it now."

Song Yumeng's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Haha, the fish finally got the bait, the scumbag is the scumbag, and I finally caught your handle.

"Shall we go now?"

Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and opened Tencent Video: "What movie do you want to watch, but I don't have a VIP and can only watch it for free."

Song Yumeng: "..."

This time, Song Yumeng collapsed completely.

I want to watch Tencent video with you?

I'm going to go to the cinema with you to watch it, okay?

Tang Lu couldn't see it anymore, and walked over.

"Enough Yumeng, I'm only concerned about who Ye Chen is, he is different from other men, this time you are convinced."

Song Yumeng was very depressed.

She almost used her eighteen hooking skills, but this Ye Chen just couldn't get in.

As a result, it was not proved that Ye Chen was a scumbag, but instead made Tang Lu like Ye Chen even more.

Ye Chen saw Tang Lu smile and said, "Xiao Lu, do you girlfriends have problems in their minds? Why do they always ask strange questions."

Song Yumeng: "You have a problem with your head, and your whole family has a problem with your head."

Tang Lu sneered: "Little Meng just likes to make jokes, you must not blame her."

At this moment, a young man came in with two glasses of wine.

He looked at Tang Lulu and Song Yumeng with greedy smiles in their eyes.

"Two beauties, I've been in the bar for so long, and it's the first time I met two such beautiful beauties. I don't know if I can admire my face and choose a dance with me."

The man was very arrogant. Ye Chen was clearly in the box, but he openly teased his sister, obviously not paying attention to Ye Chen at all.

In fact, Sun Ze paid attention to Tang Lu and Song Yumeng for a long time.

He also inquired about Ye Chen's identity.

It's just a little brother Didi, and he didn't even look at such a dick.

Such a beautiful woman was taken over by a little brother Didi, which is simply a violent thing.

How does a little brother Didi compare with the general manager of his Caesars Bar?

Caesar Bar, as the most luxurious and popular bar in the capital, as the general manager, he is also among the elite circles of the capital.

Sun Ze relied on his identity as the general manager of the bar, not knowing how many beautiful women fell into his clutches.

Today his prey is these two beauties.

Song Yumeng was depressed, but met Sun Ze to strike up a conversation.

"Dancing, even your looks are embarrassed to dance with girls, don't disgust me, billowing, this girl is in a bad mood." After Song Yumeng was hit by Ye Chen, her mood was already upset and she went back directly.

Sun Ze is also a sturdy person in a bar, and he has never been so stunned by a woman.

The most important thing is that this girl actually said he was sick.

When did Sun Ze suffer such insults?

He was furious in an instant.

"Smelly bitch, what are you talking about, are you looking for death?"

As the owner of Jinba, Sun Ze is used to being arrogant here, and now he is naturally annoyed by a girl who humiliates him in public.

Sun Ze put the wine glass on the table, slapped his hand and drew it at Song Yumeng.

Song Yumeng is also the eldest lady, and no one dares to be rough with her.

Seeing Sun Ze's slap came over, she was also shocked.

Just when Sun Ze's slap was about to hit Song Yumeng, suddenly a big hand grabbed Sun Ze's wrist.

"What are you? My friends are like you, cats and dogs who move whenever they want?"

Although Song Yumeng was doing his own routine just now, Ye Chen would not stand by when his friend was in real danger.

"Are you looking for death, dare to stop me from letting go?" Sun Ze roared fiercely.

Ye Chen slammed it directly, and Sun Ze staggered a few times before thumping and falling to the ground.

"How dare you move me to die!"

Sun Ze got up from the ground and yelled at the outside: "Come here, give me this kid out of it."

At this time, seven or eight uniformed security guards rushed in outside, hula la and surrounded Ye Chen.

"Beat me to death." Sun Ze said viciously.

"Yes, boss." These security guards are all thugs who open the scene, and they are naturally very hard when they hear the boss's words.

"Stop it for me." With a soft drink, a beautiful figure in a cheongsam walked over quickly.

Sun Ze's expression changed when he saw the woman walking by.

"President Chen, why are you here?"

Chen Mengyao ignored Sun Ze and walked up to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry I'm late, I'm shocked."

Ye Chen froze for a moment, and looked at the woman in front of him.

The woman is in her twenties, with a devilish figure, a charming face, and a seductive look in her beautiful eyes, yet she has a cold and frosty feeling.

"Are you?" Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment.

"My name is Chen Mengyao, the vice president of Caesars Group." Chen Ying looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Oh!" Ye Chen nodded.

Chen Mengyao glared at Sun Ze: "If you don't have eyes, don't apologize to Mr. Ye!"

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