Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:50 PM

Chapter 1129: 1129

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Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao walked out of the claw machine shop in the envy of everyone.

It was almost ten o'clock and two people came to the parking lot.

By the time Song Xiaoxiao was sitting in the passenger seat, Ye Chen had already started the car.

"Xiaoxiao, I'll take you home." Ye Chen said.

"Okay." Song Xiaoxiao nodded.

This time she didn't refuse, but rather agreed.

The car drove towards Song Xiaoxiao's home, and suddenly Song Xiaoxiao said, "Ye Chen, why are you showing mercy everywhere?"


At this moment, Ye Chen was inquired about.

Seeing that Ye Chen did not speak, Song Xiaoxiao continued: "You even hooked up with the waitress."

"Hook up? What are you talking about."

Ye Chen said aggrieved: "Xiaoxiao, what do you mean by that? Where did I hook up with the waitress."

In fact, Song Xiaoxiao knew that Ye Chen had been wronged, but saw the waitress named Zhao Ziwei looking at Ye Chen with that kind of admiration.

She feels uncomfortable, after all, no one likes so many rivals around her.

And Zhao Ziwei is also pretty good, it's hard to guarantee that Ye Chen won't be tempted by her.

"You still said no, take the initiative to tell the person's name and leave the contact information, but is it just to contact her?" Song Xiaoxiao said with a small mouth.

But this was only Song Xiaoxiao's guess, Ye Chen didn't take this matter seriously at all.

Hearing this, Ye Chen felt helpless, but he didn't want to explain too much.

Because this kind of thing is always getting darker and darker, it's over without saying anything.

Seeing Ye Chen's silence, Song Xiaoxiao didn't say any more.

Along the way, the two people were silent, and the atmosphere in the car was a bit awkward.

Ye Chen turned on the music, which relieved a bit.

Soon the car came to the door of Song Xiaoxiao's house, and Ye Chen stopped the car.

"Xiaoxiao, here it is." Ye Chen said softly.

Song Xiaoxiao opened the door and got out of the car, without even saying a word to Ye Chen.

She is still in anger now, she can't say it clearly, and she can't coax it well.

"Xiaoxiao, go home and lock the door, go to bed early." Ye Chen said concerned.

Seeing the lights of Song Xiaoxiao's house turned on, Ye Chen drove away.

A woman is really a troublesome animal, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a headache in his heart.

It is for this reason that there are only a few girls around him.

Ye Chen attracted countless girls with his handsome appearance, but Ye Chen had no contact with them, just to save a lot of trouble.

He has enough headaches with these women, and he really won't live if there are more.

After leaving Song Xiaoxiao's house, Ye Chen also drove home.

Feeling a little tired today, I went home and took a shower and slept in bed.

He just felt a little sleepy when suddenly the phone rang.

After a glance, it turned out to be a strange number. Ye Chen didn't want to pick it up.

But the bewildered hand accidentally touched the answer button.

A man's voice came on the other end of the phone: "Let me just say it, this girl and the one named Ye Chen are in the same group."

Ye Chen could hear the voice of the man on the opposite side as that of a flat-headed man.

At this time, Ye Chen's heart slammed, and a bad premonition struck.

At this moment, his sleepiness is totally absent.

"No, we don't know him at all. It's useless for you to threaten him with me. He won't come. Just die. Even if you wait until tomorrow, you won't be able to wait."

The girl shouted.

Ye Chen knew that the girl was Zhao Ziwei, the waitress in the claw machine shop.

Did the girl encounter danger, Ye Chen thought in his heart.

Ye Chen hurriedly asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, but our elder brother wants to chat with you." said another man on the phone.

"You know it's illegal to do this?" Ye Chen said tentatively.

Seeing that the flat-headed man is not too old, he might be able to release Zhao Ziwei once he was frightened.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't want this girl to be harmed, come to the old warehouse on the side of Pudong Road immediately." The man said again.

Ye Chen's trick didn't work, it seemed that he had to fight with them before he could rescue the girl.

Hearing Ye Chen didn't speak, the other end of the phone said again: "Boy, are you afraid to come? Tell you it's better not to be scornful. If you know you have called the police, just wait for the girl to collect the body."

"We only give you half an hour. If we don't see you, maybe we will do something crazy."

After speaking, the other end of the phone hung up.

When calling, the girl was always listening, her heart was contradictory.

On the one hand, I hope that Ye Chen can come to prove that she has a certain position in his heart; on the other hand, I hope that Ye Chen will not come.

When the phone hung up, the flat-headed man asked, "What did Ye Chen say on the phone?"

"He didn't say anything." A yellow hair said.

"Did we catch the wrong person? This girl and the one named Ye Chen are not familiar at all." said another short man.

At this time, Zhao Ziwei yelled: "You should die of this mind. How did Ye Chen and I know each other at all? How could he let an unknown person be in danger? You are waiting here. Bar."

"Smelly girl, close your mouth, you will look good in a while." The flat-headed man shouted angrily.

"Hmph, you are simply not men, you have finished this kind of secret trick." Zhao Ziwei said while waiting for the man.

Her words, but attracted the interest of those people.

"Little girl, since half an hour has passed, that is because your little man did not come, we will let you verify one by one whether we are men or not." The short man smirked with Zhao Ziwei's chin in his hand. .

At this moment, he looked at Zhao Ziwei with animalism in his eyes, as if a wolf had seen its prey.

"Remove your dirty hands, I won't let you touch even if I die." Zhao Ziwei struggled.

"How could I be willing to let you die? I must enjoy you. If I let you die, wouldn't it be a bit violent." The short man continued.

"You are simply bastards, beasts are inferior." Zhao Ziwei shouted.

After hearing this, the flat-headed man showed an unhappy look on his face.

"Don't you hurry up and plug this girl's mouth for me, if he draws people passing by, we will be in trouble."

He looked at the short man and ordered.

Zhao Ziwei looks really attractive, but what he cares most is to find Ye Chen to avenge Yixue's shame in the claw machine shop.

For this girl, he is not very interested.

The short man sealed the girl's mouth with transparent tape as instructed.

"Little beauty, please bear with me first, and I will let you go in a while." The short man said distressedly.

Zhao Ziwei's beautiful eyes glared at the ugly man in front of him, only to feel sick.

Time passed like this one minute after another, but Ye Chen still didn't see Ye Chen's figure. 03

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