Published at 18th of August 2021 12:08:01 PM

Chapter 1122: 1122

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Ye Chen hurried back to the seat and sat down, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Song Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen in jealousy and said, "Ye Chen, are you happy to have so many female fans all at once?"

A strong jealousy came, as if the jar of vinegar had been knocked over.

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen did not directly answer Song Xiaoxiao's question, but asked instead.

Song Xiaoxiao thought that she was very happy in her heart, but it was really meaningless not to admit it.

Ye Chen didn't want to entangle the girl too much with this problem, it was really unnecessary.

Seeing Ye Chen's silence, Song Xiaoxiao didn't speak any more, but she was very unhappy in her heart.

Ye Chen's female fans are so crazy that they can't continue the annual meeting.

Ye Chen didn't want to see things like this, he could only blame him for being too handsome and capturing the hearts of many girls on the scene.

Ye Chen also felt a little pain in his head when this happened.

Suddenly the voice of the system came into my mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the new order of Wanjie takeaway. Do you accept it?"

Ye Chen thought in his heart that it would be embarrassing for him to stay on the scene, so he might as well just send a takeaway order, maybe he could encounter interesting things.


He said in his heart without hesitation.

This time, customers actually want food that stimulates their taste buds.

As long as it is spicy, it can stimulate the taste buds, such as spicy hot pot, Sichuan cuisine, hot pot and so on.

Ye Chen was even overjoyed in his heart, thinking it was too soeasy for him.

However, when he saw the line specifically stated by the client, he instantly felt that this request was a bit tricky.

"Litchi must be included in the food."

This made Ye Chen feel a little difficult.

Except for eating lychees alone, Ye Chen has never eaten dishes made with lychees.

Song Xiaoxiao saw Ye Chen kept silent, thinking he was angry.

"Ye Chen, let's go to dinner after watching the annual meeting in a while." Song Xiaoxiao said.

But Ye Chen didn't pay attention to her. Actually, he couldn't blame Ye Chen mainly because he was thinking about the customer's request.

This question stumped him.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't give up, but still said: "Ye Chen, I think the lychee spicy grilled fish is good. Why don't we go eat that later."

"Litchi!" Ye Chen seemed to have heard these two words, but because of what Song Xiaoxiao was thinking too much, he didn't listen to all what Song Xiaoxiao said.

"Xiaoxiao, what you just said, say it again." Ye Chen asked eagerly.

"I'm talking about going to eat grilled fish with spicy lychee flavor. What do you think?" Song Xiaoxiao asked again.

"Yes, that's him." Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of him with a little overjoyed.

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, Song Xiaoxiao felt proud.

What she was thinking in her heart now was: "Even if you female fans love Ye Chen, you don't know his preferences, but I am different."

They all say that if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab a man's stomach.

"Xiaoxiao, you really know me too well." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing that, Song Xiaoxiao's heart plopped and thumped quickly, as if there were seven or eight fawns bumping into each other.

"Ah, Ye Chen actually praised me."

Ye Chen went to the grilled fish shop and bought a piece of grilled fish with spicy lychee.

After the clerk packed Ye Chen's box, Ye Chen carried the take-out box and walked outside.

After loading the grilled fish into the takeaway box, Ye Chen started the motorcycle.

Turning to an unmanned corner, a wormhole appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen rode a motorcycle into the wormhole.

When Ye Chen appeared again, he was stunned.

I saw magnificent palace walls all around, with golden armored warriors standing on both sides.

this is?

Is it the palace?

Ye Chen's sudden appearance surprised the guards in the palace.

Where did this person emerge from.

Oh my God, this man is actually wearing a yellow robe.

You know, only royals are qualified to wear yellow robes.

What shocked all the guards even more was what Ye Chen was riding on.

what is this?

The two wheels made a roaring sound.

"Stop, who are you?" a guard whispered.

Ye Chen was also slightly taken aback when he saw the guards.

He smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm a takeaway brother, and I'm a takeaway."

Ye Chen glanced at the target, it turned out to be in the palace.

The guard was stunned for a moment: "What is the takeaway brother?"

Ye Chen didn't take care of the guards, and riding a motorcycle, he rushed towards the palace.

At this time, the entire Imperial Guard was in chaos.

"Damn, there are assassins."

"Stop the assassin."

Suddenly, the Imperial Guard surged up.

But Ye Chen's motorcycle was too fast.

Before the Guards could react, Ye Chen had already rushed over a hundred meters.

How can this be?

The Janissaries were all stupid.

What is this man riding so fast?

You know, in their hearts, the fastest runner should be the horse.

But this man can ride something, but much faster than a war horse.

At this time, a leader of the Guards roared: "What are you still doing, letting go of arrows."

At this time, the imperial guard on the city wall was relieved from shock.

Draw bows and shoot arrows one after another.

Whoosh whoosh!

The arrow shot down like rain.

But these arrows fell on Ye Chen's head, as if blocked by something, they fell one after another.

I rub!

Those soldiers are all stupid.

Is this person a man or a god?

Why can't bow and arrow get close?

When these soldiers were in a daze, Ye Chen had already rushed into the palace on a motorcycle.

In the palace, Concubine Yang was lying next to the emperor.

"The emperor, I'm tired of eating lychees all the time, if only fresh lychees are available."

The emperor smiled and said: "Ai, the lychees were shipped from the south at a fast speed, and it would be exhausted for a few horses, but you said that it’s difficult to eat fresh. Lychees are fruits, so they are just peeled and eaten. ?"

Concubine Yang sighed, "Hey, I actually like to eat lychees, but I always get tired of eating it."

"Concubine Ai, see what else you want to eat, I will let the Royal Chef cook it for you."

Concubine Yang wiped Xianghan: "Hey, on such a hot day, I have no appetite for anything to eat!"

The emperor also frowned.

He is most favored by Concubine Yang.

Seeing that Concubine Yang has no appetite, he is more anxious than anyone else.

"Gorius, decreed, if someone can make my concubine my appetite boost, I am willing to reward a thousand liang of gold and a hundred acres of fertile land."

"It's the emperor." Gao Lishi just wanted to go out.


Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the roar of the motorcycle, Ye Chen rushed in on the motorcycle.

Seeing Ye Chen who suddenly rushed in, everyone was stunned.

Who is this?

All the ministers looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded.

The emperor Li Longji looked at the people who rushed into the court hall furiously: "Bold, who dares to break into the court hall?"

At this time, the Ouchi guard also rushed in and surrounded Ye Chen tightly.

Ye Chen got off the motorcycle without a hassle, and then said, "I'm the takeaway brother, who wants the lychee spicy grilled fish takeaway?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!