Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:18 PM

Chapter 1110: 1110

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Seeing that Ye Chen dared to hit someone in front of him, Xie Er exploded.

Boy, have you eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard? I advise you to commit suicide now, otherwise you will die miserably, and you will not even have a chance to die. "

Seeing Ye Chen ignored him, Xieer gritted his teeth and said.

Ye Chen didn't even look at Xie Er.

Ye Chen didn't bother to care about this kind of garbage at all.

At this moment, the crowd was separated.

Several more people came soon.

Everyone looked at the people coming, and their expressions changed.

Because the people who came were all bigwigs of the underground forces in Lun City.

Walking in the forefront is the Eastern District boss Fellow.

Following him is Thomas, the boss of the West End.

Then there is Anji, the southern boss.

Finally, Mary, the boss of the North District.

These few people, each of them are well-known local bosses, killing people without blinking, and now they appear together here.

It can be said that all the underground power leaders in the entire Lun City have come here.

Each of them is a famous person.

Seeing so many big men gathered here, everyone trembled.

Filo looked at Callis and asked, "Mr. Callis, are you all right."

Calis pointed to himself dissatisfied: "Do you think I'm okay?"

"Mr. Callis, we didn't protect you. Don't worry, I will give you an explanation."

These big bosses are Hawke's men.

They heard that Calis's brother had been beaten, and they all rushed over immediately.

Feile waited and stared at Ye Chen with triangular eyes: "Boy, you dare to move Mr. Callis, today you are finished, don't you kneel down and apologize to Mr. Callis?"

"Hmph, I really don't know whether I live or die, so I dared to run wild on our territory."

"Ye Chen, soon, I will let you know what life is better than death."

Listening to these people's arrogant words, Ye Chen's face was expressionless.

The atmosphere at the moment is very solemn.

The air was frosty.

At this moment, a big man rushed over.

His face was cold, with an axe in his hand and a fierce look on his face.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen burly men.

These people are exuding a terrifying aura.

But the cold aura that these people exude makes these people shudder.

This person is called Hans the Meat Chopper. He killed countless people, and he didn't know how many people he killed with the axe in his hand.

At this moment, the people around had a shivering feeling.

After all, it's terrifying that so many big bosses of underground forces are here.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have knelt on the ground now.

Ye Chen was able to stand here calmly, which already made people a little surprised.

"Boy, you're done, you continue to be arrogant." Seeing Hawke so hard, Calis's face also showed a grim smile.

Ye Chen glanced at Callis.

At this moment, Calis's face showed a triumphant expression.

He even imagined that Ye Chen would kneel in front of him and beg for mercy.

Available in the next second.

Ye Chen suddenly raised his hand.

"Pop!" A loud slap in the face sounded.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, everyone is stupid.

Ye Chen actually slapped Callis again in front of so many people.

You know, these underground bosses are all here for Calis.

Callis was staggered.

His face was already swollen and tall, and this slap made everyone's face pale.

"Come on, kill them for me, I want him to be broken into pieces." Callis roared.

At this time, those underground bosses moved.

Forty or fifty people surrounded Ye Chen in the center.

They all held knives and sticks in their hands, and their faces flashed with a strong killing intent.

These killers have blood on every hand.

Therefore, they are even more murderous.

This kind of momentum made many people on the scene shiver.

In fact, some of these bigwigs have a very general relationship with Callis.

But because of Hawke, he had to come.

I have to say that in the underground forces, Hawke is the king.

With so many thugs, even if Ye Chen can fight, what can he do.

Hans stared at Ye Chen: "Boy, you are a Chinese person who dare to be arrogant in our Eagle Country. Today I want you to die."

In his opinion, Ye Chen is nothing but fish on the chopping board.

Ye Chen looked at those enemies with perseverance in his eyes.

"It's just a bunch of rubbish."

Ye Chen's voice made the scene quiet.

Is this kid crazy?

In this case, not begging for mercy is still pretending to be forced.

But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly disappeared from the place, and his figure was like electricity, and he had appeared in front of Hans.

His fist hit Hans's chest directly.

Hans looked at Ye Chen's fist, his pupils tightening.

The whole person seemed to be frozen.

He felt a very terrifying feeling from Ye Chen.

This feeling made him feel like an ice cellar.


Ye Chen's fist hit Hans heavily.

Hans, known as the meat grinder, was blown away by Ye Chen and fell to the ground, motionless.

With a punch, Hans stunned directly.

Everyone is stupid.

Those subordinates went crazy, waving their weapons and rushing towards Ye Chen.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

"Do you like to play? Then I will play with you."

Ye Chen probed his hand and snatched an iron rod from a bastard.

Then, the iron rod in his hand swung like flying.

In an instant, the eyes of those **** were filled with horror and disbelief.

The murderous aura exuding from Ye Chen made these **** shudder.

The stick in his hand is even more like a meat grinder.

As long as he was hit by Ye Chen's stick, blood would splash.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen **** were already lying on the ground.

These people were all broken bones broken by Ye Chen and wailed on the ground.

The other **** looked at Ye Chen and their eyes were full of jealousy.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Stop it all."

A middle-aged man walked in.

This middle-aged man is in his fifties and has a scar on his face.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the people coming.

This is the underground overlord Hawke of Lun City.

Hawke walked in and saw Hans, who was knocked out by Ye Chen, raised his brows.

His eyes turned to Ye Chen.

"Boy, you are cruel."

Ye Chen looked at Hawke without a trace of fear on his face.

Seeing Hawke, Callis hurriedly rushed over.

"Brother, you have to call me the shots. Look at me who was beaten by him, as well as your brother, who was beaten and mutilated by him more than ten."

Hawke stared at Ye Chen and said coldly: "Boy, how do you want to die?"

"How to die?" Ye Chen frowned.

He looked at Hawke and said lightly: "Let me die, I'm afraid you are not qualified."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was stunned, this kid is too awesome.

Hawke nodded: "Boy, I have to admire your courage, but in this world, do you think that martial arts is awesome?"

With that, Hawk took out a pistol directly from his hand and aimed at Ye Chen.

This is the Eagle Country, so gun control is not so strict.

The bodyguard behind him also took out a pistol.

The muzzle of a dozen pistols was aimed at Ye Chen.

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