Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:04 PM

Chapter 1120: 1120

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Chen Yifan's expression was gloomy.

He never thought that he would lose to a passerby today.

He is a top star.

Why is this guy more popular than me?

Why is this guy more handsome than me?

Chen Yifan's expression became even more ugly when he thought that there was only Ye Chen in the photos of those girls, ignoring himself.

No, this thing can't be forgotten.

I must retaliate against him.

Chen Yifan rolled his eyes and got an idea.

A triumphant smile appeared on his face.

Finally, the anniversary celebration of Douyin began.

After a few stars appeared on the stage, it was finally Chen Yifan's turn.

The song Chen Yifan wants to sing is "I am the most handsome in this world"

Ye Chen's brain hurts when he hears the title of the song.

How conceited is this guy? Actually sing such a song.

Chen Yifan looked narcissistic and sang his own song coolly.

Ye Chen listened to Chen Yifan's divine comedy, very speechless.

What a song this is.

Someone listens to this kind of song.

It sucks.

Chen Yifan was singing to a climax and suddenly stopped.

Everyone was stunned.

Why didn't Chen Yifan sing anymore.

Chen Yifan suddenly smiled triumphantly.

"Everyone, I suddenly have an idea. I want to invite a fan and send me a song to sing this hottest song."

Hearing that Chen Yifan wanted to invite fans to sing, those fans went crazy.

"Fanfan, choose me."

"Yeah, I want to sing with you.

But Chen Yifan's gaze fell on Ye Chen's body.

With a playful sneer on his face, he pointed to Ye Chen and said, "I want to ask this fan to sing with me."

The reason why Chen Yifan chose was very much because he wanted to make the second uncle embarrassed.

After all, Ye Chen is an amateur.

Suddenly being called by someone to sing on stage, I must be nervous.

As long as Ye Chen sang poorly, then he would be embarrassed at the scene.

This is also Chen Yifan's idea.

Ye Chen looked at Chen Yifan and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of you, and I don't know how to sing your song."

Ye Chen felt embarrassed when he heard the title of the song "I am the Most Handsome in This World".

If you let him sing, you might as well kill him.

Ye Chen couldn't sing such a stupid song.

Ye Chen didn't understand how Chen Yifan's sings were so unpleasant, and the sissy with a face like a woman was so popular.

At this moment, the photographer has cast the live video to Ye Chen.

More than 10 million people watched this live broadcast on Shaking.

At this time, on the live broadcast platform, the barrage bounced frantically.

"Wow, that little brother is so handsome."

"Yeah, it seems that Chen Yifan is so ugly after seeing this little brother."

"I'm in love, I'm going to fan this little brother in the future."

Although Ye Chen refused, Chen Yifan did not intend to let Ye Chen go.

"Sir, give me a face, this song "I am the most handsome in this world" is so popular, there should be few people who can't sing it, at least you should have heard it, right?"

Chen Yifan, with a look of bad intentions and various routines, wanted to fool Ye Chen onto the stage.

"Sir, everyone is waiting for you, you shouldn't let everyone down, right."

Even Chen Yifan brought the rhythm in order to force Ye Chen to take the stage.

Who is Ye Chen?

How could it be so easy to be fooled.

His face suddenly became cold.

At the moment, many viewers can't stand the barrage anymore.

"Chen Yifan, a bit too much, everyone refused, and forced them to come to power."

"That's right, what does Chen Yifan mean, must he force others to come to power?"

"People say they can't sing anymore. It's not good to be a strong man."

At this time, someone who knew the inside story began to popularize science.

"You probably don't know, this little brother had a conflict with Chen Yifan just now."

"You haven't watched Weibo. Chen Yifan's fans and this little brother's fans are still fighting on the Internet?"

"I wiped it, it turned out that Chen Yifan was trying to retaliate against this little brother."

"I just watched the video. Chen Yifan is too narcissistic. He was obviously taking pictures of his younger brother, but he was narcissistic about taking pictures of himself."

"I wiped it out for my own benefit and interrupted the show. This is too much."

"That's right, Chen Yifan is too stingy."

However, a group of Chen Yifan fans are still beeping.

"We Fanfanyue fans sing together to show that we Fanfan is approachable."

"That's right, why do you say that we are Fanfan."

"Chee, it's still Fanfan, it's an ugly comparison with other people's brothers."

The scene was in an uproar.

The fans who knew the truth were all angry.

Many people even threw their mineral water bottles and light sticks onto the stage.

Chen Yifan on the stage originally wanted to make Ye Chen embarrassed, but in the end he always thought of engaging in an oolong.

Now fans threw things at him, causing Chen Yifan to dodge from left to right.

Ye Chen was in the audience, just like watching a monkey.

In Ye Chen's eyes, this Chen Yifan was nothing but a clown.

It's not worth his shot at all.

I want him to make a fool of myself without looking in the mirror. Do I deserve it?

Chen Yifan, such an actor, became famous overnight and thought he was great.

At this time, in the VIP studio.

Hu Guang is watching the live broadcast with the director.

He didn't want to come, but I heard that Ye Chen is here.

And I heard that Ye Chen asked for two tickets to bring a girl.

The boss came to see the show, how could Hu Guang dare to neglect, so he took the seat himself.

But he never expected that Chen Yifan, a brain-dead, would dare to offend the boss.

Isn't this looking for death?

Hu Guangqi trembled all over.

Because of Hu Yong's affairs, the boss has a bad impression of him.

If it messes up again this time, it is estimated that he, the general manager of the entertainment department, will also be over.

Originally, he wanted to rely on this concert to curry favor with the boss, but Chen Yifan was all messed up by this rotten fish.

Hu Guang was about to explode.

He picked up the headset and snarled, "What are you doing? Quickly let that Chen Yifan get out of me immediately."

The chief director was also scared when he saw Hu Guang get angry.

Although he didn't know what the relationship between Hu Guang and this handsome little brother was, he knew that it would be very serious to make Hu Guang so angry.

Although Chen Yifan is a star, he is not a fart in front of big capital.

The chief director is not used to you being a star.

The boss is angry, then his job is almost impossible to keep, he still cares whether you are a star?

The director directly called seven or eight security guards to rush to the wife.

The live broadcast is still going on at this moment.

Chen Yifan still provoked Ye Chen with lotus.

But the director rushed up directly with someone.

Chen Yifan saw that the director came with someone and thought he was dealing with Ye Chen.

He pointed to Ye Chen and said arrogantly: "The director, this guy, dare to ruin the party, let him blast him out."

The director caught fire in his eyes and waved at the security guards.

The security guards went up for medical treatment and directly lifted Chen Yifan, who was flaring his teeth and claws, and walked directly down the stage.

Chen Yifan was dumbfounded.

Originally he thought these security guards were dealing with Ye Chen.

He still yelled in the air: "What are you doing? I'm a star, you can't do this to me."

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