Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:59 PM

Chapter 1123: 1123

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Spicy lychee grilled fish takeaway?

Concubine Yang's eyes lit up.

Didn’t I just pray that I could get a delicious lychee food?

Could it be that your prayer has been fulfilled?

Just as Li Longji was about to give an order to capture Ye Chen, Concubine Yang quickly stopped him.

"The emperor was called by his concubine."

"Ai Concubine, did you call him?"

Without waiting for Concubine Yang to answer, Ye Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I'm here to deliver food to the empress."

Speaking, Ye Chen offered the takeaway hands in his hand.

Li Longji motioned to his subordinates to take the takeaway box, and then opened it carefully.

I took a look at the contents and found out what these things are.

Concubine Yang thought that after opening the box, she would be able to see the food, but she didn't expect these things to be inside.

This is in ancient times. Where did they see this kind of thing, a few people didn't understand it after watching it for a long time.

Concubine Yang also frowned, looking disappointed at the silver dangling box.

"Be bold, you dare to tease me, you pulled me out and chopped it."

Li Longji Longyan was furious, and seeing the scene in front of him, the guards were trembling with fright.

If you anger the emperor, then someone will suffer.

"Listen to me first, and then it's not too late to cut me." Ye Chen, who was caught by the guards, said hurriedly.

He didn't want to give a takeaway and even catch his life.

Concubine Yang on the side also hurriedly said: "Yes, your Majesty, don't kill him yet. It's not too late to kill after listening to him if he lied."

Li Longji had to give up seeing his concubine begging.

He asked the guards to press Ye Chen to the front, but there was still a distance from them.

After all, Ye Chen's clothes were weird, maybe it was an assassin sent by an enemy country.

Even so, his guards were able to get rid of this strange person before Ye Chen started.

He didn't worry about this at all.

Ye Chen's face was unpleasant, thinking that I would kindly deliver food to you and you would treat me like this.

"The emperor, if you treat me like this, you would rather be beheaded." Ye Chen also said with a temper.

"Well, pull it down for me and chop it down." Li Longji gave orders.

Ye Chen's words were obviously provoking Long Wei and thoroughly angered him.

Without waiting for the guards to pull Ye Chen down, Yang Guifei groaned: "Your Majesty, why are you so anxious? I know that you must have a new love, and I don't care about my life or death at all, even if I haven't had it for a few days. It doesn't matter if you eat, right?"

When he heard the six words lychee spicy grilled fish, he was curious.

Li Longji hurriedly said after hearing this: "Forget it, bring me this daunting man, you all push aside, if he acts rashly, you immediately **** him."

Then he looked at Concubine Yang and said: "Ai Concubine, you are satisfied now."

You know that Concubine Yang is his favorite concubine, how could he make her unhappy.

Ye Chen calculated this point accurately, so he didn't worry about his head at all.

Under the leadership of the guards, Ye Chen stepped forward.

Follow the instructions to open the iron frame on the tin box frame and light the alcohol lamp.

Seeing the litchi in the box, Concubine Yang was ecstatic, and then asked about the smell from the box, she felt that her saliva was about to flow down.

Concubine Yang Gui is depressed these days, and Li Longji is also extremely bad.

No matter what method he uses, he can't make the beauty smile.

Now that the smile on Concubine's face reappears, Li Longji is also a Longyan Joy.

After the silver needle is not poisonous, Concubine Yang will grab a fish and eat it.

"Niangniang wait a moment, this grilled fish has to be heated for a while before it tastes more delicious." Ye Chen stopped quickly.

Concubine Yang obediently put down her chopsticks, but she was very tortured while waiting.

As the soup in the tin box bubbling, the fragrance penetrates into the nostrils.

Concubine Yang suddenly felt that she had an appetite and couldn't wait to take a bite.

This time Ye Chen didn't stop her.

Concubine Yang took one bite, and couldn't stop chopsticks at all.

This was really the most beautiful food she had eaten, and it was made of lychees.

Seeing Ai Concubine eating so happy, Li Longji also took a bite with his chopsticks.

The fish meat accompanies the soup entrance directly to the taste buds.

"Miao Zai, Miao Zai, this is really delicious in the world." Li Longji smiled and praised.

Seeing Concubine Yang eating so happy, he just took a bite.

You must know that she hasn't eaten for many days, and she has even lost weight.

Now it happens to be a good supplement.

"Your Majesty, this fish is really delicious." Concubine Yang said with a smile.

At this moment, looking at the box, only the fishbone is left.

In fact, while Concubine Yang was eating, the maids and guards were all swallowing.

The smell of this one is too fragrant, and the fragrance is constantly piercing into their nostrils.

Watching Concubine Yang eat, they can only watch from the side, which is simply a torture to them.

"I will reward you heavily, a thousand taels of gold and a hundred acres of fertile land." Li Longji said with a smile.

He is not interested in Golden Yechen, but this one hundred acres of fertile land is okay.

Just as he was thinking about it, Concubine Yang said with a smile: "I have a reward, too."

Ye Chen thought about what this imperial concubine could reward him.

Perhaps seeing the doubts on Ye Chen's face, Yang Guifei smiled and said, "I want to reward you with a face pill, he has the effect of beautifying and beautifying your face."

Although Ye Chen wasn't very interested in this reward, after all, it was given for nothing.

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in Ye Chen's mind.

[Your takeaway has been delivered, and the wormhole will open in three minutes. Please find a place with no one to return to the real world. 】

Ye Chen said: "The emperor, mother, I have things to leave. I hope we will see you next time."

Having said that, Ye Chen knows that it is too difficult to see again. The system matches customers at will. Whom will he meet next time?

Seeing Ye Chen leaving the palace riding that unknown thing, Li Longji and others still looked dumbfounded.

This time, Ye Chen met the real emperor, and this personal experience was different from what he saw on TV.

Li Longji in front of him has the demeanor of an emperor, giving people a feeling of no anger and prestige.

Ye Chen rode an electric car to an unmanned alley.

The wormhole opened, and Ye Chen went straight through.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen returned to the real world through the wormhole, but fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise it would definitely be scary.

He walked toward the audience vip seat again, and got to Song Xiaoxiao's side.

At this time, the annual meeting is nearing its end.

When the scene was over, the organizer and director hurriedly came to Ye Chen and stopped him.

"Something?" Ye Chen asked.

"Boss Ye, we apologize to you again for what just happened."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Song Xiaoxiao asked with a look of confusion.

"Why are you so polite to Ye Chen."

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