Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:57 PM

Chapter 1125: 1125

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Because the girlfriends around him all looked at Ye Chen, the boys were also very angry.

"Ye Chen, you have to be careful." Song Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't understand the meaning of this sentence and still walked forward.

This was when he realized that not only the girl in the store looked at him with admiration, but the boy in the store also looked at him, but that look was angry.

As if fire was in his eyes, he wanted to kill him.

Ye Chen thought to himself that these people are all sick, they didn't know each other before, so why look at him with such a look.

Did he kill their father or their mother, as for such a look of deep hatred?

Ye Chen ignored it at all, but continued to move forward with Song Xiaoxiao.

Under the leadership of Song Xiaoxiao, they came to the front of a doll-grabbing cabinet.

There is Monkey in the cabinet, which looks very cute.

"Do you like this?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the girl.

"Yeah, I really like Monqiqi, you see how cute they are." Song Xiaoxiao looked at Monqiqi inside, and his saliva was almost flowing down.

"Okay, wait for me here." Ye Chen walked towards the coin sales counter after finishing talking.

The waitress was also moved when she saw Ye Chen coming from a distance.

"This little brother is so handsome, he really likes him."

She hurriedly tidyed up her clothes and hair, then took a secret photo with her mobile phone, feeling that everything was ok.

The waitress stood up straight, deliberately, to show off her proud curve.

Then with a smile, he looked at the little handsome boy who came by Chao himself.

As Ye Chen got closer and closer, her heart fluttered, as if there were seven or eight fawns bumping into each other.

The waitress kept smiling like this until Ye Chen came in front of her.

"Sir, hello, can I help you?" the female service asked with a smile.

Her voice is as nice as a lark.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I want to buy coins."

"Okay sir, how many do you want? We have activities in the store now. Top up 100 get 20, top up 200 get 100, top up 500 get 100, top up 1000 get 300, do you want to top up?" The waitress asked. Introduced with a smile.

He didn't need to recharge at all. Ye Chen wanted to interrupt the girl, but he couldn't bear to see the girl introduced so enthusiastically.

After listening patiently, Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "It's not necessary to recharge. I want to ask you how many coins do you need for a grab?"

"It takes 3 coins to catch in our shop." The waitress said with a smile.

"Well, you can give me three, how much?" Ye Chen asked.

The waitress thought she had heard it wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Sir, are you sure you only need three coins?"

"Yes, it's three, how much is it." Ye Chen said as he opened the payment code of the mobile phone.

"Two yuan per coin, six yuan in total," the waitress replied.

After Ye Chen scanned the code, the female service was stunned.

She has worked here for so many years, and it is the first time that she has met people who buy so few coins.

Looking at Ye Chen's dress and appearance, he looked like a rich man, but why would he only buy three coins?

You know this can only be caught once, is it possible that he is a master at catching dolls.

The waitress followed Ye Chen with curiosity.

"Ye Chen, how many coins did you buy?" Song Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Generally speaking, people who catch dolls here will buy a lot of coins, either in bags or in small baskets.

But Ye Chen didn't take anything.

He smiled and said, "I bought three coins."

Ye Chen opened his hand as he said.

Sure enough, Ye Chen only had three coins in his hand. Song Xiaoxiao asked with an awkward expression: "Ye Chen, you really bought three coins."

"So, three are enough." Ye Chen said indifferently.

This sentence caused dissatisfaction with people around, of course, these people are also boys.

"This brother is making fun of him, he wants to catch the doll with three coins."

"I really thought I was a master at catching dolls."

"Let's see how embarrassing he is."

"Yeah, I will definitely slap myself in the face."

Hearing that, Song Xiaoxiao's expression was a bit ugly, even if Ye Chen couldn't catch the baby, why did these people say that to him? If you know Ye Chen is her man, how could he allow others to say that to him.

Song Xiaoxiao was about to refute, but was held back by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen and Ye Chen didn't pay attention to those people's words, he was going to use his strength to slap these people in the face.

He put the coins in one by one, and then casually controlled the handle.

At this moment Ye Chen stopped and pressed the red button.

Seeing Ye Chen's behavior, laughter sounded around him.

"Hahaha, this face slap is too fast, right."

"His position is wrong, how could he scratch the baby."

"I really used myself as a master at catching dolls. In fact, I am a rookie."

"At this level, dare to brag here, it's laughing at me."

As the Zhazi fell, the shop instantly became silent.

"Wow, Ye Chen, you are great."

Seeing Ye Chen grabbed the baby, even the eyes of the man and the woman were wide.

You must know that they have just spent a lot of effort and failed to catch this doll, and all the coins they put in are wasted like this.

But Ye Chen used only three coins to easily catch the doll that everyone could not catch.

"Come on, here you are." Ye Chen smiled and handed the doll to the girl beside him.

Song Xiaoxiao excitedly took the baby from Ye Chen's hand.

You must know this doll, but she has been thinking about it for a long time.

Song Xiaoxiao had been to this store alone several times before, and tried to catch the doll but failed.

This time she brought Ye Chen and didn't have much hope, but Ye Chen gave her a big surprise.

When the waiter on the side saw it, his face also showed a surprised expression. This man was really extraordinary.

Those girls looked at Ye Chen with more admiration in their eyes.

At this time, a boy with a flat head suddenly said: "What's wrong with this, but he is lucky. We have had so many people grabbing the doll on this machine before, and it happened that he met him. There is nothing to do. It's worth showing off."

Upon hearing the boy's words, the waitress also nodded.

What he said is really good. One feature of the claw machine is that when the coin is thrown to a certain level, the next person will definitely be able to catch it.

She also saw a lot of people surrounded by this machine just now, but she didn't catch the baby. Ye Chen should be the lucky person, who happened to catch up.

When Song Xiaoxiao heard the words, he stared at the flat-headed man who was talking, who had been targeting Ye Chen just now.

But there was no feast for the two of them.

Ye Chen ignored the man’s words, but looked at Song Xiaoxiao and asked, “I’ll catch which doll you still want.”

"I am still eleven short of the dolls in this series." Song Xiaoxiao said embarrassedly.

But Ye Chen's next words shocked everyone again.

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