Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:13 PM

Chapter 1113: 1113

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The villain on the opposite side was completely stupid seeing this scene.

This is too awesome.

The God of Gamblers drank a little wine and ate the spicy incense pot, and when he came back he was completely changed.

Does this mean that there is a magic medicine in the folding ruler?

The current God of Gamblers is almost like hanging up.

Both point and stud are super awesome.

The villain is completely stupid.

I saw the God of Gamblers show his jealousy to the fullest.

Ye Chen was also surprised.

The effect of this spicy incense pot is too obvious.

In this game, the God of Gamblers smashed the Quartet and successfully defended the title of God of Gamblers.

The God of Gamblers was vigorous and victorious.

"You, take-out brother, I have eaten your spicy hot pot, I feel that my eyes are gone, and my ears are so good. It's amazing."

The God of Gamblers shook Ye Chen's hand excitedly.

"I must thank me well."

"You see, this is the prize money I got in this competition. If you want it, it's all yours."

The words of the God of Gamblers made everyone on the scene envious.

The prize money for this competition is 80 million.

But Ye Chen shook his head.

"Mr. Gao, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in money."

Ye Chen is really not short of money now.

Eighty million is a huge sum of money for others, but nothing to Ye Chen.

He came here not to make money, but to reward him with five-star praise.

Hearing that Ye Chen didn't love money, the gaze of the God of Gamblers looking at Ye Chen changed again.

The God of Gamblers is very arrogant and has never admired others in his life.

But Ye Chen was the only person he admired.

Ye Chen smiled: "Mr. Gao, remember to give me a five-star praise. By the way, remember that I am the takeaway brother Ye Chen."

God of Gamblers has firmly remembered this name in his heart.

At this time, the system prompts that Ye Chen is about to return to the real world.

It was also very good to come to another world this time.

After all, Ye Chen experienced a hearty gambling game.

Moreover, this is the world of movies, and there is nothing worthy of nostalgia.

"Well, guys, I should go back, there will be a period later."

Although the God of Gamblers was reluctant to give up, Ye Chen still turned and left.

The God of Gamblers hurriedly said: "Brother takeaway, can you leave me a contact information? Next time I want to eat such a delicious spicy hot pot."

Ye Chen smiled: "Next time you just have to summon me in your heart. I will definitely come when I have time. By the way, I remember the five-star praise."

After speaking, Ye Chen turned and left.

In an instant, Ye Chen rode a motorcycle directly into the wormhole.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stupid.

Is this Ye Chen an alien?

By the way, only aliens have such delicious food.

Ye Chen didn't shy away from it because after all, this is the real world.

Therefore, Ye Chen doesn't have to worry about what trouble will be left.

Ye Chen understood one thing now.

If you are in the real world, then you must pay attention to the impact.

But here is a parallel movie world, so he doesn't need to care what will leave some problems.

He can do whatever he wants.

Ye Chen disappeared from the scene and returned to the real world.

There are still many tall buildings.

But in the real world, Ye Chen still felt very kind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the Ten Thousand Realms takeaway to obtain system rewards, god-level gambling skills. 】

With this gambling technique, Ye Chen can even easily become the world gambling king.

But as a good young man in the new era, Ye Chen doesn't like gambling.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the Ten Thousand Realms takeaway and getting the system rewards, gambling temperament. 】

Ye Chen's car in front of him, this reward is awesome.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the Wanjie takeaway and getting the system reward, the latest Fengshen sports car. 】

Fengshen sports car, known as the fastest sports car in the world.

It is famous all over the world for its cool appearance and super fast speed.

Ye Chen's Lycan had been in the car for a long time, and it was indeed time to change it.

This time, Ye Chen received three rewards in total, and the red envelope reward Ye Chen still felt very cool.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

Song Xiaoxiao called him.

"Ye Chen, you promised to accompany me to the concert."

At this time, Ye Chen remembered that on the plane, Ye Chen did say to watch a concert with Song Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, then I will pick you up."

Ye Chen came to Song Xiaoxiao's door.

Before Song Xiaoxiao came out, Ye Chen was sitting in the car and playing with her mobile phone.

At this time, a pair of young men and women walked out of the community.

Both are in their early twenties.

The girl is pretty and tall.

But the boy was a bit horrible, he was not tall, he was very fat, and he looked very ugly.

The couple is a young couple.

Li Lun looked surprised when he saw this car.

"Oh my God, this is a Fengshen sports car. I watched it on TV. It's awesome."

Although Li Lun’s family is very rich, his monthly salary is only a few hundred thousand.

Driving a BMW and living in a three-bedroom and one-living house, I feel that I am already very powerful.

When he saw Ye Chen's tens of millions of sports car, he was immediately envious.

Can drive tens of millions of sports cars, no need to ask, is also a super rich.

Li Lun introduced to his girlfriend: "Do you know this sports car? It is worth 88.8 million.

It is the fastest sports car in the world.

And you look at the streamlined design, which was designed by the famous car designer Daniel.

There are three cars in the world.

We are really lucky to see.

Li Lun said confidently: "The owner of this car must be a super rich man."

The man talked eloquently, showing off his wife to his wife.

The wife is also incarnate into a fan.

"Oh my god, my husband is so knowledgeable. We can live in the same community with this big guy, which shows you what you are capable of."

At this time, there happened to be a courier boy passing by.

Li Lun shook the key in his hand.

Although his strength is average, he is much better than those takeaway brothers and courier brothers.

"I was a master student when I was in school. After graduation, I joined a top 500 company. Because of my strong ability, I quickly promoted my supervisor."

Li Lun continued to pretend to be forceful with his wife, with a look of narcissism.

At this time, Song Xiaoxiao came out and did not see Ye Chen.

But she happened to hear the conversation between the two people.

"By the way, do you remember the little brother who delivered us the food last time?"

Wife Li Lun was taken aback for a moment: "Of course I remember."

"That takeaway boy is so handsome, isn't he still a takeaway? It's useless to be handsome, he needs to have strength."

With that said, Li Lun also patted his straw-bag belly.

Song Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment.

Looks very handsome, or is a food delivery, is this man talking about Ye Chen?

Li Lun's wife was a little embarrassed.

Because Ye Chen was so pretty, she secretly gave Ye Chen Qiubo at that time.

It happened to be seen by her husband. Obviously, Li Lun still remembers this incident.

Li Lun continued: "Wife, as long as you follow me obediently, when my career develops, I will let you sit in a luxury car like this, so don't worry about the little white-faced garbage takeaway boy. "

When Song Xiaoxiao heard that Li Lun actually insulted Ye Chen as rubbish, her little white face suddenly sank.

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